Online ISSN : 1884-3646
Print ISSN : 0030-2813
ISSN-L : 0030-2813
15 巻, 1 号
  • ―言語機能の回復過程―
    永渕 正昭, 中村 正三, 板原 克哉
    1974 年 15 巻 1 号 p. 1-9
    発行日: 1974/02/28
    公開日: 2010/06/22
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this paper is to report the recovery process of the aphasia in 55-year-old male with the occlusion of the left middle artery.
    At the episode, his chief complaint was an inability to express himself by means of oral speech and hand-writing, although he could understand simple spoken words. This aphasia was diagnosed as the dominantly expressive type.
    Neurological examination, including EEG and angigraphy, revealed the brain damage in both cortical and subcortical regions at the left frontal, central and temporal areas.
    Pure tone audiogram was almost normal. In the early stage speech discrimination score showed a slight impairment which recovered to normal range within 40 days. Dichotic listening test was poor and it showed the left ear dominance in 90 days.
    Auditory and visual comprehension was slightly impaired at first, but he had little trouble in understanding daily life conversation. As for writing, he made many mistakes in copy-writing and dictation. It improved within 60 days.
    Verbal apraxia was pronounced and voluntary speech was most severely impaired. These disturbances were diminished gradually within 90 days except for word finding difficulty.
  • 豊田 文一
    1974 年 15 巻 1 号 p. 10-12
    発行日: 1974/02/28
    公開日: 2010/06/22
    ジャーナル フリー