It is well known that children with delayed speech and language development have a delay in articulatory acquisition. The delay in articulatory acquisition becomes apparent in the course of speech and language development.
It was found that 15 children who had delayed speech and language development (A group) in 78 children with functional articulatory disorder. The following conclusions were drawn from this study concerned with their articulatory improvement.
(1) The articulatory improvement of A group differs from that of children who had no delay in speech or language development (B group) .
(2) Three articulatory characteristics were found in A group subjects. First, they make errors effected by preceding and following phonemes. Second, they frequently make errors in articulation of words even if they articulate each syllable independently. Third, they are slow in acquisition of fricative manner.
(3) A group is significantly inferior to B group in the subtests of tapping, articulatory organ movement, period of straw blowing, diadocokinesis of /pΛ/ /tΛ/ /kΛ/, auditory memory span and vocabulary.
(4) It is possible that the prognosis of A group subjects are predicted by a battery of tests including individual intelligence tests, tapping, articulatory organ movement, diadocokinesis of one syllable.
(5) It is advisable to distinguish A group from other functional articulatory disorder during clinical treatment.