Online ISSN : 1349-0990
Print ISSN : 0011-1848
ISSN-L : 0011-1848
41 巻, 1 号
  • 李 鍾薫
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 1-14
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    本研究は韓国の南部に位置している嶺南作物試験場で行なつた. 南部の代表的水稲中・晩生3品種を用いて栽培時期を移動し, 地上部諸形質におよぼす根の生理生態的影響を気象要因と関連せしめ検討したところ次の結果が得られた. 1. 栽培時期の移動により収量生産期(出穂前10日より出穂後30日までの40日間)の気象要因に大きく影響をうけ, 日平均気温24.6℃で最大収量がえられ, これより高・低温になるにしたがつて低下傾向を示し, 両者の間にはつぎのような抛物線を求めることができた. y/s=1.2955-0.0434(t-24.6018)2 2. 最高分蘖期の茎数の多少は上位根重および上位根の α-ナフチルアミン酸化量と密接な正の相関が認められた. 3. 全根重および根の α-ナフチルアミン酸化量を幼穂形成期・出穂期, および乳熟期に測定した結果, 早植栽培(高温)ではそれらの低下が顕著であり普通期栽培では緩慢であつた. 4. 穂当り籾数の多少は幼穂形成期から出穂期までの根重および根の α-ナフチルアミン酸化量の減少程度と負の相関があり, 第3要素根の太さとは正の相関が認められた. 5. 葉身の枯葉率(枯れ上がり)の多少は幼穂形成期から出穂期までの根重および根の α-ナフチルアミン酸化量の減少程度と正の相関があり, また枯葉率は第3要素根の太さと負の相関が認められた. 6. 幼穂形成期から出穂期までの根重および根の α-ナフチルアミン酸化量の低下程度と収量との関係を見たところ, それらの低下程度が小さい普通栽培で高く, それらの低下程度が大きい早植栽培で低かつた. 以上, 籾数・枯葉率・収量などの地上部形質は特定期間の根の形態および機能と密接な関係があり, 収量生産期間の平均気温が24.6℃の普通期栽培(出穂期8月25~8月30日)において根の活力は高く維持され, 籾数が多く下葉の枯れ上がりも少なく収量は最大であつた.
  • 坂 斉, 前田 英三
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 15-21
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Effects of several substances on the callus growth induced by gibberellic acid (GA3) were studied with yeast extract (YE), casein hydrolysate (CH), kinetin, single amino acids and the mixture of amino acids in rice varieties, Tan ginbozu, Waisei shinriki, Aichi asahi and Te-Tep using Maeda's medium. An effect of CH on the kinetin activities to organ formation was also investigated in callus tissue, var. Aichi asahi. (1) A chemically defined medium did not reveal the GA3 response, that is a remarkable growth promoting phenomenon in callus tissues by the interaction of 2, 4-dichrolophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) and GA3 in the YE containing medium. Also, the effect of kinetin on the shoot formation in Aichi asahi callus tissue disappeared in the chemically defined medium. (2) In the chemically defined medium, the GA3 response on the growth of Tan ginbozu callus tissue was neither appeared by increasing of GA3 concentrations, nor by application of kinetin. Any GA3 response was not appeared by application of single amino acids, i. e. L-arginine, proline, glycine and DL-methionine. Both of L-lysine and L-threonine indicated slightly the GA3 response. (3) When YE and CH were added in the chemically defind medium, the GA3 response was induced in Tan ginbozu callus tissues. Moreover, when the mixture of amino acids prepared as same proportion as Bacto-Yeast Extract was added, the response appeared conspicuously. In Aichi asahi callus tissue cultured in CH medium, kinetin had a promoting effect on shoot formation but GA3 revealed an inhibitive effect strikingly. Above mentioned results indicate that a mixture of many amino acids is required for the GA3 response on the growth or the activities of kinetin on organ formation as a complementary factor in rice callus tissues. Therefore it is assumed that the callus growth and shoot formation are closely connected with the amino acid metabolism in the callus tissues.
  • 石井 滋規
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 22-26
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    水稲の形態形成, とくに背地的節間伸長と発根の促進に及ぼす重力の影響を明らかにするために, 主軸を水平にして与えた放射性オーキシン(IAA-14C)が茎の中位部に未代謝の状態で含まれている量を測定した. すなわち, 前報5)で述べた茎の中位部のエタノール抽出液からぺーパークロマトグラフィーによつて未代謝のIAA-14Cを分別し, 液体シンチレーションカウンタを用いてその放射能を計測した. 水平茎の上下両半側における未代謝IAA-14C の分布比は3時間のソース供与終了時には 40:60, その3時間後には 32:68 となり, 時間が経過するにつれて茎の下側に分布するオーギシンが増加する傾向を認めた. しかし, 直立茎ではいずれの場合にも左右両半側にほぼ等量のIAA-14Cが分布していた. ソース供与終了後3時間たつたときには, 茎中位部に含まれる未代謝IAA-14Cの濃度を平均すると, 直立茎よりも水平茎が若干優り, 水平茎の中位部で背地的節間伸長と発根が促進される現象にこれら二つのことが関与しているのではないかと示唆された.
  • 茶村 修吾, 川瀬 金次郎, 横山 栄造, 本多 康邦
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 27-31
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The palatability of paddy rice produced in various types of soil was found to be in parallel with the stickiness of cooked rice. 2. Alluvial soil, diluvial soil and tertiary soil produced palatable rice, while rice produced on black volcano ash soil or peat soil, was found to be inferior in taste in sensory evaluation. 3. It is suggeted that palatability of rice varies according to the varieties of paddy rice even when they are cultivated on the same type of soil. And also it is suggested that lodging reduce the palatability of paddy rice even when it is cultivated on good soil. 4. The soil rich in humus, in total nitrogen, in clay, with large effect of the liberation of ammonia by raising soil temperature at wet condition especially in the deeper soil than I layer and with high cation-exchange capacity, produced rice of poor palatability on account of the excess nitrogen in the later stage of plant growth. 5. The rice produced on the soil high in phosphate-absorbing-index was found to be less paratable. 6. Excess nitrogen in the latter stage of growth, or lodging resulted in the reduction of thousand-kernel-weight and the ratio of paddy weight to straw, suggesting the decrease of photosynthetic capacity at ripening stage. 7. The rice rich in well developed grains was found to be palatable. For example, a variety of white belly rice to produuce large grains at normal conditions was found to taste good when many grains were white belly and a variety of small grains was also good in taste when many grains were cheched rice. The rice with many kernels abnormally low in starch content caused by damage e. g. : both small and large grain varieties with milky whitcy kernels or a small grain variety with white core rice was found to be inferier in taste.
  • 伊藤 延男
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 32-37
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    イネの減数分裂期に冷温処理をおこない, 葯の発育にともなう遊離アミノ酸の変化をしらべた. この処理により, 発育にともなう総アミノ酸の増加が抑制され, 出穂期には約40%の減少となつた. この減少は葯の乾物重, 花粉稔性および稔実歩合の減少とほぼ見あつていた. アミノ酸ではプロリンの減少が大きく, 出穂期には約80%以上の減少をみた. それに反してアスパラギンほ約50%以上の増加をみた. その他のアミノ酸は総アミノ酸の減少程度とほぼ平行して減少し, 処理による有意な変化はみられなかつた. このようにアミノ酸に差がみとめられるのは出穂前7日頃(小胞子の第2収縮および回復期)からであつた.
  • 北之園 陽徳
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 38-43
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    To reveal the interception of rainfall by the canopy of tobacco at various growth stages and know the effects of rain strikes on the quality of flue-cured tobacco, the experiments were carried out in 1966-1967 at the Hatano Tobacco Experiment Station. The variety Bright Yellow was used in this experiment. The rainfall which is caught by the tobacco canopy is redistributed as throughfall, stalk-flow and by evaporation and absorption. It is obvious that tobacco canopy gives an influence on the soil environment by changing the distribution of ground rainfall. Results obtained were as follows : 1) The shaded area by the canopy was measured quantitatively by the use of photogarph and planimeter. Methods for measureing the number and size of raindrops were done by means of photographic paper spread with developer. There was a high degree of positive correlation between the diameter of raindrop and the size of trace on the catch photographic paper. The number of raindrop counted on the shaded area of the canopy per second were 282 at moulding time, 527 at topping time. 2) The dissolution of raindrops due to the collision with leaf surface differed by the position on the leaf inclination angle of leaf, condition of surface and collision angle between drops and the leaf. The above facts were ascertained by photographing with 8mm cinema camera. A drop of water (the diameter was 4.1 mm) fell from the height of 11 m and hit the surface of the leaf was divided into many micro droplets and the diameter of the largest droplet was about 2.0 mm. 3) The interception was found to increase directly with the growth of vegetative cover and the distribution of ground rainfall was influenced by the character of vegetative growth. The amount of water attached to the leaf after rainfall was about 50 g per plant at budding stage and this water was absorbed by the leaf or evaporated into the atmosphere after about 50 minutes. 4) It was found that the amount of water ran down along the tobacco stalks was relatively smaller than those reached to the ground directly through the gaps in the canopy or dripped from leaves. About one third of the water attached to the leaf flowed down from the tip and about two third from the basal part of the leaf. At the budding time the water dropped on the surface of row to the distance of 30 cm and at the topping time to the distance of 40 cm from the plant. 5) The content of petroleum ether extract reduced by excessive rainfall or by irrigation as reported by Darkis et al. Thus the excessive rainfall gives an inferior effect on the leaf quality of flue-cured tobacco.
  • 平 宏和, 平 春枝
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 44-50
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper on protein content of lowland non-glutinous brown rice, it was shown that the values of 5 samples in 1968 and 2 samples in 1969 from Hokkaido were higher than the average values of 250 samples in 1968 and 97 samples in 1969 from all over the country. In order to know the protein level of lowland non-glutinous brown rice from Hokkaido, 925 samples of 51 varieties (grade No.2: 26 samples, grade No.3: 266 samples, grade No.4: 447 samples and grade No.5: 186 samples) in 1970 were collected and investigated. The ranges of the protein content of grade No.2-5 on dry weight basis were 8.15-10.55, 7.59-11.82, 7.28-11.45 and 7.28-12.17%, respectively. The average values on grade No.2-5 were 9.50, 9.25, 9.32 and 9.52%, respectively. The protein value from Hokkaido is significantly higher, from a statistical standpoint, than that from all over the country in 1968, 1969 and 1970 with regard to the same grade brown rice. On the other hand, it was indicated that the variety and the producing district had an effect upon the protein value.
  • 菅 洋
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 51-56
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    播種後, 長日下で50, 60, 70および100日間育てた感光性品種「瑞豊」にGA3またはGA7を1個体当り1Oμgずつ, 地上約10cmの葉鞘部にガスクロマト用のマイクロシリンジを用い注入処理したのち, 異なつた回数の花成誘導処理(9時間明期+15時間暗期)を与えた. 誘導処理開始30日目にフロラル・ステージを決定した. その結果, エージ60日(播種後日数)のものでは, 無処理は6回の誘導処理を与えないと幼穂が分化しないが, GA3処理すると4回で幼穂が分化した. また誘導処理を6回与えたものではGA処理により, 花芽発育が著しく促進された. しかしGA7はGA3よりも効果が劣つた, エージ40日および70日のものでも同じような傾向のGA促進効果がみとめられた. しかし, エージがさらに進むと(100日)GAの促進効果は減少した. GA3は花成刺激の移動速度には影響しなかつた. エージ60日のものにGA処理し, 処理10日目に体内のGAを抽出してその稲体内におけるGAの持続性をしらべたところ, GA3は最初与えた量の0.5%, またGA7は0.07%しか検出されなかつたので, 稲体内では, かなり不安定であり, 早く代謝されるもののようである. 与えたGAが直接作用するのか, または, 内生GA生成のひきがねの役目をするのか確定的ではないがバイオアッセイの結果は, そのまま作用している可能性を示唆している. GA7は稲の伸長に対する作用自体もGA3より低いが, より早く代謝されることも, GA3より花成に効果の少ない原因の1つであろう. 検出された内生GAはバイオアッセイの結果から推論するとジバン環のC-2位に水酸基を欠くGAである.
  • 石井 龍一, 角田 公正, 町田 寛康
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 57-62
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Growth compensation between neighbouring hills consisting of different number of seedlings was studied in relation to degree of nonuniformity and planting density. According to the result obtained, the rate of growtht compensation increases with increase of density and degree of nonuniformity. Growth compensation is thought to be caused by interaction or competition between neighbouring hills or among individual plants. So, in order to express quantity of competition, competition index was tried. In this trial, total competition among individual plants is sum of competition within hill (intra-hill competition) and between neighbouring hills (inter-hill competition). The method of calculation of competition index is as follows. log+/+ = 1o9 7#+/77+1o9- +/Q/-here I(n) is dry weight of the isolated hill whose number of seedlings is n, P(n) is dry weight of the hill whose number of seedlings is n in population. According to this equation, competition index was calculated about populations which had different planting densities. The intra-hill competition index increases with increase of the number of seedlings of a hill. The inter-hill competition index increases with increase of plant density. In the distance between hills below 24 cm, inter-hill competition index exceeds intra-hill competition index. Reversely, in the distance between hills above 36 cm, intra-hill competition index exceeds inter-hill competition index. So, the converting point of intra- and inter-hill competition is in the distance between 24 cm and 36 cm.
  • 星野 正生, 大泉 久一, 大久保 忠旦
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 63-67
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to clarify the effect of removal of the growing point of the main stem, lateral buds, and the defoliation of the leaves expect the 14C-fed leaf on the translocation of 14C-assimilates, the following two experiments were conducted, Experiment 1 : plants were given the treatment of 1) control, 2) removal of the growing point of main stem, 3) defoliation expect 14C-fed leaf, 4) combination of removal of the growing point and defoliation of leaves, 5) removal of growing point, lateral buds and defoliation. Two days after these treatments, 14CO2 was fed to the 5th leaf from the growing point for 1 hr. Three days after 14CO2 assimilation, plants were harvested and cunting of 14C and radioautographs were made. Experiment 2 : 14CO2 was fed to the leaves of different ages i. e. leaf No. 1, 3 and 6 from growing point, and the effect of defoliation of the leaves except the 14C-fed leaf on the translocation of assimilates was studied. Results of these experiments were as follows: 1) When the growing point of main stem was removed, appical dominance in the distribution of assimilates disappeared and 14C was distributed to the stolon and lateral buds near 14C-fed leaf. 2) Defoliation of the leaves except the 14C-fed lead influenced the translocation and distribution of the assimilates. When all the leaves except 14C-fed leaf was defoliated, 14C was translocated and accumulated intensely, without regard to age of 14C-fed leaf into the growing point of the main stolon, emphatically showing the appical dominance of distribution. 3) When all the leaves were defoliated except one of the younger leaf, 14C-assimilates by the young leaf was distributed more widely to the older part of the plant compared with those of control plants.
  • 井之上 準
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 68-72
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this study, effect of high temperature treatment of seeds before sowing on the emergence in paddy rice seedlings were examined. Materials were two paddy rice varieties "Koshijiwase" and "Hoyoku" in japonica type, and cultural temperature was about 20°C. Seeding-depth were 5 and 7cm, and soil moisture content was about 19 per cent (pF value was about 3). The following results were obtained. 1. High temperature treatment of seeds before sowing promoted the emergence in rice seedlings. The promotion was more obvious under the conditions of 5 cm or more depth of seeding and compacted covering soil. 2. The most effective high temperature treatment of seeds before sowing was as follows. (i) Moisture content in seeds before the high temperature treatment; 24-27 per cent. (ii) Volume of vessel in which contains seeds during the high temperature treaument; 4-40 times larger than the volume of seeds. (iii) High temperature treatment; 4-8 days at 40-44°C.
  • 井之上 準, 日比 克彦
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 73-77
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Using thirty-four varieties of paddy rice in japonica type, effect of high temperature treatment of seeds (40°C for 10 days) before sowing on the mesocotyl elongation was examined at the cultural temperatures of 20 and 25°C in darkness. The following results were obtained. 1. Mesocotyl elongation was stimulated in the all varieties by the high temperature treatment of seeds before sowing at the both cultural temperatures. The stimulation ratio of treated mesocotyl to control one was from 6 to 31 at 20°C and from 6 to 55 at 25°C. 2. At 20°C, number of parencyma cells per one cell layer in longitudinal sections of treated mesocotyls was from 5 to 12 times that of control ones, On the other hand, parenchyma cell length of the former was from 0.8 to 1.6 times that of the latter. Moreover, parenchyma cell width was almost all the same in treated and control plants. 3. Coleoptile elongation was stimulated also in the all varieties by the high temperature treatment of seeds before sowing at 20°C. At 25°C, coleoptile elongation of one variety was inhibited slightly by the high temperature pre-treatment, while coleoptile elongation of thirty-three varieties were stimulated. In these thirty-three varieties, the stimulation ratio of treated coleoptile to control one was from 1.1 to 1.8. 4. Partial correlations were obtained between mesocotyl length in treated plants and mesocotyl length (r=0.518) or the number of parenchyma cells per one cell layer in longitudinal sections of the mesocotyl (r=0.543) in control plants at 20°C. 5. No positive correlations between mesocotyl length in treated plants and culm length (r=0.026 at 20°C, r=0.216 at 25°C) or the number of days from sowing to heading (r=0.199 at 20°C, r=0.188 at 25°C) were obtained.
  • 安達 京子, 井之上 準
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 78-82
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    感温性の非常に高い水稲農林11号および農林15号を用いて, 花芽分化におよぼす日長と光の強さおよび培地の影響について実験した. 実験はすべてガラス管瓶を用い無菌培養法で行なわれた. 1. 自然光下20℃および25℃では, 培地の糖濃度の高低にかかわらず長日区(連続光), 短日区(8時間日長)ともに同じ節位で花芽が分化した. ところが, 30℃では糖3%および5%で短日区が長日区より, 一方, 15℃では糖0%, 1%, 3%で長日区が短日区より低節位で花芽が分化した. 2. 培地の組成のいかんにかかわらず, 照度が低下するにつれて花芽分化は阻害された. この実験の範囲内では, 感温性の高いイネの花芽分化にとつては900 luxがほぼ限界照度と考えられる.
  • 一戸 貞光, 阿部 二朗, 安藤 文桜
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 83-88
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The amount of the manure production was influenced by that of the litter application. When applied 5 kg of litter a day, farmyard manure was produced 7.6 t per cow per year (20 kg per day). On the contrary, one cow produced only 4.0 t a year (11 kg per day) as applied 1 kg of litter. 2. The total labour requirement for the manure production and application to the field was 250 man-hours/year in the general system. But in the gulle system, only 14 man-hours was required i.e. about 5% of the general system.
  • 一戸 貞光, 阿部 二朗
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 89-92
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Introducing the gulle system as the effluent disposal system into the experiment farm, authors studied for two years its effect on the yield of the Italian ryegrass (October/1965-June/1966, October/1966-June/1967), and on that of the Rhodes grass (June/1966-October/1966, June/1967-October/1967) which were sown on the same field alternatingly. 2. The excreta of two milch cows were applied to the field of 10a. Nitrogen amount applied to the Italian ryegrass and to the Rhodes grass were estimated as 51 kg/10 a, respectively. The artificial fertilizer was applied only to the Italian ryegrass as the basal dressing. 3. The yield of the Italian ryegrass was 0.9-1.3 t/10 a in the dry weight, and that of the Rhodes grass was 0.8 t/10 a in the dry weight, that is, total yield of both grasses was 1.8-2.1 t/10a/year in the dry weight or 16 t in the flesh weight. Such result shows that the gulle as a grassland fertilizer can be used in place of the artificial one.
  • 石原 邦, 佐合 隆一, 小倉 忠治, 牛島 忠広, 田崎 忠良
    1972 年 41 巻 1 号 p. 93-101
    発行日: 1972/03/28
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In a previous report9) it was made clear that the stomata of leaf blade of rice plants closed to a considerable extent in fine days due to the unbalance of water economy in plant even when they grew in submerged paddy field with negligible influence of water potential surrounding the roots. For this time an investigation was undertaken to clarify the relation between stomatal aperture and photosynthetic rate of intact leaves outdoors under natural daylight with concomitant measurement of stomatal aperture by infiltration method. At first, the method to pursue the relation above mentioned was established by measuring the variation of photosynthetic rate of leaf blades from the beginning of measurement 1) in leaf blades with open stomata by the pretreatment of wrapping with polyethylene bags in light condition, 2) in ones with no pretreatment and 3) in ones with closed stomata by dark pretreatment. High correlation was, indeed, found between stomatal apetrture and photosythetic rate, the wider the former, the larger the latter. This relationship was not affected by the different stage of development or by leaf age. The photosynthetic activity of flag leaf, especially with small stomatal aperture, was larger than other leaves in equal stomatal aperture. In low light intensity, the photosynthetic rate stopped to increase above definite stomatal aperture, and the photosynthetic rate in equal stomatal aperture was smaller in leaf blades with lower nitrogen content than in ones with higher one, this difference becoming prominent in wider stomatal opening. From the results above mentioned it was suggested that the photosynthetic rate of rice plants grown in submerged paddy field was highly affected by stomatal aperture, reinforced by high light intensity and high nitrogen content of leaves.