Online ISSN : 1349-0990
Print ISSN : 0011-1848
ISSN-L : 0011-1848
46 巻, 1 号
  • 讃井 蕃, 中山 正義, 太田 保夫
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 1-7
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This investigation was conducted on rice seedlings to elucidate the plant growth-regulating properties of nicotinamide which was isolated from rice hulls. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Effects of nicotinamide on growth of rice seedlings, ability of preventing chlorophyll degradation in leaf tissue of rice plant and germination ability were greater than those of nicotinic acid. 2. The root growth of rice was promoted by seed soaking treatment with nicotinamide. 3. The top and root growth of rice were accelerated by pre-transplanting root soaking treatment with nicotinamide, and the root fresh weight was increased remarkably. 4. Soil treatment with nicotinamide and nicotinamide with hydroxy isoxazole immediately after sowing of rice seeds in the seedling beds markedly enhanced the rooting ability and root activity (oxidizing or reducing activity of roots) and the increasing rates of geotropic curvature response of rice seedlings. 5. The growth promoting activity with nicotinamide was particularly shown after the fifth leaf position of rice.
  • 讃井 蕃, 太田 保夫
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 8-13
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper reports the results of the studies on the effects of nicotinamide which was isolated from rice hulls on the growth of several crops. 1. Soil treatments with nicotinamide at an effective concentration markedly improved the growth of crops, namely lettuce, radish, tomato, soybean, and red bean plants were accelerated at O.1 to 1 ppm, green pepper, egg plant, and cucumber plants were accelerated at 1OO ppm nicotinamide. 2. The leaf area of lettuce and green pepper plants were increased by nicotinamide. 3. The growth promoting effects with the application of nicotinamide at sowing time were particularly shown after the fifth leaf stage in egg plant and green pepper plants.
  • 井之上 準, 田中丸 重美
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 14-18
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This investigation was conducted to make clear the effects of compaction of covering soil on the strength of plumule-elongation and the seedling emergence in some cereals. The materials used were as shown in table 1. (1) In all the cereals used in this experiment, the strength of plumule-elongation under compacted covering-soil was stronger than that under non-compacted, irrespective of cultural temperature and plumule length (Table 2). (2) In each cereals, the area of cross section of plumule was larger in the plumule grown under compacted covering-soil than in the plumule grown under non-compacted, respectively (Table 3). Furthermore, bending strength of the former was stronger than that of the latter (Table 4). (3) Under compacted soil conditions, crops with long mesocotyl were highest in seedling emergence followed by crops with long coleoptile, and crops with short mesocotyl or short coleoptile (Figure 2).
  • 武岡 洋治, 清水 正治, 畔柳 千枝子
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 19-23
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This study was carried out with a view to inducing the development of pistil type (P-type) or leafyshoot type (L-type) proliferation in the mutant strain of rice plant grown in GA and/or NAA treated soil in summer when spikelet type (S-type) one was more frequently developed than that of the other types. It was observed that during summer time mutant rice plant treated with GA and/or NAA produced more number of P-type and L-type proliferations than the untreated ones whereas the production of S-type proliferation was decreased more than that of the untreated mutants. This meant that during summer production of P-type and L-type proliferations in the mutant rice plant would be possible through the treatment with GA and/or NAA. From the fact mentioned above, it was made obvious that GA and/or NAA, by increasing the auxin contents in the treated mutant, would counteract the influence of summer environment which was responsible for the production of S-type proliferation and would produce favourable environment within the treated mutants for the production of P-type and L-type proliferations which would have been done by winter and early spring environment only. It was also observed that the treated mutant produced more number of adventitious roots at the base of the spikelets than that found in untreated ones. The untreated mutant, producing more number of P-type proliferation and less number of stamens in the spikelets during August to December, reconfirmed the results of the previous study.
  • 川田 信一郎, 副島 増夫
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 24-36
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Accolding to the author's view, the superficial roots of rice plants develop near the surface, to a depth of up to 5 cm, beginning in the spikelet differentiation stage and extending to the full-ripe stage, but the formation of superficial roots is greatly affected by differences in water management of a paddy. The root systems used in paddy fields in this study were obtained from the University of Tokyo, the Agricultural Experiment Stations of Aomori and Fukushima prefectures, and farmers in Akita, Yamagata, Saitama, Chiba, Fukui and Saga prefectures in Japan. The systems of water management used for the paddy fields involved several techniques for flooding, midseason drainage, and intermittent irrigation. The result of observations of the superficial roots showed that primary roots growing in the fields of intermittent irrigation and midseason drainage increased in number, and the roots glowing in the fields of flooding decreased in number. Moreover, the former consisted of upper roots in the upper three shoots units, most of roots being distributed in the soil layer at the depths of (2-3) cm to (4-5) cm. The latter consisted of both upper and lower roots also appearing in the upper shoot units, most being concentrated in the soil layer at the depths ranging from (0-1) cm to (1-2) cm. It has been already shown by the authors that secondary roots on the primary roots of plants were divided into two types, i.e. thick secondary roots branched out tertiary roots and thin secondary roots branched out non-tertiary roots. In this study, it was found that the density of the formation of the thick secondary roots in the fields of intermittent irrigation and midseason drainage was also higher than that of fields of flooding. Superficial roots also showed the formation of additional lateral roots in the following ways: teriary roots in the fields of flooding, and forth roots in the fields of intermittent irrigation and midseason drainage. From the above-mentioned results, it is clear that a comparison of superficial roots formation in the fields of intermittent irrigation and midseason drainage, with that of superficial roots in the fields of flooding, the former showed more improvement than the latter.
  • 稲田 勝美
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 37-44
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    作物の光合成における分光反応曲線が葉色や栽培条件によってどの程度変化するかを明らかにするため, 緑色程度の異なる葉, 緑色葉と紫色葉, ならびに異なる光質下で発育した葉について作用, 吸収率および量子収率スペクトルを比較した. 栽培法, 植物令などの違いによって生じた緑色程度の異なる葉の比較には水稲, トウモロコシ, ダイズ, トマト, ナス, ウンシュウミカンおよびチャを用いた. 単位入射エネルギーに対する作用スペクトルの相対値は, 500~650nm の波長帯においていずれも淡緑葉の方が濃緑葉よりも低く(第2, 3図), 波長 560nm に対する 435nm の作用比と 560nm における吸収率との間には種間の場合と同様の負の相関が認められた(第4図). 緑色葉と紫色葉の比較はハボタン(緑葉に白色斑入りのある品種と暗紫葉に紅紫色斑入りのある品種)およびシソ(青ちりめんと赤ちりめんの2品種)について行った. 紫色葉では緑色葉で明らかに見られる緑色域での吸収率低下が全く認められず, この緑色域において作用ならびに量子収率が著しく低下することが明らかにされた(第5, 6図). 紫色葉の緑色域における光合成効率の低下はアントシアニンによる緑色光の選択的吸収に帰せられる. 青色, 赤色および中性(灰色)の塩ビフィルムを被覆して得た異なる光質(第1図)下で水稲を育て, 新たに伸長した葉の光合成を比較した. 作用スペクトルの相対値は 600nm 前後の波長帯で多少差が認められ, 青色区で最も高く, 中性区はこれに次ぎ, 赤色区で最も低かった. しかし, 吸収率および量子収率スペクトルには明らかな差を認め難く, 光質適応の存在を確認するには至らなかった(第7図). 以上の結果から, 光合成の分光反応曲線は葉の特性とくに葉色によって変化するが, その変化の幅は紫色葉のような特殊な色を呈する葉を除けば種間でみられる差異と同程度であると考えられる.
  • ボン グェン コック, 村田 吉男
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 45-52
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    温度に対する各種の作物の光合成, 呼吸および養分吸収を総合的に比較する目的でC3型の夏作物(2種)と冬作物(3種) およびC4型の作物(4種)を用いて水耕法で3種類の試験を行なった. 結果の概要は次の通りであった. 1. みかけの光合成の最適温度はC4型では高く 30~36℃に, C3型の冬作物では低く 18℃ 前後に, そしてC3型の夏作物では両者の中間の 24~30℃にみられた (Fig. 1). 2. 暗呼吸と温度との関係はいずれの種においても, 指数曲線で示されるが, C4型の作物の呼吸活性は全般的にC3型の作物に比べて著しく高いことが明らかになった (Fig. 2). 3. みかけの光合成と呼吸の比率 (P/R 比) はいずれの種においても温度の上昇に従って逆指数関数的に低下する. この低下はC3型では急でC4型では緩やかである (Fig. 3). 4. 3要素の吸収率と温度との関係は種により多少違うが, 一般にその最適温度は NH4-N では 24~36℃, P と K では 36~42℃ であった. C4型ではC3型に比べ K の吸収速度が著しく大きく, 温度上昇による促進も大きいことが明らかになった (Fig. 4). 以上の結果から温度に対する各種作物の光合成, 呼吸および養分吸収の反応において次のような相互関係が存在することがわかった (Fig. 5 および Fig. 6). C4型の作物とC3の冬作物の一部に NH4-N 吸収と光合成速度との間に密接な相関関係が認められた. これは従来の多くの成績と合せ考えると, 窒素吸収速度が光合成能力に限定的に働いていることを示すものと判断される. 他方, 養分吸収と呼吸速度との間にはどの作物においても極めて明らかな相関が認められた. このことは養分吸収が呼吸活性に強く依存することを示すものと考えられる.
  • 石井 龍一, 山岸 徹, 村田 吉男
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 53-57
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    液相中でのイネ葉片の光合成, 呼吸速度を酸素電極により測定する方法を, 特に葉片の大きさと光合成, 呼吸速度との関係に注目して試みた. 測定方法の概略は次の通りである. 0.5mM の CaSO4 を含む 50mM HEPES 緩衝液中に葉片を浸け, 30分間の前照射を行なった後, 終濃度 20mM の NaHCO3 および30μg/ml の Carbonic anhydrase を緩衝液に加えて光合成を開始させた. 光合成速度は緩衝液中の溶存酸素の増加速度から計算した. 呼吸速度は暗黒下における緩衝液中の溶存酸素の減少速度から計算した. 使用した酸素電極は英国の Rank Brothers 社製のものである. 結果の概要は次の通りであった. 1. 緩衝液の PH が7.2の場合に, みかけの光合成の最大活性が得られた. 2. 光合成の炭素源として NaHCO3 と KHCO3 を用いたが, 光合成速度に関してこの両者に差はなく, 20mMの濃度でみかけの光合成は飽和した. 3. みかけの光合成は 50klx の光照度で飽和した. 4. みかけの光合成は葉片を 1mm 平方に切った場合に最大の活性が得られた. これより小さく切った場合にみられる光合成速度の低下は, 切口近辺の組織の破壊によることがわかった. 5. 暗呼吸速度は光合成速度ほどには葉片の大きさに左右されず, 0.8mm 平方以上の場合にほぼ一定の値をとった. 6. 本法によって測定した光合成速度は, 赤外線ガス分析器により測定した値より低かったが, 切口近辺の組織の破壊に起因する光合成速度の低下を補正するとほぼ等しくなることがわかった. 本法によれば, 葉片による CO2 交換が主に葉片の切断面を通して行なわれると考えられ, 光合成速度に及ぼす気孔抵抗の影響を回避することができると思われる. また, 光合成, 呼吸に及ぼす促進剤や阻害剤の効果を直接的に調べることができるなど, 本法は種々の利点を持っており, 今後種々の目的に活用できる可能性を持っていると思われる.
  • 武岡 洋治
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 58-66
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    An anatomical study was carried out on the development of large vascular bundles in the internode below the neck of panicle in rice plant, and on the mode of connection by vascular bundle between primary branch and secondary one or pedicel. Initial cells of the vascular bundles initiated at approximately the same time with differentiation of spikelet primordia in young panicle, and they differentiated phloem and primary xylem vessels connecting with the node of flag leaf and primary branches. The differentiation of every vascular element nearly preceded by the rapid growth of the young panicle. From those results, it was suggested that the development of young panicle had a correlation with the histogenesis of the large vascular bundles. By tracing acropetally the large vascular bundle of primary branch, it was observed that, in contrast with phloem, one of the metaxylem-1 connected with one of the metaxyrlem-2 of secondary branch and pedicel, which were classified by KAWATA et al., into different groups each otherby their morphological differences. This indicated that metaxylem-1 changed into metaxylem-2 at the connecting position of lateral branches in the primary branch. The conclusion of this experiment agreed with the view of KAWATA et al that metaxylem-1 and metaxylem-2 were morphogenetically continuous.
  • 平 春枝, 平 宏和, 斉藤 正隆, 森 義雄, 藤盛 郁夫
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 67-74
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Investigations have been carried out to determine the influence of dry treatment after harvest on soybean seed qualities, i.e. physical property (percentages of perfect, break, wrinkled, and hard seed, weight of 1OO seeds, volume weight, and size of seed), chemical composition (protein, oil, carbohydrate, and ash content) and suitability for food processing (water absorption, germination, solid matter and protein in soaked water, protein extractability from ground seeds by hot water, increasing weight ratio by steaming, moisture content of steamed seeds, and softness and colour of steamed seeds). The samples were obtained at 2 different moisture stages (high moisture: 28-33% and low moisture: 20-21%). The high moisture non-threshed or threshed seeds were dried in natural air condition, and the high and low moisturc threshed seeds were dried in force air oven at 40°C and 60°C until the seeds moisture content became approximately 15%. On the physical properties, the more wrinkled seeds, lower volume-weight, and longer size of seed were observed in the heated-air dried seeds. However, the wrinkled seed was disappeared by soaking. On the chemical composition, the protein, oil, carbohydrate, and ash content was not affected by the heated-air drying. On the suitability for food processing, the ratio of water absorption was no change among the samples. On the other hand, remarkable reduction of the germination percentage was observed in the heated-air dried seeds, especially the high moisture seeds at harvesting. The solid matter and protein in soaked water were increased in heated-air dried seeds. The protein extractability was no change among the samples. On the steamed seeds, slight increase of the weight ratio and remarkable increase of the softness were observed in the heated-air dried seeds, and the softness remained at 30 minutes after steaming. On the color tone of the samples, differences were not observed among the color by naked eye and among the values of Y% and x, except y, by colorimeter.
  • 窪田 文武, 金子 幸司
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 75-81
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of light and air temperature on early growth of ten corn varieties grown in pots were studied. Three levels of light intensity, i.e., 100, 75 and 45% of full sunlight were provided by shading in three different seasons of the year. (Table 1). The ten varieties used in this experiment can be divided into two groups with respect to their response to light intensity (Fig. 1). In the first group, crop growth rate (CGR) increased with light intensity from 45% to 75% of sunlight beyond which there was no further increase in CGR (light-saturated type). In the second group, CGR increased almost linearly with increasing light intensity up to 1OO% of sunlight (light-unsaturated type). In light-unsaturated type, development of leaf area (LA) increased with light intensity and the highest LA was showed at 100% of sunlight, but in light-saturated type, the highest LA was showed at 75% of sunlight (Fig. 2). Net assimilation rate (NAR) increased with light intensity in both types. CGR increased exponentially with air temperature from 14°C to 22°C under full sunlight condition (Fig. 3). The relationship between individual values of CGR and mean value of CGR in four varieties was analyzed by FINLAY and WILKINSON'S adaptability index method (Fig. 6). Variety Hokuyu, one of the light-saturated group, developed and cultivated in Hokkaido, the cool region of Japan, had higher values of CGR under low air temperature and low sunlight conditions than three other varieties. Under favorable environments, however, variety Ko No. 10, one of the light-unsaturated group developed and cultivated in Kyushu, the warm region of Japan, had much higher CGR than others. Hence, it was suggested that combination of the above two characteristics, high CGR under both unfavorable and favorable environments, would be most desirable for high yielding in the cool region.
  • 川原 治之助, 松田 智明, 長南 信雄
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 82-90
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Climbing from the pedicel up into the rachilla, the vascular bundle of the rice spikelet swells in bowl-shape and subsequently piller-shape, branching off the bundles of spikelet organs (Fig. 1 and 3). In the swelling bundle of the rachilla, ramificated xylem and phloem are thrown in confusion, in which tracheids, sieve elements, parenchyma cells and thick-walled cells elaborate a formidable mosaic structure(Figs. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10). It may be supposed on this structure that, by metabolic activity of the parenchyma cells, water in the sieve elements is extracted out and exuded actively into the tracheids in order to be transpired from the lemma and palea, so that the numerous sieve elements with reduced turgor pressure pump up the sieve current from the pedicel and pump it out toward the dorsal bundle of the ovary. It the dorsal bundle, large xylem sits on the main passway of assimilates from phloem via nucellar projection into endodermis (Fig. 12 and 13), but barium chloride absorbed by the roots does not go up via the vessels of this xylem in normal outdoor condition. This structure might present us with a suggestion that the vessels function in normal condition as drainpipes in order to control the turgor pressure of the ovary and the sieve elements (Fig. 14).
  • 川原 治之助, 松田 智明, 長南 信雄
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 91-96
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The dorsal vascular bundle of the rice ovary in milk-ripe stage has been observed with an electron microscope. The sieve elements are accompanied by few companion cells with small number of plasmodesmata (Fig. 1). Conducting networks composed of abundant cndoplasmic reticulum and plasmodesmata are ramified like a cobwebs through the bundle parenchyma cells and nucellar projection (Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5). The parenchyma cells between phloem and xylem are controlled in low osmotic and low turgor pressure (Fig. 2), and some parenchyma cells adjacent to the vessels have many mitochondria (Fig. 4), but no transfer cell has been observed in the ovary. The cell walls of the nucellar projection commence to be thickened and lignified at about 7 days after flowering (Figs. 5 and 7). It may be possibly supposed that, the phloem current flows out directry to free space from the sieve elements, and the greater part of water is absorbed and drained out by the vessels, and the assimilates are absorbed by the bundle parenchyma cells and are transported to the endosperm through the networks composed of endoplasmic reticulum and plasmodesmata (Fig. 8).
  • 石井 龍一, 鮫島 宗明, 村田 吉男
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 97-102
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    イネは, 種々のガス代謝的研究により C3 植物であるとされている. しかし, その起源が熱帯地域であること, また近年, インド稲で光合成初期産物がアスパラギン酸であるという報告がなされていることなどから, イネはその CO2 固定反応に C4 植物的傾向を有していることが考えられる. 本実験では, CO2 固定酵素としての PEP カルボキシラーゼ, RuDP カルボキシラーゼの活性, および CO2 固定反応の初期産物を主に日本稲について, C3 植物のオオムギ, コムギ, また C4 植物のトウモロコシ, ヒエと対比しながら調べた. 結果の概要は次の通りである. 1. PEPカルボキシラーゼの活性はトウモロコシ, ヒエの C4 植物で高く, オオムギ, コムギの C3 植物で低かった. また, RuDP カルボキシラーゼの活性は C3 植物で高く, C4 植物で低かった. こうした2つの CO2 固定酵素の活性比較から, イネはインド稲, 日本稲ともに C3 植物であると考えられた. 2. 光合成による 14CO2 固定反応の初期産物をトウモロコシ, イネ(日本稲), オオムギについてみると, トウモロコシでは 14CO2 はまずリンゴ酸, アスパラギン酸のような C4 化合物にとりこまれたが, イネではオオムギと同様, 14CO2 はまず 3-フォスフォグリセリン酸および糖リン酸にとりこまれていた. また, イネ, オオムギでは光呼吸の中間代謝物質と考えられているグリシン, セリンへの14C のとりこみが比較的多く認められたが, トウモロコシでは非常に少なかった. 以上のことから, 日本稲は生化学的な面からも典型的な C3 植物であることが明らかになり, また, インド稲もほぼ確実に C3 植物であると考えられた.
  • 平 春枝, 平 宏和, 小沢 栄二, 佐々木 邦年
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 103-110
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Investigations have been carried out to determine the difference between upland culture and drained paddy field culture on the yield, weight of 100 seeds, ratio of seed coat, and chemical omposition (protein, oil, carbohydrate, ash, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, ion, manganese, and fatty acids) of soybean seeds of 5 varieties. The drained paddy field culture, as compared with the upland culture, gave significantly heavy weight of 100 seeds and high manganese content on dry matter basis and in ash. Among the varieties, significant differences were observed in weight of 100 seeds, oil, calbohydrate, magnesium and calcium content on dry matter basis, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and manganese content in ash, and palmitic acid and linolenic acid ratio in total fatty acids.
  • 西山 岩男
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 111-118
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    湿度調節剤を入れた容器の中に貯蔵されたイネの種子の発芽活性が 20℃ で測定された. 含水量10~14パーセント程度の種子は 18℃ で2年以上にわたって良好な状態に保存された. 含水量19パーセント以上の種子は約1年をすぎると発芽活性が低下した. 含水量5~6パーセント以下の種子の発芽活性はかなりひくかったが, 1~9ヵ月の間変化しなかった. 乾燥により低下した種子の発芽活性はふたたび含水量を増加させることによりある程度回復する. その程度は乾燥および再加湿の程度によるが, はなはだしく乾燥した種子においては含水量が十分にたかくなっても活性が回復しなかった. 乾燥した種子を浸漬すると電解質が漏出してくる. 過剰乾燥種子では通常乾燥のものよりも電解質の漏出が多量であった. このことは細胞膜の構造が乾燥により破壊されていることを意味する. 以上の諸事実は, イネ種子の長期貯蔵にあたって乾燥剤の使用法に注意して過度の乾燥をさける必要があることをしめしている.
  • 杉本 勝男, サシプラパ V., パングリアン S.
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 119-124
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    To determine the optimum amount of water required and irrigation interval with special attention to an effect of fertilizer application, furrow irrigation experiments on maize and on soybean were carried out in a paddy field of the Central Plain in Thialand during the dry season in 1974. Two different irrigation intervals; 4 day and 7 day, three different irrigation levels; 4 mm/day, 7 mm/day and l0 mm/day, and two different fertilization levels; the standard and heavy fertilization, respectively, were combined to set up 12 treatments (Table 1). Effects of irrigation and fertilization for the grain yield were nearly adverse between maige and soybean. Result of each experiment was summarized as follows: 1. Maize received irrigation water at the rate of 4 mm/day, being nearly equal to amount of the pan evaporation, attained better yield than that received the water at the rate of 7 mm/day and l0 mm/day. Four day irrigation interval seemed to introduce better yield as compared with 7 day one (Table 1 and Fig. 2). The dry matter production and the grain yield of maize in the hcavily fertilized plot (100 kg/ha of nitrogen) increased significantly as compared with those in the plot received the standard fertilizer (50 kg/ha of nitrogen). It may be concluded that the frequent light irrigation applied to the heavy fertilization p1ot achieved better yield than the heavy irrigation with the longer interval applied to the standard fertilization one.2. The dry matter production and the grain yield of soybean in the plot received irrigation water with 4 day interval were high as compared with those in the plot with 7 day one. The decreasing trend of the grain yield was seen only in the case of the heavy fertilization (40 kg/ha of nitrogen) being adversely related to an increase of irrigation water (Table 1 and Fig. 3). An increase of the nitrogen fertilizer application resulted in an adverse effect on the total dry weight and the grain yield. It may be concluded that the frequent light irrigation applying the standard fertilization (20 kg/ha of nitrogen) achieved better yield than the heavy irrigation with the longer interval applying the heavy fertilization.
  • 池田 武, 輪田 潔
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 125-130
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was suggested in the previous paper that there might be some causal relation between auxin activity of shoot apex with some younger leaves and orientation of axillary shoot growth in the potato seedlings. In this paper, some experiments were carried out to clarify a relationship between auxin activity of the nodal region of stem and orientation of its axillary shoot growth. The results obtained were summarised as follows; 1. Axillary shoots of cotyledonary node were found to grow downward accompanied with increase of auxin level of the nodal region, that of the 5th node (numbered from the base) horizon-tally with decrease of auxin level and that of the 8th node with low auxin level. So auxin levels of the nodal regions were found to be changed with increasing age of the seedling plants, and the orientation of axillary shoot growth was suggested to be regulated with the changes of auxin levels of the nodal regions. 2. The increment of auxin level of the cotyledonary node was greater than that of apical region of stem. Thus it would be supposed that auxin shown a polar transport might be accumulated at the lower nodal regions. However, the mechanism of orientation of axillary shoot growth regulated by the changes of auxin levels in the nodal regions is not sufficiently explained till now. 3. Low auxin level in the plants and upward orientation of the axillary shoot growth were shown by application of TIBA lanolin paste at 2 mm above and below cotyledonary nodal regions. Decrease in auxin level in the plants was greater in case of the treatment at the cotyledonary nodal regions than in case of the treatment at the 3rd nodal ones, so the sensitivity to TIBA seemed to be weakened with increasing age of the plants. 4. The phenomenon which the axillary shoots grow upward and substitute for the shoot apices is commonly found by decapitating the shoot spex of the potato seedlings. In this experiment, when the shoot apex was decapitated above the 8th node of the 10th leaf stage, decrease in auxin level was shown to be greater in the 7th nodal region than in the 3rd one. However, the growth pattern of axillary shoots did not be changed on each node at five days after the treatment.
  • 武岡 洋治, 清水 正治, 白井 由紀子
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 131-136
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This experiment was carried out to make clear the influence of the height and diurnal range of temperature on the morphology of spikelets in normal rice plant, cultivars Akibare and Reimei, and on the type of proliferation in their mutant strains, both of which have been cultivated in green house or phytotron under natural daylength of summer and winter. It was observed on the normal strains that from about eight to twenty nine percent of spikelets botained in winter in green house and phytotron of low temperature developed their glumes; remarkable elongation and multi-venation of empty glume and lemma or differentiation of awn, contrasting the ones in summer having scarcely such develped one. On the mutant strain induced from cultivar Akibare, it was observed that in winter every spikelets in green house and phytotron developed the same kind of glumes as in normal strains, although in summer relatively fewer ones in green house did those glumes than in phytotron. As for the mutant strain of cultivar Reimei, it was clarified that in summer most part of spikelets in phytotron of low temperature differentiated pistil-type (P-type) proliferation in contrast with most of them in green house did spikelet-type (S-type) one, and in winter about twenty seven percent of spikelets in phytotron of low temperature did leafyshoot-type (L-type) one which was hardly observed in other experimental conditions of this study, besides most part of them in not only phytotron but also green house did P-type one. Considering that the proliferation progressed gradually to vegetative characteristics as the type changed from S-type to L-type going through P-type, results mentioned above suggested that small diurnal range of temperature particularly under lower one might promote more effectively the changing type of the proliferation into vegetative than larger diurnal one. Comparing those results with those of the effect of gibberellin and/or naphthalene acetic acid on the proliferation which had been reported previously by the authors, it was considered that proliferative changes induced by low temperature, its small diurnal range and short day seemed to have similar physiological back ground with that induced by those growth substances. Some discussions were undertaktaken on the fact that phenomena of spikelet proliferations in Gramineae had been observed mostly in Festucoid than Panicoid by many workers.
  • 有原 丈二, 渡辺 和之
    1977 年 46 巻 1 号 p. 137-141
    発行日: 1977/03/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Soil, plant and atmosphere form a physically unified system in which water flow takes place from higher to lower potential energy of water. To understand the water flow through the plant as a part of water flow in the system, the water potential based on energy concept, which was proposed by Slatyor and Taylor in 1960, is the most desirable unit. Therefore, we presented a method of measuring the water status by using a thermocouple psychometer, which can measure water potential comparatively easily. We also examined the effect of some environmental factors on the water potential of the plant, and showed the results. The time required for a thermodynamical equiliblation of vapor pressure within the sample chamber was different according to sample materials. We made a caliblation check on each of the three apparatus, and concluded all of them to be reliable. We measured the component potentials of organs of rape. Osmotic potential was measured with the freezing and thawing method. Relationship of osmotic potential and water potential was different between organs. By using corn stems, we examined estimating the osmotic potential from its sap water potential. As a result, this method was found to be usefull for speedy measurement. We examined the relation between the water content and the water potential of Kuriyagawa volcanic ash soil and Ishidoriya alluvial soil. There was found a clear difference between these two soils. Futhermore, we examined the effects of the water potential of soil, atmosphere and light intensity on the water potential of the plant. It was thought that soil water potential decided the highest value of water potential of plant, and water potential of atmosphere controlled the diurnal change of plant water potential. Light intensity also affected the water potential of plant through the effect of stomatal aperture, but it was not so great. The diurnal change of the water potential gradient in the soil-plant-atmosphere system was observed on a hot summer day. In the daytime, the water flow was controlled mainly by the water potential of atmosphere. In the evening, the water deficiency of soil around the roots came to restrict the water flow in the system. In the night, there appeared water potential gradient again with the recovery of water stress of soil around the roots, and this was regarded to indicate that water was flowing through the plant at a little rate.