Online ISSN : 1349-0990
Print ISSN : 0011-1848
ISSN-L : 0011-1848
27 巻, 4 号
  • 相見 霊三, 沢村 浩, 昆野 昭晨
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 405-407
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Rice plants, the variety Norin No. 29, were ripened after flowering in glassrooms, controlled at constant temperatures of 17°C, 21°C and 25°C respectively, and the behaviour of carbohydrates and its related enzyme activities were studied. Samples were taken at intervals of 4 days from flowering. Each of these samples was divided into the ear and the 1st, the 3 rd and the 5 th internodes respectively from the panicle downwards. The distribution and rise or fall in the contents of sugar, starch, and some enzymes (amylase, phosphorylase, invertase, and hexokinase) which were related to the metabolism of carbohydrate, respectively were determined. The activity of those four enzymes in respect of each part of the plant, which ripened at the low temperature, was not so much low. On the 65th day after flowering, the dry weight and the starch content of the ear were respectively highest at 21°C and were almost equal between 25°C and 17°C. But the process of ripening at 25°C and that at 17°C were quite different from each other. At 25°C, the dry weight and the starch content of the ear increased rapidly and then ceased accumulating at an early stage of ripening. On the contrary, at 17°C it increased slowly but steadily and it continued until the 75 th day after flowering. Sugar and starch in the culm were translocated to the ear at an early stage in the treatments of 21°C and 25°C, but not in that of 17°C. The following conclusions were drawn from the above mentioned results. The impediment in ripening at high temperatures is mainly due to the cessation of ability of the ear as a "receiving organ" at an early stage, and at low temperatures it is mainly due to the disturbance in supply of materials to the ear from the culm.
  • 昆野 昭晨, 相見 霊三
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 408-411
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    種々の温度条件下で登熟の状態を変えた場合, 登熟に伴つて稈及び穂内で行われる燐酸化合物の変化を明らかにすると共に, 低温及び高温による登熟障害の機構を考察する為の一つの資料にしようとした. 戸外で枠栽培した水稲農林29号を, 開花授精後に, 17゜, 21℃及び25℃の硝子室に搬入し, 5日毎に午前10時に, 同一日に出穂した分〓40~70ヶ体を採取した. 試料としては穂及び稈の上から第1, 第3, 第5節間 (各々下の節を含む) をとり, 一部を乾燥, 粉末にして全燐を, 一部は-10℃の冷凍室に貯蔵して逐次酸可溶性燐を分劃定量した. 稈では燐酸の大部分は無機態として存在しており, 登熱に伴つて穂に移行し, 下部の節間から減少していく. そして穂に移行した燐は大分部phytin-Pとして集積される. この場合, 燐酸の移行及び他の化合物への変化は, この実験の25℃迄の範囲では, 高温程はやく, 低温では極めて緩慢であつた. 試料の長期間に亘る貯蔵中にphytin-Pの一部が無機化した形跡があり, -10℃の低温下でも穂の長期の貯蔵中にphytaseが働き得るという可能性が認められた. 稈中のphytin-Pはごく初期以外は殆ど認められなかつたが, 測定方法, 貯蔵中の無機化及び試料の採取時期等の問題があるので, 稈中のphytinの存在或は変動については更に検討を要する. 稈の酸不溶の有機態燐に於ても若干の減少が見られたので, この形態の燐の一部もそのままの形か, 又は無機態になるかして穂に移行するものと思われる. 種実に移行する燐酸は大部分は葉及び稈に既に存在していたものが移行すると考えられるが, 之は炭水化物の転流の状態と似ており, 本実験と同じ試料を用いて同時に行つた他の実験での炭水化物の転流の曲線と本実験の燐の移行の曲線とが類似しているので, 之等両者の動き方の間には何らかの関係があると思われる. 筆者等は上の炭水化物の実験から, 登熟障害の原因は, 低温では転流の緩慢な事, 高温では呼吸による過度の炭水化物の消費の外に穂が急速に老化する為に転流期間が短縮する事に関係して生ずるものであろうと考察したが, 本実験の燐酸の行動も之を裏付けているものと思われる.
  • 相見 霊三, 村上 高
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 412-416
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    水稲の登熟期には, 種実に炭水化物の移行蓄積がなされるのみでなく, 窒素代謝もそれと共に変化し, 茎葉中の窒素が種実に移行することが知られている. 水稲体の等電点は, 生育期には低く, 登熟期になると, 茎葉部においてはやや下り, 反対に穂においては急に高くなることが報告されている. このことは, 茎葉中から種実へ窒素が移行するとしても, 等電点を高めるような塩基性窒素化合物が特異的に種実にたまることを暗示している. この観点より, 登熟期前後における水稲体中の水溶性蛋白質及び遊離アミノ酸の動向をペーパークロマトグラフイーで追跡した. 試料は圃場栽培の水稲の各部位を種々の登熟過程に採取し, アンモニア緩衝液 (pH 8.0) を加えて乳鉢で摩砕後直ちに遠心分離した上澄である. 現在, 蛋白は〓紙クロマトグラフイーではつきりした分離像を得ることは困難で種々の溶媒を比較検討した結果, 20%エタノールで試料を展開した時に不明瞭ではあるがかなりの数のスポットに分離したので以後の実験にはこの溶媒のみを用いた. 水稲体の蛋白は葉の老幼, 葉身, 葉鞘, 茎, 及び根に於て, 又種実内の器官別にそれぞれ質及び量において異つていることがみとめられた. 登熟期中の葉身及び種実において蛋白及びアミノ酸は, 葉では乳熟期ごろより減少しはじめるが, 種実ではその時期ごろより逆に増加しはじめ, 登熟完了期近くなつて再び減少する. 蛋白のクロマトグラムから, 葉の生理的に活発な葉位の変化が生育時期の推移と共に明瞭に示された. 葉におけるアミノ酸の減少と同時に, 同種のアミノ酸の増加が種実においてみられた. しかし, 盛葉にみられない, ニンヒドリン青紫色, 坂口反応橙赤色のスポットがRf0.9又はそれ以上のところにあらわれた. このものは, 熱処理で沈澱し, 酸加水分解で, ニンヒドリン桃色, 坂口反応赤色の純アルギニンに近い値をもつスポットに変化し, フラビアン酸で沈澱することから, 何らかの形でアルギニンが, 他の大きな分子の物質, おそらく蛋白かペプチドと結合しているものと思われる. この"アルギニンに富む蛋白"が, 種実のみにふえることから, この物質が穂の等電点を高める塩基性窒素化合物ではないかと考えられる.
  • 清沢 茂久, 相見 霊三
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 417-421
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    A further experiment was conducted on the influence of temperature and shading on the development of rice panicle. The variety, Rikuu No. 132, was treated with all combinations of temperatures (17, 21 and 25°C), shading grades (70 % shading and non-shading) and durations (6 and 10 days) immediately before the "booting" stage. The 17°C treatments decreased the number of spikelets per panicle rather conspicuously, and also decreased markedly the percentage of fertile grains and filled (not empty) pollens. The shading treatments also brought about a corresponding decrease in the number of spikelets per panicle at the 21 and 25°C treatments, the decrease being influenced by the higher temperature. These shading treatments had no effect at the 17°C on the decrease of spikelet number. Further, the shading treatments did not affect the percentage of fertile grains and filled pollens.
  • 村田 吉男, 長田 明夫
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 422-425
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Though RGR of rice varieties is influenced to some extent by their LAR at very young stage, it is almost completely governed by their NAR which, in turn, is mainly determined by the mean photosynthetic rate of individual leaves of the plants, displayed by them under the conditions of assemblage in the field, rather than their respiratory activity. And the mean photosynthetic rate of leaves is governed not by their photosynthetic capacity originally they possess, but by the "light-receiving-coefficient" of the assemblage. The coefficient seems to be governed by the number of tillers at very early stage, but, as the assemblage grows thicker, it becomes to be decidedly governed by its total leaf area. Plant height seems to be the second facter influencing the coefficient, , and the thickness of leaves may have some influence on it, too.
  • 植木 健至
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 426-428
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The present study was designed to examine the influence of water temperature upon the growth of rice plant due to continuous watering at tillering period in the paddy field (fig. 1). The temperature condition of irrigation water was showed in fig. 2. Experimental results were summarized as follows. As the water temperature ascended, the number of tillers and spikelets per hill decreased (fig. 4∼5). The total number of grains and the weight of grains per hill showed the greatest value in the plots subjected to 25∼26°C in mean water temperature and less than 30°C in maximum water temperature, and they decreased with the higher and the lower temperature than this (fig. 5). At the period of spikelet differentiation, the amount of nitrogen per hill showed also the similar tendency as above mentioned (fig. 6).
  • 本多 [ヤスシ], 臼田 純雄
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 429-431
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    I. Experiments were made on the rooting activity of rice seedlings grown in lowland nurseries of different sowing density, in 1956. Thinly sown seedlings attained greater height and larger top-weight, and developed more abundant roots, than thickly sown seedlings. Therefore, "aging" seemed to have progressed quicker in thickly sown seedlings. Chemical composition of the seedling shoots depended upon their rootage. Both total sugar and starch contents increased with the amount of root, which is in turn controlled by nitrogen content in the shoot. Thus, thinly sown seedlings retained juvelinity, and had high rooting ability as compared with that of upland nursery seedlings. II. Furhter experiments in 1957 were made using various fertilizers on characteristically young and aged seedlings. Best results were obtained by the seedlings grown with 2N fertilizer for 44 days. When nitrogen denominater in the ratio suger+starch/nitrogen of the content in seedling is abnormally high additional applications of straw ash, KC1 and (NH4)2SO4 tended to improve the conditions and there were produced abundant roots. Rooting activity of seedlings were intensified by increasing the sum of total sugar+starch+nitrogen compounds caused by straw ash and KC1 applications, and on the other hand, by increasing total nitrogen in seedlings by means of addition of (NH4)2SO4 fertilizer.
  • 松島 省三, 真中 多喜夫
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 432-434
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Examining the effects of top-dressing with ammonium sulfate under different amounts of basic fertilizer on the grain-yield and its constitutional factors in critical periods in which the value of each yield-constitutional factor is determined, as seen in Table 1, the authors tried to establish some reasonable fertilizing methods to get good yields. The most effective stage for top-dressing to increase the value of each yield-constitutional factor was as follows (Refer to Fig. 1): (1) No. of panicles per hill……Maximum tillering stage. (2) No. of spikelets per panicle……Differentiating stage of 1st bract primordium and just before reduction division stage of P. M. C. (3) No. of spikelets per hill……Differentiating stage of 1st bract primordium. (4) Percentage of ripened grains……Just after full heading stage. (5) Weight of 1, 000 grains……Just before reduction division stage of P. M. C. The best top-dressing method to get good yields varied with the amounts of basic fertilizer and weather conditions, but it might be generalized that the top-dressing methods (Plot No. 3, 7, 4 and 5) which always cause the rice plant to increase the number of spikelets per hill or per unit area are successful in getting good yields under the conditions which make the plant get a high percentage of ripened grains, and on the contrary, the other top-dressing methods (Plot No. 6 and 1) which always cause the plant to get a high percentage of ripened grains are effective in increasing yields under the conditions which make the plant get an excessive number of spikelets per hill. And some other top-dressing methods (Plot No. 10, 9, 8, 2, 7, 4 and 5) which cause the plant to increase both the number of spikelets per hill and the percentage of ripened grain or only the number of spikelets per hill (except for Plot No. 3) were liable to get good yields under the conditions which make the plant get a medium percentage of ripened grains and a medium number of spikelets per hill.
  • 林 政衛, 小中 伸夫, 五十嵐 暁三
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 435-437
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The authors investigated the growth, grain yield and its constitutional factors in rice plants by early season culture. The results were as follows : 1) By early culture, the number of stalks and panicles, the amount of accumulated starch in the base of shoot, the weight percentage of dry matter were all increased. The grain yield was increased also according to the increase in spikelet number. However, ripening was retarded and 1, 000-grain weight decreased to some extent when the spikelet number became very large. 2) On well-drained paddy fields there were shown only little effects of early planting as above mentioned, while on ill-drained fields they were remarkable, especially when the soil was either boggy, clayey, volcanic ashy half-boggy or sandy.
  • 仲字佐 達也, 加藤 治, 山崎 正枝
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 438-440
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    1) The effects of chloropicrin, DD (Dichloropropan-Dichloropropylene) and EDB (Ethylene Dibromide) as soil fumigant were compared on the soil of continuous cropping field of upland rice. The injury on upland rice caused by its continuous cropping soil were almost removed by fumigation with chloropicrin, and diminished remarkably with DD, but not affected with EDB inspired in the soil. 2) The greater the amount of chloropicrin or DD, the greater their effect, in the range of the amount from 0.5 cc to 3 cc per 900 cm2 in field. 3) The injury was recognized to be removed by steam steriligation at higher temperature than 80°C for 20∼30 minutes. 4) It seems that in the case of continuous cropping the growth of upland rice was promoted by soil-acidification, but was nearly unaffected by application of such elements as Fe, Mn and Mg.
  • 渡部 忠世, 梅景 修
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 441-442
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    It is known that, in diploid glutinous rice plants, waxy or glutinous starch is found only in their pollens (of which chromosome number is 1 n) and the endosperms (3 n), while in all other parts (2 n), viz., leaf, stem, root and embryo etc., non-glutinous starch is found. In other words, it is said that waxy starch is seen only in the organs odd in chromosome number, and non-glutinous starch in the parts having chromosomes of even number, as far as the diploid plant is concerned. This experiment was carried out to make clear whether the relation above mentioned existed between the nature of starch and number of chromosomes in other polyploid glutinous rice plants or not. Tetraploid and diploid plants from each of three glutinous varieties and haploid plants from three varieties were used for materials. Main results were as follows : - (1) In all polyploid plants, all being of glutinous variety as shown in Table 1, waxy starch was found only in pollens and endosperms, and non-glutinous one was always found in all other parts, regardless of their number of chromosomes. Thus, the distribution of waxy starch appeared to have no regular connection with the chromosome number of plant parts. (2) Starch in the endosperms from both tetraploid and diploid plants possessed nearly the same ratio of amylose to amylopectin, as shown in Table 2, so that the constitution of the two kinds of starch seemed to be undistinguishable.
  • 長戸 一雄, 小林 喜男
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 443-445
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. Cross sections were taken from mature rice kernels which had been kept in water for 24 or 36 hours, and were heated with an alcohol-lamp untill they became translucent. 2. When the embryo-sac becomes completely filled up with endosperm cells, 5∼7 days after flowering, the disposition of starch-cells in the cross section of kernel becomes to be characterized according to the variety, and toward 10 days after flowering, this characteristic disposition connected with the variety becomes more distinct, and thereafter it does not show any remarkable change until the mature time. 3. These varietal characteristics of the disposition of starch-cell are represented by the following 3 types. (1) In the first type, starch-cells are disposed radially and concentrically from the center of the tissue, and the starch-cells develope more vigorously along the dorso-ventral diameter than those in the other two types. The disposition of starch-cell of the varieties belonging to foreign rice, upland rice, glutinous rice and "koshitsu-mai" show this type. (Photos. 1, 2, 3, 4, ) (2) The second type is found in the kernel of the varieties used for brewing. Several layers of endosperm tissue are compressed along the dorso-ventral diameter into slender layers, because the growth of cells in these layers is very poor. In white-core kernels, these layers are conspicuously under grown and the disposition of adjacent starch-cells are disturbed. (Photos. 7, 8, 9, 10) (3) The third type is medial between the types 1 and 2, and the varieties of "nanshitsu-mai" belong to this type. (Photos. 5, 6) (Fig. 1) 4. The grade of fullness of rice kernel is appropriately indicated by its specific gravity, and in general the specific gravity is low in the outer part of kernel and becomes higher toward the inner part. In the kernels of the varieties belonging to the type 1, the specific gravity becomes higher consistently toward the core. In the kernel of the varieties of type 2, however, it is highest in the middle part of kernel and lower in the central part. In the type 3, it is highest in the middle part, while it does not lower at the central part. (Fig. 2)
  • 福井 重郎, 太田 一
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 446-447
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to gain the high yields of soybean at the volcanogenous soil region, we established the deep ditching cultivation method. This paper presents the results of studies about the adaptability of soybean varieties for this method from the standpoint of the plant nutrition. The study was conducted in field experiment, and in pot- and water-culture. As the result of these experiments, it was clarified that those varieties which gave high yields in this cultivation were not so affected by the poor nutrient condition of subsoil, and did not show marked yield depression in the case of defficiency of any nutritive element, particularly that of phosphorous.
  • 浦野 啓司, 坂口 進
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 448-450
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    胚の発育過程を雑種強勢発現度の強い組合せ (376×191) とその両親について調査し次のことがわかつた. 1) 成熟期の胚葉は雑種では6枚両親は5枚分化していた. 胚の発生過程で生長点のみられたのは雑種では授粉後10日目頃, 両親はこれより遅かつた. 2) 組織の分化で雑種と両親間の主な差は授粉後10~15日ごろに胚葉数にみられるが, その後はこの差を保つにすぎない. 3) 胚の生育を時間的にみると全量は連続的に増加する. 1日当りの生長量は初め加速的だが途中から減速的になる. 組織の単位当りの生長の増加率は減速的でこれは細胞分裂速度が減速的であることを示している. これらは雑種やその両親に於て同一傾向を示す. 4) 胚の生育期間中雑種強勢は常にみられるがその度合は時期的に差があり, 授粉後10~15日頃が最高を示しそののちは減少的傾向を示す. これらのことは組織的変化, 縦断面積, 生体重, 乾物重に於てほぼ同一の傾向を示すものと思われる.
  • 前田 英三
    1959 年 27 巻 4 号 p. 451-457
    発行日: 1959/07/01
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    作物の葉形成機構に関する研究の一部として, 小麦葉の葉位別変化を明らかにした. 各葉位の葉身の裏側表皮細胞を観察することにより, 細胞長および気孔の分布状態を示し, さらに葉の厚さ, 幅および維管束数等の点より, 葉身の構造変化を知りえた. すなわち, 低位葉においては, 先端部に気孔多く, 基部に近くなるにつれその数はすくなくなるが, 細胞長に関しては逆に, 基部において長く 先端部にては短い. しかるに高位葉にては, 気孔の分布. 細胞長に見られるこのような変化は, 共に著るしくないが, その基部においては機械組織の発達が著るしい. また上述の如き葉構造の特徴は, 低温処理によりても異る. すなわち低温処理をおこなつた種子より生じた個体においては, 無処理の個体の同じ葉位の葉と比較して, その構造がより低葉位の葉に見られるごとき特徴を示す. またこの低温処理によりひきおこされた葉構造の変化は, 栽培時期の差異により, より著るしくあらわれる. 春播型小麦と冬播型小麦とでは, 同一条件に栽培された同じ葉位の葉にても, その細胞長は異る. 以上の如き知見より, 小麦葉の主稈葉位別構造変化につき考察した.