Online ISSN : 1349-0990
Print ISSN : 0011-1848
ISSN-L : 0011-1848
52 巻, 4 号
  • 松永 亮一, 松本 重男, 島野 至, 島田 信二
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 423-429
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Experiments were conducted in order to determine whether varietal differences in nitrogen response of soybean plants were associated with their nodulation. For this study, four pairs of nodulating and nonnodulating soybean isolines (Tol-1 and Tol-0, A62-1 and A62-2, Norin No. 2 and Tozan No. 89, and T202 and T201, the former is nodulating and the latter is nonnodulating) in Experiment I and five nodulating soybeans (Koganedaizu, Norin No. 2, Orihime, Tachisuzunari and T202) in Experiment II were planted under sand culture conditions. Nutrient solution 500 ml containing sufficient quantities of essential elements except nitrogen were applied to each plastic pot filled with 4.5 kg sand twice every week during the growth period. The concentration of nitrogen in the solutions ranged from 12.5 to 400 ppm (Table 1). The following results were obtained. 1) At higher concentration of nitrogen, more vegetative growth and higher seed yield were obtained in nonnodulating soybeans except Tol-0. The maximum vegetative growth of Tol-0 was almost attained at 50 ppm nitrogen (Tables 3 and 4). 2) Each isogenic pair of nodulating and nonnodulating soybeans except a pair of Norin No. 2 and Tozan No. 89 showed no significant differences in vegetative growth and seed yield at 400 ppm nitrogen (Tables 2, 3 and 4). 3) More vegetative growth of nodulating soybeans except T202 and Tachisuzunari was observed at high concentration of nitrogen (200 and 400 ppm) than at low concentration of nitrogen (12.5 and 50 ppm) (Tables 3 and 5). Maximum seed yields of Tol-1 and A62-1 were obtained at 400 ppm nitrogen and that of Koganedaizu at 200 ppm nitrogen, while those of Norin No. 2, Tachisuzunari and Orihime at lower concentration of nitrogen than 200 ppm (Tables 4 and 6). The former varieties, which responded well to nitrogen application, had low seed yields at low concentration of nitrogen and did not surpass those of latter varieties even at high concentration of nitrogen. 4) Norin No. 2 and Tachisuzunari had more nodule number and dry weight at low concentration of nitrogen at early and late growth stages than the other varieties (Table 7). 5) The amount of accumulated nitrogen at the early pod filling stage increased with higher applied nitrogen concentration in all nodulating soybeans. At low concentration of nitrogen it was larger in varieties which did not respond well to nitrogen application than in varieties which responded well (Table 9).
  • 平田 昌彦, 石井 龍一, 玖村 敦彦, 村田 吉男
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 430-434
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    ダイズ葉に種々の強度の光を照射し, 照射光強度と葉の光透過率との関係を波長別に調査することにより, 光透過率変化が葉緑体配列変換により起こっているのかどうか, また, 葉緑体配列変換が光合成の光阻害回避機構の一つとして考えられるかどうかを検討した. 1. 葉の光透過率は照射光強度に応じて変化し, その変化程度は波長により異なっていた. 照射光を弱光から強光へ, もしくは強光から弱光へと変化させた場合, 葉緑体に強く吸収される波長域ほど光の透過率が大きく変化した. しかしながら, 葉を暗黒中から弱光下に移した場合には, 葉緑体に吸収されにくい波長域の光の透過率もかなり大きく変化した. 2. 照射光強度が300μE/m2/sec以下の弱光域では光透過率は低い値を維持するが, 照射光強度が300μE/m2/secを越えると光透過率は照射光強度の増大に伴って顕著に増大した. 3. 以上の結果から, 強光下におけるダイズ葉の高い光透過率は葉緑体配列変換によるものと推察され, これが光合成の光阻害を回避する機構の一つとして機能している可能性が明らかにされた.
  • 土屋 英男, 木下 収
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 435-446
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Two lowland rice cultivars, Yamahoushi (panicle-weight type) and Kinki No. 33 (panicle-number type), were grown in three cropping seasons (early, normal and late plantings) at three levels of planting density (40, 20 and 10 hill/m2) in 1968. Yamahoushi was square-planted and Kinki No. 33 was planted both in square and in low. Canopy structure was characterized by (1) total biomass of the aerial parts of plant and (2) vertical distribution of leaf blade determined by "the stratifying clip method" and was expressed as the percentage of leaf dry weight in each stratum to the total leaf dry weight. Sampling was done at four growth stages, that is, the active-tillering, young panicle formation, heading and maturing stage, respectively. The canopy profile (the space between the soil surface and the top of plants) was evenly divided into five strata and the stratifying clip method was applied to each stratum. The relationships between yield and total biomass and those between yield and vertical distribution of leaf blade were examined by principal component analysis. The first and second component axes obtained by the analysis (Table 1) were rotated to derive axes which are easier to understand and enable a more convenient comparison of the contributions of the strata (Table 2, Fig. 1). In general, the angle (degree) of rotation of axes on a plane, say θ is difined as θ=45°-ε/2, which maximizes f(θ) given by f(θ)=Σ^^p__(i=1) (αiAicsθ+αiBi sin θ)2+Σ^^q__(j=1)(-βjAj sin θ+βjBj cos θ)2. The formula for the parameter ε in the former equation is ε=tan-1[Σ^^p__(i=1)(αiAi)2+Σ^^q__(j=1)(βjBj)2-Σ^^p__(i=1)(αiBi)2-Σ^^q__(j=1)(βjAj)2] ÷(2Σ^^p__(i=1)αi2AiBi-2Σ^^q__(j=1)βj2AjBj), where subscript i (=1, 2, ‥, p) designate the variables to be located on or approached to one of the rotated axes, subscript j. (=1, 2, ‥, q) showing the variables to be located on the other axis. Symbols Ai and Bi stand for the factor loadings of variable i for the first and second principal components, respectively, αi being the weight which is determened according to agronomical importance. Symbols Aj, Bj and βj are similarly defined for variable j. In the present experiment, the group of variable i consists of the two leaf strata, No. 2 and 4, and the group of j contains only one leaf stratum, No.3. The weights αi and βj were assumed to be unity for brevity. θ was calculated to be -8.62°. Using the factor scores in the two axes derived by the rotation (F1 and F2), the vertical distribution of leaf weight percentage (leaf stratified structure) and the relation between yield and these scores were investigated. The results are summarized as follows: 1. As F1 score increased, the leaf weight percentage of the upper stratum increased, whereas that of the lower stratum decreased. As F2 score increased, the leaf weight percentage of the middle stratum decreased. After rotation of the axes, the tendencies found in these factors were clearer than in the original principal components (Fig. 2). These two factors explained approximately 90% of total variation (Table 2). 2. Leaf weight percentage in the upper stratum became larger as plants grew. [the rest omitted]
  • 太田 敏郎
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 447-451
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The soil culture of rice seedling was designed to confirm the growth-promoting effect of gibberellins in crop residuals. Fully ripened pericarps of Cuba beans and detached cotyledons of kidney beans were used as the source of gibberellins. A considerable amount of acidic ethyl acetate soluble gibberellins was detected even in the ripened pericarps of Cuba beans which have been air-dried for about one year after harvest (Fig. 1). In detached cotyledons of kidney beans (Kentucky Wonder, a tall variety), a considerable amount of gibberellins was also detected in both acidic ethyl acetate and n-Butanol fractions (Fig. 3). All the materials were added to the soil in petri dish after being milled, and germinated seeds of Tanginbozu, a dwarf rice variety, were sown in the beds. The growth of the second leaf sheath was found to accelerated by adding those materials to the soil (Figs. 2, 4, 5). The bound type gibberellins were found to convert into free type in soil, while free type ones are comparatively unchangable in the soil (Fig. 3). Gibberellin activity in cotyledons is relatively greater in tall variety of kidney bean than in dwarf one. The growth of the second leaf sheath in rice seedling was hardly accelerated when the cotyledons of the dwarf variety was added (Figs. 4, 5). As shown above the effect of endogenous gibberellins contained in plant residuals can be observed by such a simple method employed in this experiment.
  • 津野 幸人, LAZIMAR Zen
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 452-460
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    ランポン州における在来種水稲は主として無肥料で腐植の多い水田に栽培され, 改良種は化学肥料の施用によって比較的排水条件のよい, 地力の中庸あるいは瘠薄な水田に栽培されている. 在来種は改良種よりも収量水準が低いにもかかわらず, 食味の良好であること, 低湿地での粗放栽培によく耐えること, などの特性によって, 水稲作付面積の約40%を占めている(1977年統計). 在来種の代表的な品種はKiseranであり, 改良種の主力はPelitaとIR-36であった. ランポン大学農学部周辺の農家が栽培している上記水稲を, ていねいに掘取り実験室に持ち帰って, 流気法によって稲体各部位から放出されるCO2量を測定し, それを呼吸量とみなした. なお, 一部の材料は粉末として日本に持ち帰り, 化学分析の定法にしたがって各種の無機成分含量を定量した. 水稲体各部位の呼吸速度の範囲は, 在来, 改良の両品種ともにわが国で得られたYAMADA et alの成績とほとんど一致した. これを1茎当たりで表示すると, 幼穂形成期から成熟期に至るまで, 茎重の重い在来種の方が改良種よりも呼吸量は大であった. さらに, 標準的な単位面積当たりの茎数(穂数)を乗じて, 単位土地面積当たりに直すと, 改良種は穂数が多いために, 出穂期と乳熟期で在来種よりも大きな呼吸量を示し, 最高値を示した乳熟期で40.8gCO2/m2/12時間であり, 一方, 在来種は同時期で30.7gCO2/m2/12時間であった. 既存の資料から水稲群落の1日当たりの光合成量を推定すると, 最高値で, 100gCO2/m2/日であるから, 日中光合成の30-40%が呼吸で失なわれることとなる. 一般に登熟期では群落光合成速度が低下するので, この時期の呼吸消耗率はかなり大きな値をとることが推測される. 葉色(葉色板の示度)と根の呼吸速度との間には高い正の相関が認められ, 一般に登熟期に葉色の濃い在来種は, 同期間の根の呼吸速度が改良種よりも高い. これは, 土中にある上位節から発生した根の呼吸速度が高いためであって, これが在来種の特性とみなすことができる. 在来種は一株内での出穂が長期にわたり, おくれて出穂する茎から発生した上位根が高い呼吸速度を保持している. このため肥沃な水田においては, 登熟期間でも旺盛に養水分の吸収をおこなうことができるので, 葉色を濃く保つことができる. しかしながら, この特性のため化学肥料の施用は徒長をまねき, 倒伏を誘発する. また, 瘠薄な水田での無化学肥料栽培では, この根の特性を発揮することが困難である. 改良種は根の呼吸速度が穂ばらみ期以降において, 在来種よりも低く推移することから, 吸肥力が在来種より劣るものとみなせる. それ故に, 化学肥料の施用が不可欠の条件となり, さらに, 肥料分が不足すると登熟期において葉色が黄化する. また, 改良種は在来種に比して, 透水性が悪く水の停滞する水田での根腐れが目立ち, 排水条件整備の必要度が高いように観察された.
  • 掘野 俊郎, 原城 隆, 阿江 教治
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 461-467
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Varietal differences in contents and balance of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in kernels of thirty-six cultivars of eleven cereals (Rice, Wheat, Barley, Two-rowed barley, Corn, Sorghum, Job's tears, Proso millet, Barnyard millet, Foxtail millet and Finger millet) were investigated. The dry-ashed materials of whole kernels of 36 cultivars were analyzed by a colorimetric procedure for P, a flame photometry for K and an atomic absorption spectrometry for Mg. P, K and Mg contents of each cereal were almost equal to those of previous studies. (Table 2). Mg/K chemical equivalent ratio as a predictor of grain quality was examined with the 36 cultivars. Most of the cereals used for human consumption (except wheat, barley and two-rowed barley) marked the ratio within 1.25 to 2.0 approximately. These cereals contain more magnesium than potassium in chemical equivalence. Other cereals used for feed marked comparatively low ratio, i.e. approximately 0.9 to 1.25 (Fig. 1). Further studies will be needed on wheat, barley and two-rowed barley to classify by mineral balance, because these cereals contain more calcium than in others.
  • 一井 真比古, 岩本 喜文
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 468-474
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    水稲の飼料化栽培, 再生を利用した二期作栽培および農業形質の間接検定手段としての利用において再生は重要な特性である. 再生は遺伝的変異を有する特性であるが, 株および根の内的および外的環境条件によっても変異するであろう. そこで肥料3要素およびそれらの施用時期が再生に及ぼす影響について検討した. 水耕法により栽培し, 出穂後10日に地上5cmで地上部を刈取り, 刈取り日を中心に前および後10日ずつの計20日間, N, PおよびK量の異なる10条件下で培養した. なお刈取り後11日以降の培養条件はいずれの区においても同じであった. 刈取り後40日に再生茎率, 再生草丈および再生重を調査した. 刈取り前における水耕液のN, PおよびK量が異なったにもかかわらず, 再生茎率, 再生草丈および再生重のそれぞれはほぼ同じであり, 刈取り前における施用量の効果は認められなかった. 刈取り後における施用量の効果は認められ, N, PおよびK量が多くなければ, 刈取り後10日の再生茎率および再生草丈, ならびに刈取り後40日の再生茎率および再生重はそれぞれ顕著に増大した. しかしながら刈取り後40日の再生草丈は, 刈取り後10日間の施用量が異なるにもかかわらずほぼ同じであった. 再生草丈に及ぼす刈取り後における施用時期の影響は再生茎率や再生重に比べて小さいようであった. また施用量の増加に伴う再生重の増大は再生茎率の増大に依存すると思われた. N欠除の効果がもっとも顕著であり, N, PおよびKのいずれをも施用しないことによる効果はN欠除の効果とほぼ同じであった. P欠除の効果はN欠除のそれより小さく, さらにK欠除の効果は認められなかった. 以上の結果から, 刈取り後の施肥条件, とくにNおよびP量により再生が変異すると考えられる. また再生を利用した二期作栽培などでは, 刈取り後直ちに施肥するのが適当と思われる.
  • 川島 長治
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 475-483
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to ascertain the previous consideration, the finishing time of crown roots elongation was investigated by using rice cultivars with different number of leaves on the main stem. Roots elongation finished about a week before the heading stage in cultivar Reiho which had twenty-two leaves on the main stem (Fig. 1, A and through discussion). The roots of cultivar Toyonishiki whose number of leaves on the main stem was sixteen reached their maximum length at the heading stage. In cultivar Ishikari with ten leaves on the main stem, the elongation of most roots ceased thirteen days after the heading stage. The difference in the finishing time of root elongation was not due to the difference of the elongating duration but to the difference of the time of the root appearance, that is, the difference of the number of days preceding the heading stage or that of the plant age in leaf number. And this difference was brought about by the difference of the number of shoot units without crown roots. From the result obtained here and the number of shoot units without crown roots reported before, it is considered that the roots of a rice cultivar with more than eighteen or nineteen leaves on the main stem tend to stop their elongation before the heading stage and that in a rice cultivar having less than twelve or thirteen leaves on the main stem root elongation ceases long after that stage, while in a rice cultivar which has the intermediate number of leaves between those mentioned above, root elongation may finish at about the heading stage. Several differences were found in the root elongation features of three cultivars as follows. 1. In cultivar Reiho and Toyonishiki, root elongation finished earlier and the final root length was much shorter in the upper roots than in the lower ones of the same shoot unit. But in cultivar Ishikari, root elongation ceased almost at the same time and the maximum length did not so differ between the upper roots and the lower ones in every shoot unit. 2. In cultivar Ishikari, vigorous elongation occured even in the roots of the secondary uppermost shoot unit with crown roots. 3. The roots of cultivar Reiho were the longest of all the longest lower roots in each of three cultivars. The latter one or two features would be of advantage to increase in the number of crown roots which continue to elongate till relatively late growth stage or to widen the root distribution extent. In the roots which developed from any shoot unit of three cultivars, the appearance of the secondary roots were terminated at about the finishing time of the primary root elongation and at the same time the tertiary root had begun to be formed on the most distal secondary root which develop the tertiary root. This indicates that the difference exists in the root development at the ripening stage among rice cultivars with different number of leaves on the main stem.
  • 津野 幸人, 谷山 鉄郎, SUPRAPTO H.
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 484-492
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    インドネシア国, ランポン大学農学部の圃場で栽培したキャッサバについて, 個葉の光合成作用を圃場条件下で測定した. 供試品種は2品種, 供試個体は栽植後約5か月と8か月のものである. それらは, 葉面積指数3.2から3.6の群落を構成していた(Table 2). 個葉の光合成速度は照度30klxまでは, 光強度に比例するが, それ以上ではほぼ一定値をとり, 日中低下現象は認められなかった. また, 温度-光合成曲線は気温28℃附近に最適値を認めたが, 24℃より33℃の範囲では光合成速度に大差はなかった. 平均光合成速度の範囲はCO2濃度280ppmにおいて10~13 mgCO2/dm2/hであり, 改良半葉法で求めた最高値は18 mgCO2/dm2/haであった. 個葉の光-光合成曲線をP=bI/1+aIの双曲線式で示し(但し, P: 総光合成速度m9CO2/dm2/h I: 照度klx)定数a, bをそれぞれ0.0715, 1.11として一般化した(最高値: 5.5mgCO2/dm2/h). さらにMONSI and SAEKI)の式に上記a, b値と葉の光透過率0.15および吸光係数0.7を代入して, 種々の葉面積指数についての光強度と総光合成との関係を求めFig. 7に示した. キャッサバの作物体各部位の呼吸速度は, 葉身が最も高く, 次いで葉柄と緑色を呈する若い茎であり, 木化のすすんだ茎の基部や塊根は低い値をとる(Table 5). 葉群1m2を構成する葉身と葉柄との呼吸は, 温度28℃において1.55gCO2/haと推定されたので, この値とFig. 7の数値より種々の照度のもとでの, 葉面積指数と純光合成との関係を求めFig. 8に示した. 同図より, 日中に最も多く遭遇する照度の下では, 最適葉面積指数が3.5附近にあると推定され, それは1日当たり102.0kg/haの乾物を生産することとなる. これは, 塊根乾物重1kg/m2をもつ群落を想定し, 夜間の総呼吸が13.4gCO2/n2・field/dayとして計算されたものである. キャッサバ群落は吸光係数がイネ科作物に比して大きな値をとるので, 最適葉面積がそれよりも小さいと考えられる. また, 葉群の底部にある葉は下方から受ける光を利用する効率が高いことを考えると, 現地で行われている混植は葉面積指数が低く抑えられるので, 群落構造のうえからみれば合理的であるといえる.
  • TRUNG Bui Chi, 吉田 重方
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 493-499
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    リョクトウを水耕栽培し, 生育収量・窒素吸収および子実の生産効率におよぼす施用窒素濃度および窒素形態の影響を明らかにすることを試みた. その結果, 下記のことが明らかとなった. 1. リョクトウの生育や子実収量は培地中の窒素濃度の増加に伴って増加し, その最適濃度は50 ppmであった. 2. リョクトウによる窒素吸収量は培地中の窒素濃度の増加に対応して増加するが, 窒素吸収量は子実形成期以後において著しく高かった. また, 着生根粒による固定窒素の供給量は著しく少なかった. 3. 植物体乾物重に対する子実重および植物体全窒素量に対する子実全窒素量の比率で示される子実生産効率や子実タンパク生産効率は無窒素区と上記の培地中最適窒素濃度(50PPm)において著しく高かった. また, 子実収量も窒素濃度5p ppm区において最高であった. 4. 培地中窒素濃度の増加は子実数や千粒重の増加のみならず子実の粗たんぱく含量の増加にも有効に働いていた. 5. リョクトウの生育や収量は培地に施用する窒素の形態によっても影響を受けた。すなわち, 低濃度条件(10ppm-N)下では子実収量は低いが硝酸アンモニウム, 尿素, 硝酸ナトリウム, 硫酸アンモニウムともほぼ同一の収量を示した. しかし高濃度条件(100ppm-N)下では硝酸アンモニウム, 尿素の施用によりリョクトウの収量が著しく高まったが, 硝酸ナトリウムおよび硫酸アンモニウムの施用では全く効果的でなかった.
  • 小野 良孝, 中西 建夫
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 500-507
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    We traced the progress of the leaf-emergence on the main stem of sugarcane plants and examined relationships between seasonal changes in the leaf-emergence and climatic factors, effective heat unit summation for unfolding leaf turning point of leaf-emergence rate and leaf number at the beginning time of floral induction. Four varieties, F160, NCo310, H37-1933 and H32-8560, were used as materials and were planted monthly from June in 1980 to May in 1981 in Ishigaki Island, southwesternmost island of Japan. Results obtained were as follows. 1. Quadratic regression relationships were found between mean soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm and days from planting to first emergence (Fig. 2). By those equations obtained in the four varieties, it was estimated that the optimum soil temperature minimizing the days to the first emergence was 31°to 33°C. 2. The seasonal changes showed in the progress of the leaf-emergence on the main stem were summarized as follows: May to September; period of rapid increase in the leaf-emergence rate, October to November; period of gradual increase in the rate, December to February; period of slight increase in the rate, March to April; period of gradual increase in the rate (Fig. 3). 3. Mean air temperature was significantly correlated with leaf-emergence rate during unfolding 20 leaves on the main stem (Fig. 5, Table 1). Using linear regression equation (y=ax-b) obtained between the leaf-emergence rate (y) and mean air temperature (x), it was derived that lower limit of effective temperature and effective heat unit summation for unfolding leaf were given b/a and l/a, respectively. In three varieties of F160, NCo310 and H37-1933, the lower limit of effective temperature and effective heat unit summation were 11.1-11.4°C and 81.3-90.9°C, respectively. Those in H32-8560 were 9.9°C and 106.4°C, respectively (Table 2). 4. The leaf-emergence rate on heading stems during two months before unfolding flag leaf was faster than that on non-heading stems during the same period (Fig. 4). Therefore, it was suggested that turning point of the leaf-emergence rate existed about two months before unfolding the flag leaf when coincided with time of flower bud differentiation. 5. In the plants of NCo310 and H37-l933 planted in June and July of 1980, some stems headed by January in 1931, others did not. The difference of heading among stems is considered to arise from plant age at the beginning time of floral induction, when is estimated to be at the beginning of September in Ishigaki Island. From relationships between leaf number on the stem at the beginning of September and heading percent by January in 1981, it was satisfactory to consider that plant age in the leaf number at the time of ripness to flower was 6 in H37-l933 and was 15 in NCo310 (Table 3).
  • 帰山 長憲, 山崎 耕宇
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 508-514
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The formation of rooting zone in soil was investigated by a simple rhizotron-like apparatus, in which acrylic plates were used as translucent walls. The primary roots emerge acropetally from the stem which consists of successive "shoot unit"s. And the primary roots emerging early in the development from the lower "shoot unit"s tended to elongate horizontally, while those emerging from the upper "shoot unit"s tended to elongate obliquely and much later vertically. Therefore, the rooting zone in soil was formed as follows. The rooting zone primarily occupied horizontal part of thc soil. And continuously, accompanying the growth of the plant, the rooting zone spreaded obliquely from the base of the plant, and much later vertically. The mean elongation rate of the primary roots was estimated as 33 mm per day, and the maximum value was 110 mm per day. Though the mean elongation rate showed little difference among most primary roots examined, the elongation rate of those emerging later and elongating vertically was small.
  • 佐藤 肇, 後藤 寛治
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 515-520
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    インゲンマメの葉の調位運動と光との関係を知るために, 次の様な方法で2つの実験を行った. 暗室中のチャンバー内で第1本葉の左側小葉(葉枕を含む)にその基部方向から30度の角度で人工光を照射した(第1a図). 葉面傾斜の変化を「上下傾斜角(小葉軸の水平面に対する角度)」および「横むき傾斜角(小葉面の葉軸に直角な方向の水平面に対する角度)」(第1b図)の測定により検討した. [実験I] 光の強さの変化に対する小葉の傾斜反応を知るため, 2品種(大正金時, 姫手亡)を用いて, 3段階(10, 40, 80klx)の光を夫々60分間照射し, 小葉の傾斜角を測定した.「上下傾斜角」は, 40klxまで照度の増加に伴い大きくなり, それ以上では変らなかった(第2A図)が,「横むき傾斜角」は照度の増加に伴って徐々に頂小葉の方向へ傾斜した(第2B図), すなわち, 小葉面の傾斜は光の方向に対して直角および平行になるような運動により起り, 光強度の増加に伴って前者から後者ヘ変化することが認められた. また, 照度の変化に関係なく, 上記の傾斜特性をそれぞれ示す品種間の差異が認められ, この差異は内生的要因により起るものと思われた. [実験II] 調位運動に関する光受容体の位置を知るため, 葉枕と葉身およびその両者への光照射(照射部分が40klx)により, 姫手亡の小葉における傾斜角の変化を測定した. 葉枕への照射により, 小葉の「上下傾斜角」と「横むき傾斜角」の変化が大きく, 葉身および葉枕と葉身への照射でも「上下傾斜角」が大きく変化したが,「横むき傾斜角」の変化は小さいか, あるいは減少した(第3A図, 第3B図). このことから調位運動に関する光受容体は, 葉枕と葉身に存在することが認められた. しかし, 葉身の受容体は, 葉枕のそれより直角になるような小葉の運動と密接に関係するように思われた.
  • 松田 智明, 川原 治之助, 長南 信雄
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 521-528
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This report presents a result of histological observations on breaking process and slip planes formation in the fourth internode of rice culm, var. Koshihikari, with a polished thin section method. This method was devised in order to prepare microscopic thin sections of hard plant tissues with no artifact. The procedure is described as follows. Small specimens were dehydrated through ethanol series, and the ethanol was substituted with methyl methacrylate, which was polymerized later in gelatin capsule. Then, one side of the embedded specimen was disclosed with a grinder and emery papers, and was polished with abrasive cloth soaked in chromium oxide suspension. Subsequently, the polished side was stuck on a slide glass with epoxy resin, which was polymerized later, and the specimen was thinned to 5-20 μm thick, and was polished by the same means as mentioned above. Breaking process of the internode observed with the polished thin sections and a polarizing microscope is shown as follows. In the concave side of bent internodes, (1) first of all, a small number of slip planes arise in the cell walls of the cortical fibers (Fig. 1), (2) subsequently, many small creases and several chaps appear on the internodal surface (Figs. 2 and 3), (3) the cortical fiber cells begin to bend and the slip planes increase notably (Fig. 4), and when the internodes are broken, (4) the cortical fiber cells bend remarkably and separate from each other at middle lamella, and at the same time, the epidermal cells separate from the cortical fibers (Figs. 5 and 6), and (6) fundamental parenchyma cells are broken lastly (Fig. 5). The slip planes in the wall of the cortical fiber cells were formed on S helices crossing at almost right angles with Z helices of cellulose microfibrils in the S2 layer, which run parallel to the long axes of pits (Figs. 7 and 8). It is considered, therefore, that the slip planes of the internode are microscopic folds or crinkles in the S2 layer of secondary cell wall caused by compressive stress of bending load, as previously reported on wood cell walls by WARDROP et all and KEITH et al. The number of slip planes increased gradually with repeat of culm bending by wind and rain in the ripening period (Table 1). It is supposed, therefore, that the slip planes, small creases and chaps are the important factors of so-called fatigue of the lower internodes, and that thc short cells and large papillae on the epidermis function as the powerfull resistants to bending stress. From these results, the following conclusion can be deduced that the thickness of epidermis-cortical fiber compound and its cell walls, fiber cell length and sufficient depositions of silicic acid and lignin are the important factors to increase breaking resistance of the lower internodes.
  • 星川 清親
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 529-533
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the endosperm of two-rowed barley, thick, 3-4 cell layers' aleurone layers are formed in the peripheral, but they are not formed in the particular area facing to the nucellar projection (Fig. 1). Almost all cells of one to five layers in the area, which is lacking in aleurone, differentiated to the transfer cells on 6-8 days after anthesis. At first, slight and many wall ingrowth appeared and the cell walls were looked like the teeth of a saw (Figs. 3 and 4). About a week after, the individual tooth elongated and, as remarkably developed, it became sometimes to bridge-like form across the cell (Figs. 5 and 6). Well developed transfer cells abound in the front area just opposite to nucellar projection. However, it is noticeable that a few highly- developed transfer cells were found in group (showed with arrow in Fig. 7) in both sides of the front area. In the last stage of ripening, the transfer cells were filled up with reserve substances, therefore, the characteristic wall ingrowth became not distinguishable (Fig. 9). The area of transfer cells facing to nucellar projection seems to play an important role in the translocation of reserve substances into endosperm in two-rowed barley which the endosperm is encircled with mulch-layers and thick-walled aleurone cells.
  • 武岡 洋治, 近藤 清貴, KAUFMAN PETER B.
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 534-543
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    作物の恒常的な発育を保つ上で外気に接する表皮系組織の果たす役割は大きい. 表面構造の変化と珪質化の面からこの組織の構造と機能を明らかにする必要があると考え本研究を行った. 水稲葉身の表面構造とくにエピクチクラワックス(EW)の形態と構造ならびに遮光による影響を走査電子顕微鏡で観察した. 水稲品種"秋晴"を春日井氏培養液で砂耕し, 播種後28日間塞冷紗による80%遮光処理を行った. 別に無遮光区を設けて対照区とした. 自然日長ガラス室内で栽培し, 第6葉展開期に第5葉葉身の先端から1/3の部分を5mmずつ切り取って改良カルノフスキー液で12時間固定した. アルコール・アセトン脱水, 臨界点乾燥ののち金コーティングを施し, JSM-F7型走査電子顕微鏡で加速電圧15KeVで葉の上面(向軸側)と下面(背軸側)とを観察した. 上面表皮: 無遮光区葉身の脈上部では, コルクー珪酸細胞対, 孔辺細胞・副細胞のいずれも, 表面が不規則な大きさの繊維状ないし小片状のEWで密に覆われていた(第1, 3図), これらの細胞中乳頭状突起の部分はEWがとりわけ密であった(第1, 2, 3図). 他方毛耳と微毛では毛耳基部以外はEWが認められなかった(第5, 14, 18図). 脈間部の細胞でもEWの形成が密であったが, 機動細胞では他の細胞に比べてやや疎であった(第4図). この部域でも乳頭状突起のEWは最も密であった. 遮光区葉身では全般にEWの形成が悪く, 電子密度の低い部分が多く見られた(第6, 7, 9図). この変化はコルクー珪酸細胞対(第6図), 孔辺・副細胞(第7図). 表皮長細胞に顕著に現われ, EWも小棒状のものが多くなった(第7, 9図). 下面表皮: 無遮光区の脈上部でEWは上面表皮と同様の形成が認められ, 乳頭状究起に最も密にEWが見られた(第11, 12図). 脈間部では長細胞の大形突起頭部はEWを欠いていた(第10, 13図). 遮光区葉身も無遮光区と同様にEW形成が良好で, 下面表皮では遮光の影響はほとんど見られなかった. 水稲葉身表面でのEW形成と遮光の影響が場所により細胞により異なることを明らかにし, これに若干の考察を加えた.
  • 武岡 洋治, 松村 修, KAUFMAN Peter B.
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 544-550
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    作物の恒常的な発育を保つ上で外気に接する表皮系組織の果たす役割は大きい. 表面構造の変化と珪質化の面からこの組織の構造と機能を明らかにする目的で研究を行い, 機動細胞に形成される珪酸体を迅速, 簡便かつ広範囲に測定する方法を検討した. その結果, 非晶質ゲル(amorphous gel, SiO2・nH2O)の形をとる珪酸体が軟X線をよく吸収する性質を利用して, 葉内に分布する珪酸体の鮮明画像を得ることが可能になった. 本法は次の二つの過程から成る. すなわち, 1) 試料の調整から葉内の珪酸体画像を得る過程, 2) 得られた画像写真から珪酸体の葉内分布パターン, 面積などを計測する過程. 実験には土耕栽培による水稲品種短銀坊主の第5葉と, 同じく赤坊, 岩賀. 栄光の各止葉を供試した. 過程1: 採取した葉身をホルマリン・アルコール・酢酸混合液で5日間固定したのち水洗し, アイロンで乾燥する. この標本を黒色ビニール袋に密封したFG型フィルム上にのせ, 8KeV, 5mAに調整した軟X線照射装置(ソフテックス, M-1005 NA型)のミクロ照射部で1分間照射する. レンドールにより現像したネガフィルムを焼付けして珪酸体画像を得る. 過程2: 珪酸体の画像写真を対話式画像解析システム(Photem IBAS, Zeiss)にかけ, 調査項目を指定して必要とする図表を描かせる. この方法による利点は, 1) 植物組織の珪酸(体)同定のために開発された従来の灰像法, 組織化学などの方法に比べてはるかに簡便迅速に試料調整ができる. そのため多数の試料を比較的短時間に処理することができる. 2) 広範囲にわたる面積を撮影できるため葉身1枚の珪酸体分布を測定することができる. 3) あらかじめプログラミングをしておけば画像解析システムにより分布密度, 面積などの測定と統計処理を迅速に行うことができる. 4) 組織切片の軟X線画像から珪酸体及び類似性物質の組織内分布を調べることができる.
  • 森田 茂紀, 山崎 耕宇, 川田 信一郎
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 551-554
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Relationships between the growth direction of primary roots and their anatomical characters in cross sections were examined in rice plants. A close relationship was found between the root diameter and the stele diameter (r=0.966). And also there was a high correlation between the stele diameter and the phloem pole number (r=0.767). From the detail examination, however, it is shown that the latter regression line was variable depending on the growth direction of roots respectively. Then, as an index of the ratio of the stele diameter to the phloem pole number, the interphloem distance (=stele diameter×3.14/phloem pole number) was examined, and a relatively high correlation was found between the growth direction of the primary roots and their interphloem distance (r=0.702). From the observations described above it is suggested that the interphloem distance is, at least in this case, one important key to solve the problems of the root growth direction.
  • 由田 宏一, 野村 文雄, 後藤 寛治
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 555-561
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Flowering of soybean plants continues for a cosiderably long period. This experiment was conducted to make clear the significance of intra-plant flowering date in yielding process of soybeans. Characteristics of pod and seed development were investigated under the field condition with nine varieties differing in growth habit, maturity and seed size (Table 1). Flowers were distinguished by five days interval by painting a different color to a calyx. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Flowering period was classified into 3 (I-III) or 4 (I-IV) groups in six determinate types, 6 (I-VI) in one semi-indeterminate and 6 or 7 (I-VII) in two indeterminate types. All flowers of the last flowering group were aborted except three determinate varieties with 3 flowering groups (Fig. 1). 2. Pod length and pod width attained their maximum values within 20 to 30 days after flowering irrespective of variety and flowering group. There were little effects of flowering date on pod width at maturity. Although thickness of pod, and length, width and thickness of seed increased until near maturity, differences in sizes of seed among flowering groups became very small during dehydration process (Fig. 2). 3. During seed filling period and at maturity, sizes of pod and seed from the last flowering group (III) tended to be small compared with those from the earlier ones (I, II) in determinate types, whereas those from the earliest (I or I, II) and the last (V or VI) flowering group tended to be small in semi-indeterminate and indeterminate types (Fig. 2). These tendencies were more clearly shown in dry weight of pod and seed (Fig. 3). 4. Sigmoid curves were obtained for seed dry matter changes of each flowering group. The slope and duration of linear phase differed among varieties and flowering groups. Rate of dry matter accumulation (RDA) of seed in a large-seeded variety was of lineal phase differed among varieties and flowering groups. Rate of dry matter generally higher than that in a small-seeded variety. In determinate types, seed from the last flowering group had low RDA or short effective filling period (EFP), whereas in semi-indeterminate or indeterminate types, the earliest-flowered seed had low RDA and the last had short EFP (Table 2).
  • 森田 茂紀, 山崎 耕宇, 川田 信一郎
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 562-566
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. In previous paper it was shown that the interphloem distance (=stele diameter×3.14/phloem pole number) was closely correlated to the growth direction of primary roots in rice plants. Then the interphloem distance was examined in this paper and high correlations were found between the interphloem distance and the number as well as the tangential width of interphloem pericycle cells. These relationships suggest that the interphloem distance may also be related to the number and the cross sectional area of other stele cells. 2. From the examination of the cross sectional area of the stele it was found that the stele area was more highly correlated to the total phloem area than to the mean phloem area or to the phloem pole number (total phloem area=mean phloem area×phloem pole number). These facts show that the roots of the same diameter may have variable pairs of the mean phloem area and the phloem pole number though the total phloem area are almost the same. And it is suggested, therefore, that the conductive capacities of the phloem in total are not always the same even if the root diameters are constant. 3. The relationships between the growth direction of primary roots and their morphological and functional characters were examined last. And the growth direction of primary roots, in general, was found to be more highly correlated to their conductive capacities than to other morphological characters of the roots. Here, the conductive capacities of each roots were estimated from the mean phloem area and the phloem pole number by means of Poiseuille's law. From these observations it is suggested that the root growth direction might be influenced by the amount of assimilates translocated from the shoot through the phloem.
  • 由田 宏一, 野村 文雄, 後藤 寛治
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 567-573
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    To evaluate the significance of intra-plant flowering date in yielding process of soybeans, number of flowers, podding efficiency, nodal distribution of pods on the main stem and yield components originated from different flowering dates within a plant were investigated. The experiment was conducted under the field condition with six determinate, one semi-indeterminate and two indeterminate varieties. Flowering period of each variety was classified by five days interval into three to seven groups by painting a different color to a calyx. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. Total number of flowers per plant was widely varied among varieties. In semi-indeterminate and indeterminate types a peak of flowering was in the middle of flowering period while in determinate types most of flowering occurred in the first ten days of flowering. Podding efficiency also varied 20 to 62% among varieties. It tended to be the earlier the flowering date, the lower the abscission level, although the podding efficiency of the earliest flowering group in indeterminate types was somewhat low (Table 1 and Fig. 1). 2. Nodal distribution profiles of pods on the main stem were different among types of growth habit and among varieties of determinate types. However, most pods in the upper and middle portion of the main stem showed a tendency to be originated from the full-flowering period (Fig. 2). 3. Seed numbers per pod of the flowering groups with high podding efficiency tended to be larger and those from the later-flowered groups were small. Seventy percent and more seeds produced per plant were originated from the first ten days of flowering in determinate types and from the fifteen days in the middle of flowering period in semi-indeterminate and indeterminate types (Table 2). 4. Seed size in the flowering period described above was also larger than the other flowering period. Coefficients of variation of individual seed size were not always related to the date of flowering group, although they differed among flowering groups (Table 3). 5. As a result, the greater parts of seed yield (70-80% in early-matured variety and 90% and more in others) originated from the first ten days of flowering in determinate types and from the fifteen days in the middle of flowering period in semi-indeterminate and indeterminate types (Fig. 3). Therefore, these periods might be called "effective flowering period (EFLP)" for soybean seed production.
  • 平沢 正, 荒木 俊光, 松田 永一, 石原 邦
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 574-581
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    It was reported in previous paper that water absorption could not catch transpiration up in the day time of a fine day even though the rice plant was grown under submerged soil condition, and consequently stomata closed considerably. Moreover, it was considered that there was a relationship between the decreasing of stomatal aperture of leaf blade in a day time and potential of root water absorption which was related to age and activity of the roots. In this paper, we investigated root activity which related to potential of root water absorption by measuring the exudation rate from the base of the leaf blade in paying attention to the leaf position and plant growth stages. 1. Except the flag leaf the higher the leaf position, the higher the exudation rate; the older the leaf age, the lesser the exudation rate regardless of growth stages (Fig. 1, 2 and 3). 2. The exudation rate from the base of the flag leaf increased if the culm was kept horizontally (Fig. 2D). Also rooting from the upper nodes by molding promoted the exudation rate of the flag leaf (Fig. 4 and Table 1). Thus we assumed that the exudation rate of the flag leaf was affected by both factors; water pressure related to the position of the flag leaf and abscence of roots on the upper nodes. 3. After the heading stage the exudation rate of upper four or five leaves decreased conspicuously (Fig. 3). The root pressure estimated from water potential of culture solution in which exudation was ceased was 2.1-2.4 bar before the booting stage, but it decreased to 0.7 bar in the early ripening stage (Fig. 5 and 6, and Table 2). From both the results mentioned above and the fact that treating roots with NaN3 inhibited exudation (Fig. 7), it was assumed that the decreasing rate of exudation due to leaf age may be related to the decrease of activity in roots physiologically connected with the leaf, and that the decreasing rate after the heading stage may be due to aging of all roots. Furthermore, it was presumed that root activity which related to potential of root water absorption participated in leaf water maintenance during intensive transpiration.
  • 幸田 泰則, 岡沢 養三
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 582-591
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    黄化徒長茎断片を用いた組織培養法により, バレイショ塊茎形成に影響する諸要因について検討を加えた. 1. 組織培養系における塊茎形成は培養温度と培地中の蔗糖濃度により大きな影響を受けた. 25℃では, 蔗糖濃度の増加に応じて塊茎形成率は増加したが, 30℃では, ほとんど塊茎形成は認められなかった. また, 10℃では蔗糖濃度にかかわらず, 塊茎が形成された. 2. サイトカイニン(ゼアチンリボシド)は低濃度蔗糖(2%)下では全く塊茎形成を引き起こさなかったが, 高濃度蔗糖(4%以上)下では塊茎形成促進作用を示した. また形成された塊茎の生重量は, ゼアチンリボシド添加により増大した. 3. アブシジン酸は側芽先端部のわずかな肥大を誘起したが, 休眠芽を有する塊茎の形成はひき起こさなかった. 4. ジベレリン酸は塊茎形成を強く阻害した. 5. CEPA及びACCは側芽の横地性を誘起したが, 塊茎形成は全く促進しなかった. 6. 塊茎形成率は黄化徒長茎を得るために用いた親いもの齢の増加に伴い増加した. 貯蔵4か月程の比較的若い親いもより得た茎断片の塊茎形成率はほぼ0であったが, 同14か月の老化塊茎より得た茎断片のそれは1.0に達した. これらの両茎断片中の内生生長物質活性について比較した結果, サイトカイニン及びアブシジン酸の活性には大きな差異は認められなかった. ジベレリン活性は老化塊茎より得た塊茎化の容易な茎断片のほうが明らかに低かった. 7. 硝酸態窒素は塊茎形成に影響をおよばさなかったが, アンモニア態窒素は塊茎形成を強く阻害した. 硝酸アンモニウムによる塊茎形成阻害作用は, 低濃度蔗糖(2%)下でのみ認められ, 高濃度蔗糖(4%以上)下では, その作用は全くみられなかった. 8. 以上の結果は, ジベレリンの減少が塊茎形成の必要条件であり, サイトカイニン及びアブシジン酸は塊茎形成の直接的な要因でほないことを示しているものと推察される. サイトカイニンは形成された塊茎の生育を促進し, アブシジン酸は塊茎形成に対し, 何らかの補助的な役割を担っているものと考えられる.
  • 幸田 泰則, 岡沢 養三
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 592-597
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    バレイショ塊茎形成の初期におけるふく枝中の内生生長物質の変動と, ふく枝内で生ずる細胞学的変動との関連性について検討を加えた. 1. 伸長中のふく枝先端部のジベレリン様物質含量は比較的高かったが, ふく枝の肥大に伴いその量は急減し, 以降は塊茎形成完了期まで非常に低い値を示した. 2. オーキシン含量は, 全体として大きな変動を示さなかったが, 細胞肥大によって生ずるふく枝肥大の初期に最大のレベルに達した. 3. ブタノール可溶性サイトカイニンの含量は, 伸長中のふく枝先端部では極めて低い値を示したが, ふく枝の肥大に伴いわずかに増加し, その後細胞分裂が活発化するふく枝肥大後期に最大となり, 塊茎形成完了に伴ってわずかな減少をみせた. 4. アブシジン酸様物質の含量は, 伸長中のふく枝先端部では極めて低い値を示したが, ふく枝の肥大に伴い増加しはじめ, 以降急激な増加を続けた. 以上の結果は, ジベレリンはふく枝の伸長を促進することにより肥大を阻害し, オーキシンは細胞肥大によって生ずる初期のふく枝肥大に寄与していることを示すものと思われる. またサイトカイニンは細胞分裂を伴う後期のふく枝肥大を促進し, アブシジン酸はふく枝の伸長を阻止すると共に, 後期においては, 休眠芽の誘導に役立っているものと考えられる.
  • 佐竹 徹夫, 小池 説夫
    1983 年 52 巻 4 号 p. 598-600
    発行日: 1983/12/05
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー