Online ISSN : 1349-0990
Print ISSN : 0011-1848
ISSN-L : 0011-1848
48 巻, 2 号
  • 西山 岩男, 佐竹 徹夫
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 181-186
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    穂ばらみ期の冷温により不受精が発生する,いわゆる障害型冷害にさいして,穂の上部の頴花は下部の頴花よりも不受精の発生がおおいことが,いくつかの論文により報告されていた. この現象は不受精の発生機構の問題にも関連して注目すべきものであるが,これまでの報告はいずれも圃場における観察にもとずいており,冷温の時期・程度などの条件が充分あきらかでなかった. この論文は,ファイトトロンを用いて上記の現象の追試をおこない,人工環境下において,上部の頴花は下部の頴花よりも冷温感受性がたかいことをあきらかにした. すなわち,上位枝梗(第1~第3枝梗)は下位枝梗(第4以下の枝梗)よりも,1次枝梗は2次枝梗よりも,また枝梗先端の頴花は2番目の頴花よりも不受精歩合がたかかった. 換言すれば,一般に生育のはやい頴花ほど冷温感受性がたかかった. この原因についてはなおあきらかでないが,人工環境下での再現は解明への手がかりをあたえるであろう.
  • 浜村 邦夫
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 187-194
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    稲幼苗時のエチレン生成の品種間差(特に浮稲と非浮稲の間の差)の有無ならびに黄化苗の形態上の差の有無を知るため,バングラデシュ2,インド2,タイ7,インドネシア1,日本1の計13品種およびタイの野生稲2系統を用い,催芽後ゴム栓で密封した試験管中で,暗黒下30℃8日間培養し,ガスクロマトグラフによるエチレンの定量ならびに黄化苗の形態の測定と解析を行った. 浮稲と非浮稲の間にはエチレンの生成量に顕著な差が認められなかったが,非浮稲の1品種, Nam Sagui 19は他の品種より明らかにエチレン生成が多く注目された. この品種は,タイ農業局およびIRRIにおいて冠水抵抗性品種として知られるものである. 15品種,各10苗形質のデータから主成分分析法を用い, 苗形態を総合特性値により要約した場合に,浮稲と非浮稲の違いがどのように把えられるかを調べたところ,第1成分であるサイズファクター(厳密にはサイズファクターとは言えないが)によってではなく,第2成分によって,その違いがよく把えられることがわかった. 根数が多く,根長が長く,鞘葉の長いものほど,第2成分が大きくなる関係にあり,非浮稲ほどこの成分スコアが大きい傾向が認められた.
  • 秋本 嘉彦, 板橋 稔, 斉藤 均, 佐々木 幹夫
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 195-200
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In order to investigate the effects of wind on rooting and growth of tobacco in its early stage, potted seedlings of flue-cured tobacco (variety; Coker 319) were grown under the condition of the constant wind (3 m/s). The results were obtained as follows; 1. The soil of the wind plot lost moisture from its surface faster than that of control plot under ventilating air current only, especially near the surface of soil. The.soil temperature became lowered by the wind slightly in daytime, while scarcely in nighttime. 2. The rate of leaf emergence of tobacco was apparently depressed by the wind. Its stem length, leaf area and dry leaf weight were distinctly less than those of control tobacco (grown under ventilating air current only), and dry root weight of the wind-treated tobacco was slightly inferior to that of control tobacco. 3. Because of the poor growth of top caused by the wind, the smaller T/R ratio was resulted in the wind-treated tobacco as compared with that in control tobacco. The roots of the former grew longer and reached deepcr in soil than of the latter. 4. When the influence of soil moisture loss on the growth of tobacco in the wind plot was excluded by adjusting the soil moisture tension of the both plots at the same level ( l2 mmHg at 7-9 cm in depth), the growth of top of tobacco in the wind plot was still kept poor as mentioned above, even though it was only slightly improved by the treatment. It was concluded that the windy weather in Okinawa can possibly be the major cause of the poor rooting and growth of tobacco in its early stage in the field there which had been considered to be a typical tendency of tobacco growing in the district of Okinawa.
  • 浜村 邦夫
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 201-205
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    浮稲の幼苗検定に資する目的で,浮稲と非浮稲の苗の形態的な比較を行ったところ,第2葉身長に差が認められたので,多数の品種について検討した. タイ国中央部で蒐集され,同国農業及び協同組合省農業局稲作部に保存中の品種,80を用い,バンコックの網室内ポット栽培により播種後7日目の第2葉身長を比較した. 浮稲品種は20~45mmであり,通常の水稲品種が30~55mmであるのに較べて,短かい傾向を示した. 浮稲は浅水条件でも倒伏し易く,倒伏程度につきデータの得られた60品種の比較において,浮稲性(品種記録による),倒伏程度(浅水条件),第2葉身長の3者の間には有意な相関が認められた. 稲作部で育成中の浮稲と非浮稲の交配のF4ないしF6の系統178と比較品種12の計190につき,池を用いた深水検定による浮稲性程度(深水抵抗性程度)と第2葉身長の相関を調べたところ,r=-0.554(d.f.=188)なる有意な相関がみられた. 第2葉身長が,稲のタイプによって異る原因について,(1)何らかの生理的な理由,(2)稲生態型の分化に伴って起きた遣伝的な機会変動の二つが考えられる. (1)に含まれる内容として植物生長調節物質のレベルの問題も推測され,今後検討を要する点である.
  • 和田 富吉, 前田 英三
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 206-213
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    This paper deals with preparations for the preservation of globoids in the seeds as well as with some histochemical and ultrastructural characteristics. In the preliminary examination on the extraction of metachromatic substances from globoids in aleurone grains of plant seeds and of authentic phytin specimens, the substances were extracted within 15 minutes at pH values lower than 4 and higher than 11 and within 12 hours at pH 7 while not extracted in the pH range 8 to 10. Further experiments were performed to determine an available procedure for the retention of globoid. Some aldehydes and osmium tetroxide produced usable images but permanganate did not produce any acceptable image. Cacodylate buffer was preferable to phosphate buffer. In the usual procedures of fixation and dehydration, the overall time within 6 hours was recommended because a prolonged time caused the decrease in size of globoid owing to the extraction of substances from the globoid. The images such as large globoid cavities and absence or very small size of globoids in aleurone grains seem to be an artefact occurred during the preparation of materials. The addition of cations such as magnesium and calcium to the fixatives and the dehydration series was suggested to reduce the loss of materials in the globoids. In the uranyl staining of thin section, the uranyl acetate in a sodium acetate or a veronal acetate buffer at pH 6 was used to prevent the extraction and dispersion of electron dense substances from globoid. As embedding media, glycol methacrylate and Spurr's epoxy resin were the most available for light and electron microscopies, respectively. The nature of globoid as a phytin containing particle was confirmed with histo-chemical and ultrastructural methods. Inclusions in aleurone grains and lipid granules among several seeds were compared. On the base of these results, the terminology of inclusions in aleurone grains of lettuce seed and the localization of phytin in globoid of sorghum seed were discussed.
  • 杉本 勝男, 佐本 啓智
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 214-219
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    To analyze the compensatory growth and yield observed in rice plants adjacent to empty hills and to evaluate the limit of the distance between planted and empty hills allowing safe and effective replanting of young seedlings, field experiments were conducted in Central Japan in 1966. Within a plot, the distance between rows was 33 cm and that between hills was 12 cm. As shown in Fig. 1, four treatments consisting of rows where planting was omitted in 2, 3, 4, 5 consecutive hills were set up (treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4). In treatment 5, 2 sets of 2 consecutive hills without plants were separated by a hill where rice had been plantd. Effect of standard fertilizer application was compared in each treatment with that in which fertilizers were not appplied. Results of the experiment can be summarized as follows : 1. Effect of compensation on number of panicles and on yield were nearly the same with or without the application of fertilizers. 2. The rate of increase of panicle number in rice plants adjacent to hills without plants was higher than that of the weight of a head, as compared with controls in plots with or without the application of fertilizers. However the rate of increase of the weight of a head, as compared with controls was slightly higher in plots where fertilizers had been applied. Accordingly the yield component which showed the most significant compensatory effect was represented by the number of panicles. 3. The compensatory effect and yield in plants adjacent to empty hills was particularly evident in plants located in the same row, as compared with those in adjacent rows. Within the same row, plants adjacent to empty hills showed a significant compensatory effect on yield which increased with the distance separating both groups of hills. 4. Yield compensatory effect represented by panicle weight per hill was calculated jointly in fertilized and non-fertilized plots, as the difference in compensation rate between both groups of plots was not evident. Compensatory rates in yield were 99%, 96%, 93∼92% and 98%, respectively in treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 and 5. 5. Limits of compensation for yield allowing safe replanting of young seedlings were within a distance ranging between 24 to 36 cm (i.e. in treatments 1 and 2).
  • 平 宏和, 平 春枝, 前重 道雅
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 220-228
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The influence of variety and crop year on lipid content and fatty acid composition of brown rice was investigated on the 24 lowland non-glutinous varieties cultivated at Hiroshima Agricultural Experiment Station in 1976 and 1977. Lipid content and stearic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid contents were significantly affected by variety and crop year and palmitoleic acid and linolenic acid contents were significantly affected by crop year. As to the fatty acid composition in 1976 and both the years (1976+1977), the daily mean temperature during ripening showed significantly positive correlations with palmitoleic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, and arachidic acid contents and negative correlations with myristic acid, palmitic acid, lino-leic acid, and linolenic acid contents. On the other hand, no significant correlation between daily mean temperature during ripening and fatty acid content was observed in 1977. With respect to the reason, it was presumed that there was no marked difference in the temperature among the varieties in 1977 because of higher temperature from the middle of August to the middle of September as compared with 1976. Oleic acid content showed significantly negative correlations with linoleic acid and linolenic acid contents and linoleic acid content showed significantly positive correlation with linolenic acid content in 1976, 1977, and both the years. The relation between oleic acid content (X%) and linoleic acid content (Y%) was expressed by the following regression equation from the values of both the years. Y=-0.759X+68.21.
  • 加藤 泰正, 北田 寿美
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 229-242
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    大豆植物体内のチッソを子葉に由来する部分と,生育各期に与えた肥料チッソ(15N)に由来する部分に分け,各器官,とくに葉におけるそれらの分布や転流状況を発芽後33日間追跡した. 発芽初期の8日間,幼植物は大部分(約80%)のチッソを子葉から獲得し,それらは根,茎,初生葉に分布したが,その後子葉のチッソは第1,第2本葉に送られるようになり,根,茎への供給はほとんど止むか,極めてわずかにすぎなかった. 発芽後14日目,初生葉中の子葉由来チッソは,初生葉全チッソがなお増加中にもかかわらず,早くも再転流を開始した. 20日目以降(子葉はすでに脱落),子葉由来チッソは第1,第2本葉などからも顕著に再転流を行い,実験終了時には下部より6枚の展開葉中にほぼ均等に分布し,なお上位3枚の未展開葉中にも微量が検出された.一方15Nは葉の全生育期間にわたって絶えず葉に流入し,葉の完全展開直前頃より流入と流出が同時に観察されるようになる. この点を考慮すると,大豆葉のチッソ転流能力は従来の推定を約2倍上まわるものと考えられる. このような葉のチッソの動態は,葉の全タンパク質の示す代謝回転と密接な関係にあり,葉におけるチッソの流入とタンパク質の合成,およびチッソの流出とタンパク質の分解は,それぞれがつねに同時的に進行し,摘心処理によって地上部の生長部分を除去すると,葉に対するチッソの流入とタンパク質合成はともに増加するが,葉のタンパク質分解とチッソの流出は何れもほぼ完全に停止することが観察された.
  • 小林 正男, 佐竹 徹夫
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 243-248
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The deep water irrigation is one of the most effective countermeasures against the sterility induced by a cool temperature at the booting stage. For the purpose of estimating the water depth necessary for protecting susceptible spikelets, the vertical distribution of spikeltts at the critical stage was surveyed in the whole panicles of a rice plant in paddy fields, uslng 4 varieties in Hokkaido during the years 1972 to 1975. The following relations were observed as to the height of susceptible spikelets above ground. Variety: Norin 20, Yukara > Eiko, Shiokari, Yunami. Year: 1973 > 1972. Fertilizer level : high > medium > low. Seedling age: 5th≒4th-leaf stage. Tiller: main stem > primary > secondary. The results of the present study showed that the water depth covering about 80% of the cool-susceptible spikelets is l7-20 cm and higher than the conventional 12-15 cm depth recommended by Sakai (1949).
  • 太田 敏郎
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 249-253
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    Changes of pericarp gibberellins in both acidic ethylacetate and n-butanol fractions during development in three varieties of kidney bean, two dwarfs and a tall, were examined. In early stage of pod growth, the gibberellin contents in the pericarps increased in all three varieties. After the full growth in the length of pericarps, gibberellin content decreased rapidly in Masterpiece, a dwarf one, whereas in other two varieties the gibberellin concentrations of full ripened pericarps were slightly lower (Mantle, a dwarf) or almost the same (Kentucky VVonder, a tall) in both fractions as compared with those of the pericarps in earlier developing stages. Those results indicate that the change of gibberellin production along with their pericarp development are greatly dependent on varieties. Addition to this, very high gibberellin content such like as 4.2 μg GA3 equivalent per 1 g dry weight, for example, is detected in the pericarps of Masterpiece just after the stage for vegetable use. Available informations are indicating that gibberellin activity is generally higher in tall varieties than in dwarf ones, however, the results obtained in this experiment indicate that the pericarps of tall variety Kentucky Wonder showed rather small activity than that of dwarfs suggesting that gibberellin concentration in pericarps are not always parallel to those in seeds.
  • 加藤 眞次郎, 北條 良夫, 下坪 訓次
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 254-259
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The purpose of this study is to make clear the effects of sink on the translocation process of 14C-photosynthates from the leaves of several leaf plastochron indices (LPI) at different stages of development in Ipomoea grafts. 1. Two combination grafts were obtained by grafting the scion of improved variety (I. batatas POIRET var. Okinawa No. 100) on the stock of the wild type plant (I. trfida (H.B.K.) Don.·T-15) and the stock of Okinawa No. 100. 2. The leaves of LPI 4, 7, l2 and 19 in the respective grafts were exposed to 14CO2 gas for 30 minutes. The distinctions of leaves in each LPI were as follows: LPI 4, the leaves reached the beginning stage of rapid leaf expansion; LPI 7, the leaf areas were found about 65% of matured leaves; LPI 12 and 19, the leaves reached in full expansion stage. The plants were harvested in the lapse of 1 hour after the beginning of the exposure to 14CO2 gas. 3. In case where the leaves of LPI 4 were exposed to 14CO2 gas, 14C-photosynthates translocated slightly in upward and downward direction. In case of the leaves at LPI 7, downward translocation of 14C-photosynthates was more predominant in the grafts of Okinawa No. 100 stock than that in the grafts of T-15 stocks. On the other hand, the differences of upward translocation were not recognized between grafts. At LPI 12 leaves, downward translocation increased more than that of LPI 7 in the grafts of T-15 stocks. In case of the leaves at LPI 19, the differences of translocation pattern of 14C-photosynthates were not found between the grafts, and then the translocation of 14C-photosynthates was found predominantly in downward direction at both stock grafts. 4. From the above mentioned results, it may be considered that the translocations of 14C-photosynthatcs from the leaves of LPI 4 are not liable to be affected by the stock types, that those of the leaves at LPI 7 are apt to be affected remarkably in downward translocation by the stock type, and that those of the LPI 19 are not liable to be affected in upward and downward translocation by the stock types.
  • 稲永 忍, 玖村 敦彦, 村田 吉男
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 260-264
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The carbon dioxide exchanges of the artificial communities of rape planted in pots were measured at both the beginning of flowering and the middle stage of ripening. The photosynthetic system of plant was mainly consisted of leaves at the beginning of flowering, and of pods at the middle stage of ripening. Using the data obtaincd, we compared gross photosynthesis at both stages and examined the relationship between PAI (pod area index) and the balance in matter production of pods at the middle stage of pod development. 1. The initial slope of photosynthesis-light curve of leaves rose with increasing LAI, whereas that of pods remained constant at all PAI's. The saturating light intensity of leaves was constant at all LAI's, whereas that of pods rose with increasing PAI. 2. Net production per day at the middle stage of ripening reached its maximum value at PAI 4, without declining at PAI 6 which is nearly the maximum value attainable in actual cultivation.
  • 稲永 忍, 玖村 敦彦, 村田 吉男
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 265-271
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The carbon dioxide exchanges of the detached pod of rapeseed were measured in an assimilation chamber under controlled environments once in 12 days throughout the period of pod development. From the results presented in Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6, carbon content of the pod and the actual climatic data, the contribution to the total require-ments for the growth of pod was sought as to pod photosynthesis and translocation from other organs. The following results were obtained: 1. Apparent photosynthesis of the pod showed a value near to 10.5 mgCO2/dm2 surface area/h during 12-36 days after flowering, and then declined rapidly as the pod matured. The optimum temperature for the apparent photosynthesis of the pod was 20∼25°C during the whole period of pod development. 2. Dark respiration of the pod was high (6.3 mgCO2/g dry weight/h) at the early stage of pod development, and declined rapidly as the pod matured. Temperature coeffcient, 〓10, for the dark respiration of the pod was 2.2 for 10-30°C. 3. The dry weight of pericarp increased rapidly after flowering, and reached the maximum value at the earlier stage of pod development. On the other hand, the dry weight of seed increased gradually after flowering, and reached the maximum value at the later stage of pod development. Most of the dry matter needed for pod growth was translocated from other organs during the period of pericarp growth, and was provided by pod photosynthesis during seed development. 4. For the whole period of pod development, the contribution of gross photosynthesis by the pod and of translocation from other organs to total requirements were 70% and 30%, respectively. The proportion of respiration by the pod and of pod growth to total requirements were 39% and 61%, respectively.
  • 片山 忠夫
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 272-278
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    稲属4種8系統を用いて自然日長区および短日処理100区を設け,80日令と85日令に達した時,11.0,11.5,12.0,12.5および13.0時間明期の短日処理を開始した. 処理期間中に種々程度の自然日長条件を挿入した. これにより苗令・日長・短日条件効果の累積の組合せ効果に関して調査を行った. 反応に従って先づ3群に分類された. 同一系統内で,ある明期にのみ感応が認められるように成る現象を進行,ある明期の時感応が認められ無く成る現象を退行と仮称した. 進行は11.0明期のみ,退行は13.0明期のみに認められた. 従って本実験の範囲内で言えば,安定した反応型は11.5~12.5明期内で得られた. 両者の発現にある程度の種特異性が見い出された. 同一系統内で進行や退行が認められる場合,既報の分類の他に群内の変動や新たな群が見られた. 苗令効果は一般に各明期の間で有意な差が確認されなかった. このような苗令・日長・累積効果の組合せ実験に対する反応は,稲属の感光性を表示する指標の一つに成り得るものと思われる.
  • シン O. N., シン マファテム
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 279-282
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    矮性小麦品種の窒素利用の差異を明らかにするために,多収性品種3種を供試し,施用窒素量を6段階に変えた実験を1970~71年と1971~72年の冬季に圃場で行なった. 窒素の吸収は,施用量が最高の200kgN/haまで直線的に増加したけれども, 子実への窒素の移行割合は子実収量が最高になった160kgN/haまで増加し,200kgN/haでは減少した. 吸収総窒素量がほぼ等しい品種のうち,H.D.1941は植物体窒素の子実への移行がより大きく,Kalyan Sonaは麦わら中に比較的多く残存した. このことは,前者が多肥条件下であっても窒素利用においてよりすぐれた品種であることを示している.
  • 佐藤 庚, 池田 武
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 283-290
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effect of temperature during the ripening period on the seed yield and its quality was investigated using cv. Miyagishirome. The temperature treatments were composed of eight plots: five day/night temperature plots (30°/25°, 30°/20°, 25°/20°, 25°/15° and 17°/12°C, day and night temperatures being constant, respectively), two gradual temperature change plots (the diurnal temperature gradually changes along with sine curves designated as 25°/20°and 17°/12°, the daily mean temperature being almost the same to the respective 25°/20° and 17°/12° plot) and outdoor control (average daily mean temperature was about 21°C). The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The dry weight per plant was in the following orders: 25°/20°>30°/25°≥17°/12° in case of 5°C daily range, and 25°/15°>30°/20° in case of 10°C daily range. When the day temperature was the same, the dry weight per plant grown under 10°C lower nights was greater than that under 5°C lower nights. There was little difference in dry matter production between the gradual temperature change plots and the suddenly change plots. The dry weight of the outdoor control was almost the same as that of 25°/20°. 2. Seed yield per plant was greater at 25°/15° and 30°/20° plots, followed by 25°/20°, 25°/20°, 30°/25° and outdoors in that order, and very small both at 17°/12° and 17°/12°. Numbers of pod and seed per plant tended to increase with increase of temperature in case of 5°C daily range, while those of 25°/15° and 30°/20° were almost same. Numbers of pod and seed of 10°C daily range were greater than those of 5°C daily range when the day temperatures were same, and those of the outdoor control were similar to those of 25°/20°. 100-seed weight was very great at 25°/20° and 25°/20°, followed by 25°/15°, 30°/20°, outdoor control, 30°/25° in that order and those of 17°/12°, 17°/12° were extremely small. 3. N, K, TAC (Total Available Carbohydrate) and seed oil accumulation perplant were paralleled with dry matter accumulation in response to temperature. P accumulation tended to increase with increase of temperature. At maturity most of N, P, K and TAC accumulated in seeds, Mg+Ca in pod shells and Fe and Na in roots, respectively. The concentration of Fe and oil in seeds tended to increase and that of carbohydrate to decrease with increase of temperature. Saturated fatty acids in seed oil such as palmitic, stearic and oleic acid with one double bond tended to increase and other unsaturated acids such as linoleic and linolenic to decrease with increase of temperature. 4. The larger seeds ripened outdoors or at 25°/20°, 25°/15° and 30°/20° showed a higher germination percentage. 5. In the regime of this experiment, day temperature of 25° to 30° with 10°C daily range during the ripening period seemed to be optimum for dry matter accumulation, nutrient absorption, seed yield, and seed characters, suggesting that the optimum temperature for ripening is a ittle lower than that for vegetative growth.
  • 平 春枝, 平 宏和, 森 義雄, 後木 利三, 藤盛 郁夫
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 291-302
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The physical property, chemical composition, and suitability for food processing of soybean seeds were investigated on the seeds by dry treatment after harvest, i.e. natural drying and air drying by non-heated and heated at 20°C, 30°C, and 40°C. The seeds stored at 15°C with R.H. 65% and 75%, at 30°C with R.H. 65% and 75%, and room storage with paper bag for 30, 60, 120, 130, 270, and 360 days, respectively, were further investigated on suitability for food processing. The moisture contents of seeds under the storage were as follows: R.H. 65%: 10.7% to 11.4% at 15°C and 9.6% to 10.5% at 30°C, R.H. 75%: 14.5% to 14.9% at 15°C and 13.8% to 15.1% at 30°C, and room storage: 8.3% to 12.7%, respectively. On the changes of suitability for food proccssing by storage, absorbability of water in seeds, germinability, extractability of protein by hot water from soaked seeds, pH of soybean milk, and increasing weight ratio of steamed seeds to raw seeds were decreased, while soluble matter and protein in soaked water, and moisture content, hardness and coloration of steamed seeds were increased. Among the stored conditions, the seeds at 15°C with R.H. 65%, 75%, and room storage well retained the suitability for food processing, whereas remarkable deteriorations were observed at 30°C with R.H. 75%. Among the heated-air drying seeds, the influence of storage for food processing was significantly observed in the seeds dried at 40°C. From the results, the undesirable influence of storage was observed on Miso, Natto, or cooked beans making as compared with Tofu making.
  • 川田 信一郎, 鈴木 茂, 山崎 耕宇
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 303-310
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    The detachment of root caps was examined microscopically, using rice crown roots grown by "leaf-cutting" method. An agar-immersion process was newly introduced to secure tissues from sloughing off during microtome-sectioning procedures. Root caps of just-emerging crown roots are designated here as "primary root caps". Their structures are characterized by predominantly stratified cell layers, arranging parallely to the tip surfaces. Contrastively, the structures differ from those of the later appearing, ordinary root caps with well defined cell files, i.e. columella. Within several days after their emergence, the "primary root caps" tended to dissociate and detach from root tips. The ways of their detachment were classified into the following three types; (1) the "cylindrically-detaching" type, (2) the "penetratedly-detaching" type, and (3) the "falling-off" type, respectively. In the former two types, detached cell layers remaining on the basal parts suppressed the outgrowth of root hairs and lateral roots. Following the detachment of the "primary root caps", in the "denuded" ordinary root caps, the falling at the tips of single cells or small cell groups seemed to be prevalent. The mechanism of the detachment of the "primary root caps" may be attributed to the mutual dissociation of their cell layers due to their different growth rates, and also to the collapse of their cell layers at the tips due to the development of columella.
  • 桃木 芳枝, 長谷川 忠男, 太田 保夫, 田辺 猛, 鈴木 隆雄, 金木 良三
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 311-316
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous article, two substances named inhibitors A and B were isolated from the seed coats of Bupleurum falcatum seeds. In present experiments, these inhibitors were developed on thin-layer chromatograms and chemical and physiological properties of inhibitors were observed. The results obtained are as follows: 1. On the thin-layer chromatograms using the solvent of n-butyl alcohol saturated with ammonia, eight spots were found from inhibitor A, while nine spots were found from inhibitor B. These results were the almost same with those of separation by paper chromatography. The separating power of thinlayer chromatography, however, were better than that of paper chromatography. The inhibition of germination in lettuce seeds was observed with only one spot of inhibitor B, which showed the typical color reaction with the phenol reagents. 2. Under the UV light of spectrophotometer, both inhibitors A and B showed the maximum absorption at 280 nm, though different absorption spectra were observed between inhibitor A and B. 3. When inhibitor B, which showed remarkable physiological activities, was applied to non-dormant Bupleurum falcatum seeds with soaking in water solution at various concentration, it was observed that RNA content in seeds was not affected but amylase activity was lowered at the concentration of more than 50 ppm.
  • 脇塚 巧, 山口 俊彦
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 317-318
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 石原 邦, 平沢 正, 飯田 修, 小倉 忠治
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 319-320
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 原田 二郎, 伊藤 十四英, 田中 孝幸
    1979 年 48 巻 2 号 p. 321-322
    発行日: 1979/06/30
    公開日: 2008/02/14
    ジャーナル フリー