Online ISSN : 1347-5231
Print ISSN : 0031-6903
ISSN-L : 0031-6903
74 巻, 3 号
  • 入谷 信彦, 田中 善正
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 217-219
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Determination of sulfur in organic substances was carried out by taking 20-25mg. of a sample, heating this in a sealed tube with fuming nitric acid in accordance with the Carius method, and the sulfuric acid thereby formed titrated with 0.05N barium chloride solution, using sodium rhodizonate as an external indicator. The end point of the titration was much clearer than in other methods and the maximum error was 0.26%. Excess of nitric acid constitutes a cause for error so that the content of the sealed tube was transferred to an evaporating dish, warmed on a water bath to completely evaporate nitric acid, and neutralized before titration. Determination of SO4-- ion should be made by direct titration with barium chloride since it was found that the addition of a definite excess of barium chloride and back titration of the excess barium chloride with potassium sulfate gave a large error.
  • 大熊 誠一
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 220-223
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Addition of one drop of 0.5% Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] or 0.5% Na3[Fe(CN)5NH3] (or 0.5% Na3[Fe(CN)5H2O]) solution to one drop of the aqueous solution of thiourea or thiosemicarbazide, followed by addition of two drops of 0.5% hydroxylamine hydrochloride solution, and one drop of 1N sodium hydroxide results in purplish red to purple coloration. This coloration is specific to thiourea and thiosemicarbazide. Use of Na2[Fe(CN)5NO] allows detection of up to 40γ of thiourea and of Na3[Fe(CN)5NH3], up to 50γ of thiourea. The reaction reported by Sato that K4[Fe(CN)6] reacts with thiourea to give green to blue coloration (in acetic acidity) or red to purple red coloration (sodium carbonate-alkalinity) is an error. This coloration results from photolysis of K4[Fe(CN)6] to form K3[Fe(CN)5H2O] which reacts with thiourea to show blue or red coloration.
  • オキシアントラヒノン類の分離検出法及び植物に於ける分布について
    月田 潔, 鈴木 信夫, 横田 ミヤ
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 224-229
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Separatory detection of natural and synthesized hydroxyanthraquinones was carried out by paper chromatography using methanol-saturated cyclohexane as a developer and ammonia as the coloring agent (Table I). By the utilization of this method, distribution of free and combined hydroxyanthraquinones in plants was clarified to some extent (Tables II, III, and IV). It was found that the content of these compounds differed by species in the Polygonaceae. plants (Table V). This method enabled easy microdetection of hydroxyanthraquinones in plants in which the presence of such a component had not been reported.
  • ペーパークロマトグラフィーによる各地産ツルドクダミの成分について
    月田 潔, 横田 ミヤ
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 230-231
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Distribution of hydroxyanthraquiones in the root, stem, leaves, and flowers of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. was examined by paper chromatography using methanol-saturated cyclohexane as a developer and ammonia as the coloring agent. It was thereby found that hydroxyanthraquinones were not contained in the leaves, flower, and climbing, stem, but that several kinds of chrysophanic acid, emodin, emodin monomethyl ether, and chrysophanic acid anthrone were contained in free or combined form in basic stem and root, in which rhein and rhapontin were sometimes present.
  • オキシアントラヒノン含有植物中のオキシアントロンについて (第1報). クリソファン酸とクリソファン酸アントロンの分離検出法及びクリソファン酸アントロンの植物に於ける分布
    刈米 達夫, 月田 潔
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 232-234
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Of the anthraquinones and anthrones contained in plants, chrysophanic acid anthrone can be detected in microchemical amounts by treating a mixture of chrysophanic acid and chrysophanic acid anthrone with pyridine and acetic anhydride by which the latter is derived to 1, 8, 9-triacetoxy-3-methylanthracene and its characteristic fluorescence examined by paper chromatography. This method was utilized in examining the distribution of chrysophanic acid anthrone in plants and it was found that the plants containing chrysophanic acid contained its reduced form, the acid anthrone, in a free type or as a glycoside and that the content varied according to the passage of time between the collection and examination.
  • オキシアントラヒノン含有植物中のオキシアントロンについて (第2報) オキシアントロン類の微量検出法
    刈米 達夫, 月田 潔, 鈴木 信夫
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 234-237
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    By the use of 0.1% pyridine solution of p-nitrosodimethylaniline as a reagent, anthrones unsubstituted in 9- and 10-positions, especially 1, 8-dihydroxyanthrones that are present with 1, 8-dihydroxyanthraquinones in plants, were microchemically detected. It was moreover found that this coloration was not affected by the presence of quinones, anthraquinones, active methylene compounds, phenols, sugars, amino compounds, flavonoids, higher alcohols, xanthones, and coumarins.
  • 6-オキシベンゾチアゾール誘導体について
    内海 勇, 伊田 忠夫, 木口 太三郎, 鶴岡 正夫
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 238-241
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Reëxamination was made on 2-dimethylamino-6-methoxybenzothiazole, due to some doubts as to published reports, and it was found that it melted at 91°.
    As synthetic procedures for 2-dimethylamino-6-(β-diethylaminoethoxy)-benzothiazole, the following three methods were followed and the object was attained in all of them. (A) Application of tetraethylpiperazine di (p-toluenesulfonate) or diethylaminoethyl chloride to 2-dimethylamino-6-hydroxybenzothiazole, or of diethylamine to 2-dimethylamino-6-(β-chloroethoxy)-benzothiazole, and introduction of the side chain at 6-position; (B) application of dimethylamine to 2-chloro-6-(β-diethylaminoethoxy)-benzothiazole and introduction of the side chain in 2-position; and (C) application of bromine to p-(β-diethylaminoethoxy)-phenyldimethylthiocarbamide and final cyclization. 2-Dimethylamino-6-(β-dimethylaminoethoxy)-, 2-dimethylamino-6-(β-piperidinoethoxy)-, and 2-diethylamino-6-(β-diethylaminoethoxy)-benzothiazoles were also prepared.
  • 6-メルカプトベンゾチアゾール誘導体について
    内海 勇, 伊田 忠夫, 鶴岡 正夫
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 241-244
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Application of dimethylamine or diethylamine to 2-chloro-6-methylmercaptobenzothiazole yielded 2-dimethylamino- (V) or 2-diethylamino-6 -methylmercaptobenzothiazole (VI). Similarly, 2-dimethylamino and 2-diethylamino derivatives were obtained from 2-chloro-6-methylsulfinylbenzothiazole. (V) was also obtained by the addition of diethylamine to p-methylmercaptophenylisothiocyanate (X) to p-methylmercaptophenyldimethylthiocarbamide and its cyclization. In the same manner, addition of diethylamine or piperidine to (X) yielded (VI) or the 2-piperidyl derivative. 6-Ethylmercapto- and 6-(β-diethylaminoethylmercapto)-benzothiazole derivatives were respectively obtained in the same manner from p-ethylmercapto- and p-(β-diethylaminoethylmercapto)-phenylisothiocyanate.
  • 2,6置換Benzothiazole誘導体の抗黴性に就いて
    秦 順治, 鶴岡 正夫, 内海 勇, 伊田 忠夫
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 245-249
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Fifty kinds of 2, 6-disubstituted benzothiazole derivatives were prepared and the relationship between their chemical structure and antifungal properties was examined. Antifungal action against Trichophyton gypseum was marked in 2-dimethylamino-6-chlorobenzothiazole hydrobromide (I), 2-dimethylamino-6-β-(diethylaminoethoxy)-benzothiazole dihydrochloride (II), 2-diethylamino-6-(β-diethylaminoethoxy)-benzothiazole dihydrochloride (III), 2-dimethylamino-6-ethylmercaptobenzothiazole hydrochloride (IV), 2-ethylmercapto-6-methoxybenzothiazole (V), 2-chloro-6-hydroxybenzothiazole (VI), and 2-chloro-6-(β-diethylaminoethoxy)-benzothiazole hydrochloride (VII), the antifungal action being observed up to 1:20, 000 dilution of (I), 1:10, 000-1:20, 000 dilution of (II), 1:20, 000-1:40, 000 dilution of (IV), 1:40, 000 dilution of (V), and 1:50, 000 dilution of (III), (VI), and (VII). These compounds were all highly fungicidal against Trychophyton, Achorion, and microsporum, the activity being slightly weaker against Achorion. There seemed to be no difference in antifungal action according to different strains of Trychophyton. Addition of 10% equine serum brought no effect on the antifungal action of (II) and (III) but others were highly affected, especially (IV) and (V). Irritation again tissues was tested with rabbit cornea by which (II) and (III) were found to be ineffective even in 1% concentration.
  • 3-Alkylcoumarin 及び 3-Alkyl-β-naphthocoumarin の合成並びに駆虫作用
    中林 利平, 堀 悦朗, 岡村 信子
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 250-253
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    (1) Because of the extremely strong pharmacological action of 3-methylcoumarin, seven kinds of 3-alkylcoumarins and seven kinds of 3-alkyl-β-naphthocoumarins were prepared and their in vitro activities were tested in order to examine the change of pharmacological action by the size of the alkyl group in 3-position.
    (2) Of these compounds prepared, 3-butyl-, 3-hexyl-, and 3-octyl-coumarins and 3-isopropyl-, 3-butyl-, 3-hexyl-, and 3-octyl-β-naphthocoumarins are new compounds.
    (3) The pharmacological action of 3-alkylcoumarins differs remarkably according to the size of the alkyls but no such difference could be detected in 3-alkyl-β-naphthocoumarins. In general, the action of the latter was found to be weaker than that of the former.
    (4) In 3-alkylcoumarins, greater the size of the alkyl group smaller the paralytic and lethal actions, with longer period elapsing before the appearance of the excited state, and the duration of the excited state tended to become longer. These tendencies were assumed to be due to the decrease of absorption rate by the increase of molecular weight.
  • 塩基性硫酸アルミニウム溶液の組成及び3Al2O3・2SO3・9-11H2Oの生成
    田部 日出雄
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 253-259
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Application of sodium bicarbonate to the hot, concentrated solution of aluminum sulfate was found to give basic aluminum solution of higher basicity comparatively easily. The relationship between the limiting amount of this solution causing hydrolysis, its basicity, and the temperature was obtained as the precipitation curve from which the course of the preparation of basic aluminum sulfate was clarified. It is assumed that the aquo complex ions of various basicity are in a state of equilibrium in this solution and such a fact was thought to prove the composition in part from following:
    1) In a solution of comparatively low basicity, [Al(OH2)6]3+ is present in proportion to the basicity.
    2) Above OH/Al=0.21, a compound of the composition of Al2O3:SO3=3:2 is formed irrespective of the value of this ratio and, at the same time, there is a definite relationship between the amount of such a salt formed and the basicity.
    3) The pH of the solution before the reaction shown in the foregoing (1) and (2) is different from that after the reaction.
    The formation mechanism of basic aluminum sulfate was considered from these facts. The basic salt thereby formed, when dried at 110°, shows the composition of 3Al2O3⋅2SO3⋅9-11H2O, and forms microgranules of less than 1 μ in diameter that can be used as an antacid.
  • 1-Amino-3-phenylpropen-3-oneの性質と5-Benzoyl-2-phenylpyridineの合成に就いて
    平尾 一郎
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 259-261
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1-Amino-3-phenylpropen-3-one (II), prepared from phenyl ethynyl ketone and ammonia, easily undergoes hydrolysis with acid or alkali to vinyl alcohol (IX). On the other hand, 5-benzoyl-2-phenylpyridine (VI) can be prepared in a good yield from (II) by the action of an acid and this reaction mechanism was assumed to be the primary hydrolysis of (II) to (IX) which reacted further with the unchanged (II).
  • 黄柏よりLumicaeruleic Acidの単離 その1
    伊東 半次郎, 石田 行雄
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 262-264
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Blue fluorescence is observed in the non-β zone of the capillary image of Phellodendron amurense Rupr. Ether extraction of the Phellodendron, transition of the substance from ether to a diluted alkaline solution, and its acidification gives a substance which, on purification, proved to be a hydroxycarboxylic acid of m.p. 162-163°. This is the substance responsible for the blue fluorescence in the capillary image and was designated as lumicaeruleic acid. It was also found that there is a mucic substance other than phytosterol ester.
  • 黄連よりLumicaeruleic Acidの単離 その1
    伊東 半次郎, 石田 行雄
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 264-265
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    The capillary image of Coptis japonica also shows blue fluorescence in the non-β zone, as in Phellodendron amurense. Coptis japonica was extracted with alcohol, the extract concentrated, basified with sodium hydroxide solution, and acetone or chloroform added to remove berberine as acetone-berberine or chloroform-berberine. The solution was then acidified with hydrochloric acid, extracted with ether, and the substance that transited from ether to diluted alkaline solution was collected. Purification of this portion yielded an acid substance melting at 165-166° that showed no depression on admixture with lumicaeruleic acid, an acid substance obtained from Phellodendron amurense, and the two substances were considered to be identical.
  • ジゲニン酸の比色定量 その3
    村上 信三, 竹本 常松, 清水 然昌, 醍醐 晧二, 樋口 進, 西本 喜重
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 266-270
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Examination was made of the separatory determination of digenic acid, the active principle of Digenea simplex Ag. and its preparations. These methods called for: (i) the digenic acid portion in paper partition chromatogram, carried out under definite conditions, was cut out, digenic acid dissolved out, and the coloration caused by ninhydrin colorimetrically determined (PPCb method); (ii) the digenic acid portion was cut out from the paper electromigration, digenic acid dissolved out, and quantitatively determined (PEPa method); (iii) measurement of the area of colored spot of digenic acid in paper partition chromatogram (PPCa method); and (iv) measurement of the migration distance of digenic acid by allowing digenic acid to move into filter paper quantitative bridge by electromigration (PEPb method). All of these were found to be utilizable for separatory determination of degenic acid. The amount of digenic acid in representative market products of Digenea preparations was determined by PPCb and PEPa methods.
  • クマリン誘導体の白鼠脳組織呼吸に及ぼす影響
    北川 晴雄
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 271-278
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Change by the passage of time on the oxygen uptake of the rat brain homogenate by the addition of coumarin derivatives in various percentage concentrations and at 2×10-4 molar concentration was examined.
    1) Acceleration of oxygen uptake was observed in barbital (I), coumarin-3-carboxylic acid diethylamide (II), 3, 4-dihydro-4-methylcoumarin (III), 4-methylcoudarin (IV), 4-methylumbelliferone (V), 4-methyl-β-naphthapyrone (VI), coumarin-4-carboxylic acid diethylamide (VII), isocoumarin-3-carboxylic acid diethylamide (VIII), and Dormison “Schering” (IX) in low concentrations and suppression of oxygen uptake in 10-100mg% concentrations.
    2) Suppression of oxygen uptake by various compounds in around 2×10-4 molar concentration was found to become stronger with the passage of time, after addition of the chemical.
    3) In such a case, suppression of oxygen uptake 50 minutes after addition of the chemicals was in the order of (I), (II), (VIII), (IX), (IV), (V), (VI) and Krebs-Ringer phosphate glucose solution (control). No significant difference could be observed between (I) and (II), (II) and (VIII), (VIII) and (IX), (IX) and (IV), and (V) and (VI), but a significant difference was observed between the control compound and various compounds, and between (V) and (VI) and other compounds (p=0.05).
    4) Suppression of oxygen uptake 90 minutes after the addition of the chemical was in the order of (I), (IX), (IV), (VIII), (II), (VI), (V), and control. No significant difference was observed between (I), (IX), (IV), and (VIII), and between (II) and (VI), but a significant difference was observed between the control and various compounds tested, and between (VI) and (I), (IX), and (VIII) (p=0.05).
    5) In 2×10-4 molar concentration, the strength of such suppression falls in the order of derivatives which show clinical hypnotic action, and the control, with significant difference between these groups, but there is no significant difference between the compounds which show clinical hypnotic action.
  • アミノ-Nの定量
    山岸 正治, 横尾 亮
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 278-280
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Reaction principles of the Van Slyke method was adopted into the azotometry which enabled the determination of up to 5γ of amino-nitrogen. The present method can be applied to the determination of glucosamine, histamine, and homosulfanilamide, as well as α-amino acids in general. Methylamine failed to generte any nitrogen gas.
  • アゾトメトリーにおける滬紙電気泳動法の利用
    山岸 正治, 横尾 亮, 増田 享, 浅井 満子
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 281-283
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    As the preliminary measures of isolation and purification prior to azotometry, paper electrophoresis was found to be quite suitable. Separatory determination of three kinds of mixtures of glutamic acid-glucosamine, glutamic acid-homosulfanilamide, and glutamic acid-histamine was carried out and good results were obtained, thereby experimentally proving the feasibility of this method.
  • ストレプトマイシン, ジヒドロストレプトマイシンの定量
    山岸 正治, 横尾 亮, 増田 亨, 浅井 満子
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 283-286
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Microdetermination of streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin is possible by the azotometry, a special microvolumetric method, because these compounds generate nitrogen gas quantitatively by sodium hypobromite. In case streptidine is present, this can be isolated by paper electrophoresis and azotometry carried out. Determination of the general market products by this method showed that the purity of dihydrostreptomycin is 92-94% and that of some of streptomycin is less than 90%.
  • α-アミノフェニル酢酸エステル及びβ-アミノフェニルエチルアルコールのN-第3級アミノアセチル誘導体の合成
    寺川 敏治
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 287-289
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Methyl esters of tertiary aminoacetic acids were prepared by the application of various secondary amines to methyl monochloroacetate. Reaction of the former with isoamyl α-aminophenylacetate yielded four kinds of isoamyl N-tert-aminoacetyl-α-aminophenylacetate from which their respective methobromides were obtained. Four kinds of N-tert-aminoacetyl-β-aminophenylethyl alcohols and their acetyl compounds and methobromides were prepared by the reaction of methyl tert-aminoacetate and β-aminophenylethyl alcohol.
  • チアツォール誘導体の研究第2報の補遺
    武田 健一, 玉村 幸治郎, 刀称 晴雄
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 290-293
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Following the previous report on the formation of 2-bromo compound by the alkaline or pyrolytic decomposition of the diazoperbromide of 2-amino-4-methyl-5-β-hydroxyethylthiazole, this decomposition was again examined and it was confirmed that the decomposition product included, besides the foregoing 2-bromo compound, 2-bromo-4-methyl-5-bromoethylthiazole. It was clarified that alkaline decomposition was the better procedure for obtaining the 2-monobromo compound, an oily substance which gives a monophthalic ester of m.p. 128-129°, and that the crystals of m.p. 77-78°, reported in the previous paper, had been an impure dibromo compound. The pure 2-bromo-4-methyl-5-bromoethylthiazole is obtained as needle crystals melting at 80°. Some reactions of these compounds were also examined.
  • ビタミンB1のアルカリ性水溶液における紫外部吸収スペクトルについて
    渡辺 厚, 美間 博之, 古宅 三郎
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 294-297
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Thiamine has its ultraviolet absorption maximum at 250mμ in aqueous solution, but it has two maxima at 230mμ and 270mμ in alkaline solution, and this phenomenon is reversible by pH. However, when the alkaline solution is allowed to stand at room temperature over a day and acidified, it comes to show a new absorption maximum at 320-330mμ (Fig. 1) which will be due to thiothiamine (Fig. 2), and when the same solution is heated at 100°C for 5 minutes it also shows similar spectrum (Fig. 3) due probably to the related compounds of thiothiamine.
  • Thiothiamine関係化合物の紫外部吸収スペクトルについて
    渡辺 厚, 美間 博之, 古宅 三郎
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 297-301
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Thiothiamine has two ultraviolet absorption maxima, at 240-250mμ and 320mμ (Fig. 1). The former will be due to the pyrimidine portion of the compound and the latter is characteristic of this compound though the portion accountable for the spectrum is not clear as yet.
  • 濾紙クロマトグラフィー並びに濾紙電気泳動法によるプリン及びピリミジン塩基の分離
    刈米 達夫, 井上 隆夫
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 301-303
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Purine and pyrimidine formed from nucleic acid were isolated by paper chromatography and paper electromigration and detected by the fluorescence at 240-270mμ generated from a low-pressure mercury lamp. Their Rf values and migration distance in various solvents were measured. Their detection by photographic technique was also studied and microamounts of the bases were detected. Minimum detectable amount was determined by various market products of sensitizing papers and four kinds of domestic and foreign filter papers. The results showed that the Whatman No. 1 was the most excellent, making it possible to detect 0.5γ of the base, and Toyo Roshi No. 50 filter paper was able to show clearly 1γ of the base.
  • 涌井 袈裟参, 河内 佐十
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 304-307
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Addition of calcium chloride accelerates the coagulation of milk with lab-ferment. This coagulation-accelerating action was examined with other metal ions and their coagulating action was examined by dividing such actions by that of metallic ions and the acidity of their salts. Inhibition of coagulation occurred in the halogens in the order of fluorine, iodine, bromine, and chlorine, while the alkali metals had no accelerating action on the coagulation. Alkali earth metals accelerated the coagulation in the order of calcium, barium, strontium, and magnesium. Of the heavy metal salts, manganese and cadmium accelerated coagulation, while silver, cobalt, nickel, and copper strongly inhibited coagulation, and iron, aluminum, and lead had only a weak inhibitory action.
  • 藤川 福二郎, 徳岡 暁正, 松原 省二, 米谷 英資, 原 明子
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 308-309
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Of the 25 kinds of compounds tested in the present series of experiments, tetrachloro-p-quinone, salicylanilide, salicyl-o-toluidide, salicyl-p-toluidide, salicyl-o-anisidide, and salicyl-p-carbethoxyanilide successfully inhibited the growth of mold in soy sauce during the 60-day test period by the addition of 1mg. of these compounds, i.e. in 0.001% concentration, whereas the growth of mold was observed on 3.5th day in the control without the addition of any antiseptics, on 10.5th day on the addition of 1mg. of propyl p-hydroxybenzoate (0.001% concn.), on 31st day on the addition of 3mg. (0.003% concn.) of this ester, and on 46th day on the addition of 5mg. (ca. 0.005% concn.) of this ester. 1, 2, 3, 4-Tetrahydro-β-naphthol, 2, 3-dichloro-1, 4-naphthoquinone, 2, 4-dinitroanisole, salicyl-p-chloroanilide, salicyl-p-anisidide, and phenyl-p-hydroxybenzoate also inhibited the growth of mold during the 60-day test period in approximately 0.003-0.005% concentration and showed that they possessed stronger antiseptic power than propyl p-hydroxybenzoate used as the control.
  • 宮崎 道治, 寺川 敏治
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 310-311
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Experimental examinations were made of the following three processes for the preparation of γ-phenylpropyl alcohol: (i) Application of ethylene oxide to benzylmagnesium chloride; (ii) Bouveault-Blanc reduction of ethyl cinnamate; and (iii) Hensley's sodium reduction of ethyl cinnamate. The last process was found to be the best and gave the best yield.
  • 寺川 敏治, 大内 肇, 禪野 久直, 中西 和夫, 海尾 澄則
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 312-315
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    3, 4-Dimethylbenzonitrile was prepared by a novel method of applying copper cyanide to 4-bromo-o-xylene obtained by the bromination of o-xylene. Catalytic action of nitrilation and industrial manufacturing processes were studied. It was found that 2, 3-dimethylbenzonitrile was formed as a by-product and the manner of its simple separation was studied.
  • d及びl-Canadine-N-methyl誘導体の合成
    谷 千秋, 石橋 健一, 和田 町子
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 315-317
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    High pressure reduction of berberine hydrochloride with Raney nickel, in the presence of sodium acetate, gives tetrahydroberberine in a good yield. Isolation of tetrahydroberberine into d- and l-canadine and respective application of dimethyl sulfate to these yieded N-methosulfates which came in diastereoisomers of α-and β-types, yielding the total of four optically active compounds. Ammonium thiocyanate was applied to each of these compounds to lead them to N-methyl thiocyanates. Comparative examination of their vassodepressor effect showed that the β-type d-canadine N-methyl thiocyanate was the strongest whose minimum effective dose was 25γ/kg. cat and lethal dose, LD50, 9mg./kg. mouse.
  • 9-Alkyldihydroberberine誘導体の合成
    谷 千秋, 石橋 健一
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 317-318
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    Dihydroberberine can be considered as a stilbene derivative. Under the assumption that an estron-like action might therefore be expected of this substance, 9-alkyldihydroberberine derivatives were prepared and derived to N-methyl methosulfate in order to make them water-soluble (cf. Table I) but no estrone-like action was observed. Comparison of the antibacterial action of these substances were found to be about the same as that of the original berberine.
  • 後藤 俊夫
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 318-319
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー
    1-(m-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-alkylaminoethanols, in which the alkylamino group was ethylamino, propylamino, isobutylamino, diethylamino, piperidyl, and pyridyl, were prepared from the corresponding ω-alkylamino-m-hydroxyacetophenones.
  • 高橋 三雄, 安永 峻五, 下村 脩
    1954 年 74 巻 3 号 p. 320-322
    発行日: 1954/03/25
    公開日: 2010/02/19
    ジャーナル フリー