Relationship between structure and activity of N, N-diethyl-2-(2-methoxy-4-allyl-phenoxy) acetamide derivatives was examined by assay of anesthetic action in a rat.
1) Anesthetic effect was lost by the absence of an acid-amide bond in the side chain at 1-position of the benzene ring or by introduction of an ethylene group in the said acid amide side chain. The anesthetic action also decreased on substitution of the acetamide group with propionamide.
This derivative in which CH
2 and CO in the side chain at 4-position in a reversed order showed only an analgesic action and no anesthetic effect.
2) By substitution of the amino group in this acetamide, respiration excitement was great and anesthetic action slight when the alkyl group was larger than diethyl. With N, N-dimethyl group, the respiration was inhibited and anesthetic effect was markedly short. Other N, N-substituted derivatives were no better than the diethyl compound.
3) Derivatives of 2-(2-methoxy-4-allylphenoxy) acetamide with glycerol ether in the 1-position of the benzene ring showed transitory convulsion, with obscure anesthetic action.
4) Loss of 2-methoxy and/or 4-allyl groups from the benzene ring in 2-(2-methoxy-4-allylphenoxy) acetamide resulted in marked decrease of anesthetic action. Its derivatives with amino group alone or glycerol ether group in 2-position of the benzene ring were entirely without anesthetic action.
5) Transposition of the allyl group from 4- to 6-position in the benzene ring of 2-(2-methoxy-4-allylphenoxy) acetamide resulted in decrease of anesthetic activity. Substitution of allyl group in 4-position with 1-propenyl group did not affect the anethetic activity. Its derivative with carboxyl in 4-position lacked anesthetic activity but its derivation to an ethyl ester produced this effect, though weak.
Substitution of the allyl group in 4-position with propyl group produced anesthetic activity about one-half that of the parent compound but the activity was rather long-lasting and recovery was more rapid than that from barbiturates.
6) No changes in anesthetic effect or other pharmacological activity were observed on introduction of a barbituric acid group in 4-position of the benzene ring, its reduction, introduction of barbituric acid or 5-ethylbarbituric acid group in 1-position in 2-(2-methoxy-4-allylphenoxy) acetamide.