In order to study the permeability of the gelatin membrane made insoluble by heating, collagen membrane, and bovine eye-lens capsule, the transport of KCl and NaCl through the membranes was examined at various temperatures. The permeability coefficient in the membrane, p
*, the rate constant of the permeation at the interface, k, the apparerit membrane constant, f
*, and the interface constant, f
s, were calculated. The values of p
* and k through the gelatin membrane increased for both electrolytes with increasing temperature. The values of f
* (=P
*/D) for both electrolytes were identical and constant at various temperatures. This fact suggests that gelatin and both electrolytes have no specific interaction. The values of f
s(=k/D) were also identical and constant. The permeability of the collagen membrane for KCl and NaCl was greater than that of the gelatin membrane at the experimental temperature range, and P/D values were constant. The permeability of the bovine eyelens capsule from which the lens epithelium was taken off was more permeable than the gelatin membrane and was almost identical with that of the collagen membrane. The values of P/D were found to be constant as in the case of gelatin and collagen membranes.