Online ISSN : 1884-7870
Print ISSN : 0449-9069
ISSN-L : 0449-9069
29 巻, 5 号
  • 田中 恵子, 木藤 半平, 谷村 信竹
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 285-289
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    The effects of sodium dehydroacetate and sodium lauryl benzene sulfonate on the amino acid activation by rat liver pH 5 fraction and on the incorporation of labeled amino acid from aminoacyl-t-RNA to total protein by microsome and cell sap systems were investigated and the following results were obtained.
    1) Sodium dehydroacetate stimulated slightly the attachment of 14C-leucine to t-RNA at the concentration from 15 mM to 50 mM, while inhibited the incorporation of amino acids (15 kinds) from aminoacyl-t-RNA to the total protein by microsome and cell sap systems at the concentration higher than 15 mm.
    2) Sodium lauryl benzene sulfonate inhibited markedly the activation at the two steps of the activation at the two steps of the protein biosynthesis systems of rat liver described above.
  • 韓国製手しぼりごま油の風味と保存性について
    金 天浩, 島田 淳子, 吉松 藤子
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 290-296
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Experiments were carried out in order to compare the Korean home-made sesame oil (sample A) with the market goods (sample B) for their flavor and stabilities. The results obtained were as follows :
    1) On the fresh samples, there were no organoleptic differences in the intensity of flavor between sample A and B, while on the sample which are stored for sixty days in day light and room temperature, the flavor was significantly weaker in sample B than the sample A. Therefore, it would be said that the reduction of flavor is less in sample A.
    2) These two samples were stored for sixty days under the three different conditions : such as, dark and cool place; dark and room temperature; and light and room temperature. The chemical changes of AV, IV, SV, POV, and the appearance of color and viscosity, and also fatty acid composition were determined respectively at definite intervals. Both samples hardly changed the properties in case of first and second conditions, however, they deteriorated under the third condition, for instance, sample A showed much changes in AV and IV, while sample B changed exceedingly in POV.
  • 冬期受光下における着衣の身体におよぼす影響
    中橋 美智子, 岩崎 京子
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 297-301
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Tests by wearing clothes of wool georgette (white, green and black) were made under winter sunshine conditions. One-piece clothes made of wool georgette with the same material but of different colors were used. As the subjects 5 adult female students with similar sizes were selected. Test items were : skin temperature, clothes climate, moisture under clothes, and the sublingual temperature. It was proved by the experiment that the conditions of heat absorption showed considerable influence on skin. temperature and clothes climate, revealing marked difference between white and black. By this experiment, it is proved that how to select materials of suitable heat absorption characteristics is important in efficient utilization of the solar heat in winter.
  • 上半身用ベイシック・パターンについて
    間壁 治子
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 302-308
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    90名の女子学生を被験者として, 試着・補正されたベイシック・パターンより測定したデータを資料に主成分分析を行い, 体型差が上半身ベイシック・パターンのどの部位にどのようなかたちとして表出したかを求めた.
    その結果, 第1主成分にはスレンダー型かスタウト型かの「shape factor」, 第2主成分は肩下りの状態と脇丈の関係の「shoulder factor」, 第3主成分からは姿勢とそれに伴う体型差である「posture and figure factor」が得られた.
    これらパターンに表出した体型特徴をとらえることにより, 今までのサイズ因子中心の体型情報により作られたパターンおよびグレイディングの方法が現実の人体の形状を適確に表出していないことが判明された.
    適合・着やすさなどを求めるためには, サイズより形状の把握が必須条件となり, 体型差を表出する情報を量産体系のパターンに加え, 基準パターンの時点で体型特徴により区分することが必要となろう.
  • 袖ベイシック・パターンについて
    間壁 治子
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 309-312
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    第1報の身頃ベイシック・パターンに表出した体型差につづき, 第2報として第1報の身頃につけられた袖パターンに表出する体型差について求めた.
    研究方法は第1報と同様に天竺木綿のパターンを作成し, 試着・補正された結果よりパターン測定値を求め, そのデータを資料に主成分分析を行い, 袖パターンに表出した体型差を求めた.
    その結果, 第1主成分には「大きさの因子」が, 第2主成分には袖幅が広く袖丈の短いパターンか, 袖幅が狭く丈の長いパターンかの腕の肥痩に伴うパターン形状の差である「太り具合を示す因子」が得られ, 第3主成分には腕の自然下垂時における振れの状態を示す「かたちの因子」が得られた.
  • ベイシック・スカートパターンについて
    間壁 治子
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 313-317
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/11
    ジャーナル フリー
    第1報・第2報につづき, ベイシック・スカートパターンに表出する体型差を, 第1報と同じ被験者・同様な研究方法により, 補正されたパターンより測定したデータを資料に主成分分析を行い求めた.
    その結果, 第1主成分にはスカート丈と太り具合の関係を示すパターンが表出し, slender typeかstout typeかの「shape factor」が得られ, 第2主成分には姿勢とパターンの結びつき「figure and posture type factor」, 第3主成分には腰部の前面形状の差を示す「hip typefactor」が得られた.
    これらの3つの因子は, サイズ因子に関係なくパターンの上に人体の形状が表出したといえる.
    今回の第1報・第3報で得られたベイシック・パターンに表出した体型差は, 先年, 主成分分析により体型特徴を求めたさい得られたshape factor, posturefactor, fgure factorなどの形状を示す因子がパターンに表出した結果となった.
    このことより, 衣服のための体型分類は形態的特徴をとらえることの重要性と, それらの体型特徴をパターンに加味すべきことが証明されたといえる.
  • 基準サイズの設定
    武藤 治子, 飯塚 幸子, 猪又 美栄子
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 318-323
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    For the purpose of pattern planning of shirts for adult males, the authors measured 700 men from 20 to 59 years of age. In this paper the establishment of standard size is discussed taking consideration into the changes of body form according to the age. The results are summarized as follows;
    1) Acquiring age, the body form of young adult males shift to barrel-formed body which is characteristic of middle-aged males. Especially, the most remarkable change of body form is observed in their thirties.
    2) In regard to the standardization of shirts, it is desirable to classify into two age groups; 20 to 29, and 30 to 59 years of age.
    3) Taking the neck base girth and the yuki as basic items, we established the standard size of shirts in each age group.
  • 紅花染について
    柏木 希介, 鈴木 孝男
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 324-329
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Safflower has long been known as one of the most widely used vegetable dyes, exhibiting beautiful red color. Yet the exact chemical structures of principal safflower dyes including carthamin and SF yellow have not been clarified, although the process of dye formation involving enzymetric oxidation in vitro has been elucidated.
    We therefore attempted to determine the structures of safflower dyes by means of chromatographic analyses and of spectroscopic measurement. It was found that carthamin was a chalcone with a side chain of ketone type containing double bond and that SF yellow was probably a flavonol or flavanol. And this process of dye formation involving enzyme is most effectively utilized in our dyeing experiments which resulted in great simplification of dyeing, since carthamin turns red while SF yellow turns colorless in presence of peroxidase and hydrogen peroxiside.
    Finally, color fadeness tests revealed that carthamon in dyed cloths were very weak to sunlight.
  • 京都府立大学における下宿学生の住生活 (住意識・住要求)
    國嶋 道子, 上野 勝代
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 330-333
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    第3報においては, 下宿学生の下宿に対する住意識・住要求として次のことが明らかになった.
    1) <大学から遠い><自炊ができない><居室が狭い>を下宿の不満点としている人が, それぞれ25.0%, 22.7%, 22.7%であり, 下宿を選ぶさいの重点項目とよくにている.
    2) 下宿の転居経験のある人は, ほぼ半数であり, 学年が上になるほど転居している人が多い.
    3) よりよい下宿を求めて転居しなければ満足できる下宿に入れず, 満足のできる下宿は, 友人・先輩の紹介といったクローズな形の情報であり, 学生部・学生協会などオープンな所では得にくい.
    4) 下宿学生の住生活の中で深刻なことは, 質的に良い下宿をみつけることが困難なことである.
    5) 学生の望む下宿の最低必要な条件は, (a) 大学に近いこと, (b) 自炊設備を有すること, (c) 構造的に独立性が保たれている個室で, 収納スペースを含めて居室の広さが6畳以上あること, である.
    6) 京滋アル対の協定料金は, 今日では, 一部の住戸形式でしか有効な役割を果しておらず, 下宿の質確保のためには, その算定法について再検討する時期にきている.
  • 京都府立大学における学生の住意識と寮の空間的考察および学生層の住宅問題の課題
    上野 勝代, 國嶋 道子
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 334-338
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    Part 4 is concerned with the housing consciousness of students attending Kyoto Prefectural University, consideration of their demand plan for dormitories, and a solution of the housing problems of concern to the students.
    1) 43.1 percent of the students who live at home with their family consider the possibility of continuing to live at home while attending school when they choose a university.
    2) Half of the university students don't want to live in a dormitory, on the other hand 12.5 percent express a strong desire to live in a dormitory.
    3) The housing problems requiring the most urgent solution for the students are as follows :
    a) To improve the undesirable conditions of ruinous boarding houses to meet students, requirements, b) To establish an information center for student housings in Kyoto City, c) To establish a system whereby public housing may be made available to students as well, d) To reexamine the room-rental system might be enforced.
  • 情意・運動技能領域の日米比較
    木村 温美, 田辺 幸子
    1978 年 29 巻 5 号 p. 339-346
    発行日: 1978/08/20
    公開日: 2010/03/09
    ジャーナル フリー
    As a means of insuring accuracy of communication about home economics educational objectives, their effectiveness of communication was compared with their descriptive usage, especially in applying Bloom's Taxonomy and vocabulary for Affective and Psychomotor Domain objectives in the course of study of two countries, Japan and the U.S.
    Findings and implications are as follows :
    1) Home Economics Objectives a) In Japan, Affective Domain and Psychomotor Domain objectives are both independent, while they belong to Cognitive Domain as lower objectives in the U.S.
    b) As far as Psychomotor Skills are concerned, behavioral outcomes are expected differently in Japan and the U.S.; Japan expects aquisition of skill itself, while the U.S. offers Psychomotor Skill as an educational experience to apply knowledges and/or principles.
    2) Vocabulary a) In Japan, only one word of “think” was used, while in the U.S. three levels and 2 to 3 words were used in each level according to the Bloom's Taxonomy for Affective Domain.
    b) As far as Psychomotor Domain is concerned, only one word of “can” was used in Japan; besides, “can” was used for Cognitive Domain, too. In the U.S. only one word of “psychomotor skill” was used like in Japan; there was no usage for it in any other domain.
    3) Conclusion
    Affective Domain and Psychomotor Domain objectives are described more accurately in the U.S. than in Japan.