Various kinds of the fundamental or general motor ability test battery have been published for different age levels. Most of them, however, have not been examined so precisely on validity of the test. Therefore, twenty eight test items, which have been thought and used to test the motor ability, were picked out. These twenty eight test items are thought to cover all aspects if motor ability; physique, organic functions, fundamental motor elements, and fundamental motor skills, as L.A. Larson listed. Principal factor analysis was aphid to the correlation matrix which was constructed with twenty eight variables which had been administered to 102 senior high school freshmen boys. Then, the tired principal factor was investigated. This factor correlated with most of variables at significant level except the endurance items and this factor had the amount of contribution to the total variance of 7.61043, the degree of contribution of 28%. Therefore, this factor might be interpreted as a basic part of test item of performances. As long as the tests are those of the performance tests, the test items should involve some motor performances. Then, this ability category which the first principal factor means might be a fundamental part of motor ability, because these test items were picked out so as to test the motor ability in general. Thus, the first principal factor was interpreted as the fundamental motor ability factor. This fundamental motor ability factor was estimated by the linear combination of test items in least squared sense. The linear functions of the test items were determined by the short method. Then, the value of these estimation equations were named as the fundamental motor ability score. Emphasizing the practicability and validity five kinds of equation were recommended to use for estimating the FMAS. The validates of these five batteries were better than the sports test battery developed by Ministry of Education to measure the fundamental motor ability.