Print ISSN : 0029-0254
4 巻, 4 号
  • 山田 行雄
    1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 163-170
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 鈴木 隆雄, 一戸 健司, 石島 芳郎, 舛重 正一
    1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 171-176
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    以上の結果, 非チアゾリウム型B1の誘導体であるTPD, TTFDは, 従来用いられていたチアゾリウム型B1に代替が出来, TPDとTTFDとでは, TPDの方が鶏の生理作用に有効に働くものと思われた。またB1誘導体を種鶏に添加した場合には, 雛の発育に効果があるものと推察した。
  • 吉田 実, 水谷 一之, 目加田 博行, 平島 元, 山口 公士
    1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 177-182
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    愛知, 岐阜, 長崎, 岡山の4試験場において, 3,287羽の4週令のブロイラー•ヒナを用い, 2種類の基礎飼料に対するDL-メチオニンの添加効果を検討した。その結果, 粗蛋白質16%, 可消化養分総量73%の仕上用飼料中の含硫アミノ酸含量を, 0.61~0.64%以上とする必要はないといえる成績であった。
  • 木村 正雄, 蒔田 徳義
    1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 183-186
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    澱粉ゲル電気泳動法を用いて鶏卵の外水様卵白を分析した。その結果, これ迄に報告されている変異の他に, ウコツケイと台湾在来鶏の卵白に於いて顕著な変異が発見された。
    即ち1部のウコツケイの卵では, 易動度や染色性の点からみて, コンアルブミンに相当する部位にLUSH (1961) の蛋白成分No. 17に相当する成分のすぐうしろに, ほぼ同じ強さの染色性を示めす蛋白成分が存在した。またこの様な変異を示めすウコツケイではNo. 18の蛋白成分の直前に, No. 18よりは幅は狭いが, はっきりとした1本の蛋白成分が認められた。
    台湾在来鶏ではこの蛋白成分No. 18を欠くものが発見された。
  • I. 肉眼的, 組織学的観察
    田村 達堂, 藤井 俊策
    1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 187-193
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    During the breeding season, the male quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) exhibits, as is well known, such puzzling sexual characteristics as extrusion of a frothy white fluid from the anus and swelling of the dorsal wall of the cloaca. In the present paper, these characteristics of the male quail were studied macroscopically and microscopically.
    In the breeding male, the mucosa of the cloaca was slightly protruded on the cloacal surface from the opening of the bursa fabricius to the dorsal lip of the cloaca. In this mucosal protrusion, there was located a well-developed gland, which was named the cloacal gland by COIL AND WETHERBEE (1959). The gland consisted of agregates of small glands which were separated from one another by a thin septum of connective tissue rich in elastic fibers. The individual gland was like a long sack and opened directly into the cloaca with a small papilla. The gland was lined by a single layer of tall columnal cells with a round nucleus near the basis. The lumen of the gland was enlarged, showing complicated epithelial folds. The cytoplasm of the glandular cell contained a large number of secretion droplets and appeared somewhat light. The gland was a mucous one in function, because the droplets in the cytoplasm, as well as secretions in the lumen, were readily stained with such mucin stains as alcian blue, aldehyde fuchsin, and periodic acid-Schiff. The frothy fluid from the cloaca was actually originated from this cloacal gland.
    The development and secretion of the gland, however, depended on the sex and sexual maturity of the individual bird. In the bird after hatching, the gland was of slightly convoluted tubular form and located sparsely in the mucosa. Thereafter, it developed slowly, regardless of sex difference, until sexual maturity was reached. In the breeding season, the gland of male abruptly became hypertrophic and functional, while that of the female remained unchanged. When the sexual activity was declined, the gland of the male became atrophic proportionally. These observations suggest that the cloacal gland may be under the control of testicular hormones in the male.
    In the breeding male, an arc-shaped, reddish swelling on the dorsal cloacal wall was formed by a local thickening of the circular muscle around the cloaca, just dorsal to the gland. The swelling, or the thickening of the muscle, disappeared in accordance with a decline in sexual activity. Such thickening of the muscle was not presented in the breeding female. This suggests that the development of the sphincter muscle of the cloaca may also be under the control of testicular hormones, as the cloacal gland is. The development of the circular muscle appears to be related to the discharge and frothing of secretions from the cloacal gland. Namely, the thickened muscle may act on the underlying cloacal gland in such a manner as to squeeze out the secretions of the gland into the cloaca by its strong constriction, which may also cause the secretions frothy.
  • II. 分泌物の組織化学的観察
    藤井 俊策, 田村 達堂
    1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 194-200
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous study, it was morphologically observed that the cloacal gland of the male quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) was characteristic one showing a striking development at the time of sexual maturity. The gland was a mucin-secreting one in function. In the present paper, the nature of the mucin secreted by the cloacal gland was studied histochemically, by using various methods for detection of mucopolysaccharides.
    The droplets of the glandular cell and the secretions in the glandular lumen were periodic acid-Schiff reactive and azure A-metachromatic at a low value of pH, and showed strong affinities to various acid mucin stains, such as alcian blue, aldehyde fuchsin, and colloidal iron. Alcianophilia and azurophilia disappeared completely from the materials by methylation, but they were relatively well recovered by saponification following the methylation. The materials were negative or slightly positive for the ninhydrine-Schiff and mercuric bromphenol reactions for protein. Neither diastase test for glycogen nor sialidase test for sialic acid was effective. Hyaluronidase somewhat deprived such characters as alcianophilia and azurophilia from the materials. In this case, hyaluronidase seemed to act on chondroitin sulfate A or C rather than hyaluronic acid. From these histochemical results, it was concluded that the secretions of the cloacal gland were generally compounds of sulfated and nonsulfated mucopolysaccharides.
    Acid mucin of the gland, however, varied somewhat in composition depending upon the difference of sex and sexual activity of the bird. In the breeding male, in which the cloacal gland was strikingly hypertrophic and active in function, the secretions showed chiefly the nature of sulfated mucopolysaccharides. In the nonbreeding male, in which the gland was atrophic and inactive, the secretions showed chiefly the nature of nonsulfated mucopolysaccharides. In the female, the gland did not changed in structure according to the sexual activity, and its secretions constantly showed chiefly the nature of nonsulfated mucopolysaccharides, as in the nonbreeding male.
    These chemical characteristics of the secretions in the breeding male are probably responsible for the formation of frothing secretions, in addition to the hypertrophy of the gland and constriction of the thickened circular muscle of the cloaca which were considered in the previous paper as factors causing frothing secretions.
  • II. 品種の差異による雛の発生状況について
    一戸 健司, 太田 栄一郎, 真壁 俊雄, 市毛 達夫, 鈴木 正三
    1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 201-206
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. 雛のふ化所要時間と雌雄比との関係は, 母鶏の品種や組合せによって異なるようである。
    2. ふ化所要時間と雌雄比との関係が明瞭でない鶏種では, その雛のふ化状況に年令, 季節による差異がないようである。
    3. 一般に雌雛のふ化所要時間は雄雛のそれよりも短い。
  • 三上 仁志, 八戸 芳夫
    1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 207-211
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー
    アァブリシウス嚢と脾臓重量と, ひな白痢菌に対する感受性との関連を調べる目的で, 次のような実験を行った。ひな白痢菌に対し, 明らかに感受性の異なる白色レグホーン種の2系統間で, 両臓器重量を孵化時と2週齢時とに比較した。また3日齢と11日齢に, Freund のアジュバントを加えたひな白痢死菌を腹腔内接種し, 1週間後に抗体価を調べ, 両臓器重量との関連を検索すると共に, 両系統間の抗体価の差の有無を調べた。
    ファブリシウス嚢重量の抵抗系, 感受系間の差は, 孵化時, 2週齢時とも見い出されなかった。脾臓重量は, 孵化時では抵抗系が大きな値を示し, 感受性との関連の可能性を示したが, 2週齢時には, 逆に感受系が大きな値を示した。また抗体価は非常に低く, 両臓器重量との間には, なんら関連が見い出されなかった。抵抗系, 感受系間の抗体価の差も, また見い出されなかった。以上の結果からファブリシウス嚢重量と脾臓重量は, 少くとも本実験で用いたような若いひなのひな白痢に対する感受性には関連を持たないと思われる。
  • 1967 年 4 巻 4 号 p. 212-216
    発行日: 1967/10/25
    公開日: 2008/11/12
    ジャーナル フリー