ヘルペスウイルス性造血器壊死症に耐過したキンギョの産出仔の耐病性は向上することが知られ,すでに耐病性の品種東錦系統が作出されている。本研究では,この耐病性品種を利用した交配による新たな耐病性品種の作出とその耐病性形質の遺伝について検討した。耐病性東錦と黒出目金の交配で得られたF1は,原因ウイルスcyprinid herpesvirus 2の感染試験で耐病性を示したが,出目性が消失した。ウイルス感染による耐過F1同士の交配によるF2群から,さらに出目性の感染耐過F2 同士を交配させたF3で耐病性を有する黒出目金を得ることができた。感染耐過F1と黒出目金との戻し交配群も作出した。以上の交配群の感染死亡率から,本耐病性形質はメンデル性の優性遺伝パターンをとることが示唆された。
We developed a PCR-RFLP method to distinguish Benedenia seriolae and Neobenedenia girellae, both infecting amberjacks Seriola spp. more precisely than a morphological method. PCR products of 28S rRNA and COX1 were digested by Cla I and EcoR I, respectively. For all individuals of B. seriolae, the digestions split each of the PCR products into two fragments. On the other hand, although the products of most of the N. girellae samples were digested by neither the enzymes, only PCR products of 28S rRNA gene of three of the individuals were split into three fragments, suggesting they were the hybrid between the two species.
The fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum has been shown to occur in two colony phenotypes, rough and smooth. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of environmental and nutritional factors on the biofilm formation of both phenotypes under in vitro static conditions. The present study revealed that smooth cells displayed higher abilities of biofilm formation compared to rough cells in nutrient-rich media (TYES broth and fish feed) under static conditions, while biofilms formed by cells of both phenotypes were mainly Ca2+ dependent than Mg2+. Neither of the colony phenotypes was able to form biofilms in the low-nutrient medium (lake water) within 5 days.
Great cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo were found dead in a goldfish farm in Aichi Prefecture. They were infected with trematodes in the oral cavity. Based on morphological observation and genetic analysis, the trematodes were identified as Clinostomum complanatum. This is the first case reporting C. complanatum infection of great cormorants in Japan. Heavy metacercarial infection of goldfish was found in the same fish farm. The metacercariae were shown to be the same species as the adult worms from the bird by molecular analysis. These results suggest that great cormorant is involved in the life cycle of this trematode in farmed goldfish.