In recent years, the links between geography and archaeology are developing rapidly in Japan. The results in physical geography including those of geomorphology, tephrochronology, and palynology are utilized widely for archaeological research, and various data derived from excavations present important informations to physical geographers. At the field of historical geography in which the relation to archaeology have been traditionally close, the chance of intimate contact of the researchers are increasing along with a augmentation of the excavations of historical sites. In addition the resuls of locational analysis in human geography attract attention of archaeologists, and some of them begin to apply the models for studies of the distribution of sites and artefacts
The aim of this symposium is to examine the developing relationship between geography and archaeology, and to search for future directions of their collaborations. For this purpose the organizers made request participation to archaeologists of Kyushu area, which is not not only the place of the symposium but also one of the important centers of archaeological research in Japan.
The following papers were presented,
S. Uemoto and T. Midoshima: An experiment on the movement of artefacts with periglacial process
K. Mitsui: An estimation of alluvial sedimentation making use of archaeological evidence
M. Umitsu: The relation between landform changes and prehistoric site locations in Nobi Plain, central Japan
M. Takahashi: The development in landform and land use since the end of the Jomon Era
S. Yamazaki: Locations and forms of paddy fields in early stage of rice cultivations in northern Kyushu
R. Kinoshita: A search of the relics of ancient road with air-photographs
Y. Ishimatsu: The location of hill top castle of Korean type in Dazaifu
Y. Matsunaga, Y. Tanaka, and N. Doi: An analysis on the distribution of a type of figured earthenware in the middle of Jomon Era
Y. Yasuda, Y. Kasahara and S. Fujisawa: A great environmental change occurred at 5, 000 years ago
After the presentation of papers and comments, H. Iseki (chief organizer) reviewed the history of the relation between geography and archaeology in Japan, and summarized the subjects of discussion. Following Iseki's speech a number of topics including methodology, environmental changes, and human use of lands were discussed with many participants. Finally Prof. K. Yokoyama (Kyushu University) made a remark on results of the symposium from archaeological point of view.