地理学評論 Ser. A
Online ISSN : 2185-1735
Print ISSN : 0016-7444
ISSN-L : 0016-7444
62 巻, 5 号
  • 若林 芳樹
    1989 年 62 巻 5 号 p. 339-358
    発行日: 1989/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 小杉 正人
    1989 年 62 巻 5 号 p. 359-374
    発行日: 1989/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    縄文海進によって形成された古奥東京湾において, 13地点から得られた珪藻化石群集の層位分布の検討により,各地の前浜-海岸線-後浜の環境系列の変=遷を復原し,完新世における海岸線の形態,移動,周囲の環境などの特徴を明らかにした.
    海進期 (10,000-6,500年前)には,地形勾配が急であったため,谷の形状に規制された細長く,入り組んだ海岸線がみられた.海進最盛期 (6,500-5,300年前)の海岸線は,現在の海岸線から50km以上奥部の館林~古河付近に達した.海退期(5,300年前~現在)には,湾の浅海化が進んでいたため,前後に広い後浜干潟・前浜干潟を伴う単調な形態を呈する海岸線がみられた.
  • 鈴木 力英, 河村 武
    1989 年 62 巻 5 号 p. 375-388
    発行日: 1989/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    中部日本の地上にはさまざまな気流パターンが現われるが,その季節性には不明の点が多い.本研究では,この点を明らかにするために対象期間を通年とし,その3・9・15・21時の気流パターン(合計1, 464枚)をクラスター分析により分類し,各気流型の出現頻度を統計することにより,季節性を明らかにした.資料にはアメダスを用いた.さらに,分類された各気流型と総観規模の気圧配置との関連を調べた.また,定量的に計算された総観規模の気圧傾度との関係も調べた.その結果, 15時にはいわゆる大規模な海風が,夏季のみならず全季節において,気圧傾度の小さい場合にかなりの頻度 (1月は約25%)で出現することがわかった.しかし,総観規模の気圧傾度のわずかな違いで,その出現領域や風向が左右されることがわかった.また, 3時には風速が小さくなるが,冬季は西風成分を多く含むような気流パターンとなることが多く,暖候季は陸風が発達することが多いことなどがわかった.
  • 朱澤 大二
    1989 年 62 巻 5 号 p. 389-408
    発行日: 1989/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since Darwin's report on the Pampa grassland appeared, various opinions have been presented onthe problem (Grisebach 1872; Hann 1911; Köppen 1900, 1918 etc.). However, until the 1920's, the Pampa problem did not attract great attention in world academic circles. It was Schmieder's (1927) paper which marked the turning point in research on this problem. On the basis of various materials, he concluded that the Pampa is not a natural but a culturally induced grassland. His thesis became a focus of attention and, at the same time, of serious criticism. Kühn (1929), one of the reviewers, refuted the “evidence” referred to by Schmieder point by point, and concluded that the Pampa should be considered a natural grassland. Thereafter, hydroclimatic water balance, vegetation ecology, and regional ecology have been intensively studied, and the Schmieder's thesis has lost the backing of major researchers.
    Hydroclimatological research has contributed much to research on the Pampa problem. On the basis of intensive research on the relationship between the distribution of hydroclimatic water balance and the representative natural vegetation in the USA, Thornthwaite (1952) hypothesized the presence of a grassland climate. Similar results were obtained by his collaborators on the Pampa. He is of the opinion that the grassland is a natural phenomenon, in equilibrium with its climatic environment, and that it is possible to explain the presence of grassland on the basis of climate alone without bringing in other aspects such as human activities or fire; this is an openion in opposition to the thesis of Sauer (1950, 1956).
    Recent hydroclimatological research concluded that the Pampa should have a forest climate, i.e.mesophytic forest growth in the NE region, a transitional forest in the central region, and treeless steppe-like grassland in the W region, and extensive natural grassland which corresponds with an edaphic climax formation confined in the widespread azonal sites (Henning 1988).
    The concurrence between root systems of grasses and trees in the soil at given sites has also been intensively investigated, and as a result, it has become clear that the dominance in such a situation lies with the soil condition. In general, grasses dominate if soils are heavy, and trees dominate in light soils. In the Pampa, the boundary between grassland and woodland is approximately in accordance with that of heavy (in the east) and light (in the west) soils. Microscopic research on the soil, especially the humus, also gained remarkable results considering the former vegetation on the Pampa (Walter 1966, 1967; Wilhelmy and Rohmeder 1963; Troll 1968 etc.).
    Surrounding the Pampa are woodlands whose physiognomies are quite similar; however, their adaptabilities to climatic and hydroclimatic environments differ greatly, which complicated the Pampa problem (Walter 1967).
    It is certain that the results obtained by research on the Pampa problem contributed to the promotion of grassland studies elsewhere in the world and in turn on the Pampa. However, various problems regarding grassland have been raised with time. As is generally known, there are many research papers on the origin of savannas of the world, including Kadomura's (1984), Haruki's (1984) and Tamura's (1988) papers. The identification of climatic types on the basis of the effective method (for instance “savanna climate”) has been seriously criticized (Waibel 1948; Parsons 1955; Puson 1963; etc.). This and other methods must be re-examined.
  • 1989 年 62 巻 5 号 p. 409-416
    発行日: 1989/05/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー