地理学評論 Ser. A
Online ISSN : 2185-1735
Print ISSN : 0016-7444
ISSN-L : 0016-7444
60 巻, 1 号
  • 高橋 日出男
    1987 年 60 巻 1 号 p. 1-19
    発行日: 1987/01/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    梅雨季の東アジアにおける850mb面の水蒸気分布と,水蒸気輸送場および総観場との関係を季節推移の観点から考察した.日々の水蒸気輸送場を主要輸送軸の位置によりパターン分類した.水蒸気輸送パターンには固有の発現時期があり,水蒸気輸送場の季節推移様式がとらえられた.水蒸気輸送場の季節推移は, 500mb面の華南高気圧の出現・北上に対応した850mb面高度場の変化によるものである.
  • 千歳 壽一
    1987 年 60 巻 1 号 p. 20-39
    発行日: 1987/01/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Urban land use is not only studied in geography but also in city planning, economics and so on.
    The author intends to review the tendency and the present situation of land use studies in the field of city planning in Japan attempting to present the framework for urban land use study. As the source of information, the author relies on the researches achieved in the City Planning Review and the Papers of the Scientific Research Meeting of the City Panning Institute of Japan. Since both of them are leading journals of the city planning study in Japan, the principal studies on city planning in the fields of civil engineering and architecture are also contained in these journals.
    At first, the author takes a general view of the trend in the studies, and then the fun damentals, theories and methods. After that the author comments on the individual works with the surveys and analyses, classifying them into seven categories according to their objects they analyzed, 1) informations closely related to planning and revisions of regula-tions, 2) effects of the building regulation, 3) land use structures, 4) formation of built-up areas, 5) changes in the built-up area, 6) effects of transportation facilities, 7) increment of fireproof buidings. The author also briefly mentions about analytical models at the end of the paper.
    Findings are as follows: 1) theoretical studies have been scarcely advanced, 2) there are few comparative studies on phenomena observed in several cities, 3) most of the surveys and analyses treated in thee paper are arranged with scarce reference to related research works, 4) data collecting periods are usually shorter than needed.
    It seems important to prepare sufficient data for analyses, to analyze land use as com-prehensive regional phenomena regarding a region as a system and to develop theories. In addition, it will be necessary for geography to utilize research results of other disciplines and to produce original achievements based on the characteristic features of geography.
  • 豊島 正幸
    1987 年 60 巻 1 号 p. 40-51
    発行日: 1987/01/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
    Formation of a wide strath (partially fillstrath) terrace during the downcutting stage which follows the valleyfilling terminated around 20, 000y. B. P, is demonstrated in the previous works in the Ou Backbone Range. The climatic change in the latest Würm Stage seems to be a possible cause of the above river terrace development. The hypothesis leads to investigate river terraces in the other mountains which has different relief and structural conditions and similar climatic condition. This paper presents terraces of the Osarube river in the Dewa Mountains situated to the west of the Ou Backbone Range.
    The river terraces of the study area are classified into the Shinarui, the Sendoishi, the Nakahata, and the lower terraces in descending order. Stratigraphic evidences show that the formation of the Shinarui terrace precedes the Takaichi pyroclastic flow deposit older than 30, 000 y. B. P. The lower terraces are below the Nakahata terrace, and each of them is a kind of non-cyclic terrace.
    The Sendoishi terrace is underlain by a valley-fill. The change from valley-filling to downcutting is inferred to have occurred in the latest Würm Stage from both the facts of that the Sendoishi terrace is overlain by the Torigoe pyroclastic flow deposits of 14, 000-12, 000y. B. P, and that the reconstructed longitudinal profile of the Sendoishi terrace corresponds to a lower sealevel prior to the Postglacial transgression.
    The Nakahata terrace, which is the conspicuous terrace, has a veneer of gravel laid down after the valley-filling and shows gentler sloping longitudinal profile than that of the filltop Sendoishi terrace. In a cross-section the outer part of the Nakahata terrace is overlain by the Torigoe pyroclastic flow deposit, which does not exist in the inner part of the same terrace near the main channelway. The alluvial cone deposit which covers a part of the Nakahata terrace is dated as 18, 550 y. B. P. The above facts show that the formation of the Nakahata terrace, that is, the sedimentation of a veneer of gravel occurred prior to about 18, 000y. B. P. and terminated posterior to about 12, 000y. B. P.
    Thus it was confirmed that the sequence of river terrace development in the latest Würm Stage was common to rivers in both the Ou Backbone. Range and the Dewa Mountains.
  • 1987 年 60 巻 1 号 p. 52-55,61
    発行日: 1987/01/01
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 1987 年 60 巻 1 号 p. 60
    発行日: 1987年
    公開日: 2008/12/25
    ジャーナル フリー