STDP is known as a learning rule that represents Hebb's law because of its credibility and the simplicity of its mechanism confirmed by detailed experiments. Researchers who value physiological plausibility are challenging to carry out learning by STDP without adopting backpropagation. In this paper, we will introduce 6 of these challenging papers and consider how STDP contributes to learning.
The evaluation of artificial intelligence in all its varieties is one of the greatest scientific challenges of our time. This is more so as we are dealing with cognition, which takes us beyond the evaluation of performance towards the evaluation of behaviour. In this talk, I will introduce a series of endeavours about the present and future measurement of AI, such as the evaluation of capabilities rather than task performance, the evaluation of general-purpose systems rather than specialised ones, the evaluation of AI extenders rather than externalised systems, the evaluation of the transformative effect on skills in the workplace, etc. To this end I will vindicate some key elements: the identification of the dimensions of difficulty to determine capability and generality profiles, the proper study of instance variation to ensure robustness in evaluation, the consideration of operating conditions on top of instance distributions, and the need of more ambitious meta-analyses of experimental data about AI measurement.
汎用AI回路を「自律的に自身の回路を改良する回路」と定義し、その基本構造を初歩的なレベルで検討した. 結果、原型とした「複数の専用AI回路+マスター回路(G)」という回路モデルには、第2のマスター回路(I)を付加する必要があり、そのマスター回路(I)の制御により、「原型汎用AI回路から動作情報を収集し、改良プランを作成し、そのプランの元で専用AI回路を構成するモジュール回路の論理の調整と接続の変更を進める」という動作が行うのが妥当であり必然であろうとの結論を得た.