多人数インタラクションには,各参与者の「発話したい/したくない」という欲求の駆け引きが存在すると考えられる.各参与者の特性に応じた身体部 位を介して醸し出される「発話欲求」から,多人数インタラクションにおける参与者同士の関係性を明らかにする.
空間把握に対する1つの示唆として,混沌から現れてくる空間について発表する.具体的には,Primitive Chaosからnondegenerate Peano continuumが現れてくる様子を示す.
The Science of Hitting by Ted Williams is an excellent book. Ted Williams wrote everything about hitting he obtained through his career in this book. However his explanation on hitting mechanics is vague for it is based on his personal perception. Recently I surprisingly found that by applying the Twisting Model theory, his explanation on the hitting mechanics becomes a lot clear and helped for better understanding regarding movement and property of power produced. In this article I would like to introduce the "Twisting Model" and by using physical approach I would like to show how the Twisting Model supports Williams.