Linked Data facilitates the integration of different data domains. However, experiments to show the effect by consuming Linked Data have not been conducted yet. We implemented a tourism service with Linked Data targeting Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture. Moreover, we conducted social experiments on verification of our tourism service.
Many Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) have been developed to improve car safety. A Knowledge Base is indispensable for autonomous vehicles to perceive driving environments and understand traffic regulations. In this paper, we introduce an ontology-based Knowledge Base, which contains maps and traffic regulations. By accessing to the Knowledge Base, the intelligent vehicles can aware overspeed situations and make decisions at intersections in comply with traffic regulations. Two simple ADAS systems are developed based on the Knowledge Base. We conducted field test with an intelligent vehicle to evaluate the ADAS systems.
九州大学COIでは都市の多様なデータを集積し分析を行う都市OSというコンセプトを提案している.我々はこのコンセプトを実現するにあたって九大伊都キャンパスのデータを対象としたデータ共有プラットフォームを構築している.このプラットフォームにおいて,多種多様なデータを扱っていくにあたってどの様な課題が存在するのかを調べるため,センサデータにたいしてSemantic Web技術を応用するSemantic Sensor Networkを調査する.
In this paper, the authors introduce a set of technologies to collect various types of service process data in elderly care-facilities. The data come from a variety of different sources such as sensor network, time study data, and text data. To handle the data, the authors propose a database framework, called COTO database, to manage the collected data with different formats as Linked Data.
Recently, biomedical terminologies and ontologies have been publishing a wide variety of data. For the integration of them, it is important to overcome the conceptual discrepancy. In this article, we discuss ontological issues of integrating knowledge of abnormal states in existing biomedical resources. Next, we show an approach for the solution with our ontology of abnormal states. Then, by applying Linked Data technique, we develop a prototype system for linking our ontology as a hub of existing resources. Our approach will bring benefits for promoting interoperability across heterogeneous data according to the meaning of concepts and contribute to developing knowledge integration infrastructure for disease.
Many kinds of technique for data mining have been suggested, and are actually utilized on various domains. However, most of the techniques support data mining process only from the side of mathematical task knowledge, including Statistics, Machine-Learning, and so on. To evaluate and interpret the results appropriately in the context of the backgrounds of the dataset, it is necessary to design and control the data mining based on domain knowledge. In this paper, we discuss stratification, which often depends on arbitrary decisions, and introduce our framework for the stratification by using a domain ontology.
Purposes for digital archives have gradually changed not only browsing the valuable resources but also searching for academic researches. Current standard metadata sets for digital archives of cultural assets have had various difficulties for researchers to retrieve targets effectively. We proposed to construct a domain ontology for historical rare books by materializing from a standard formal ontology as a solution for the difficulties. The proposed ontology describes cultural heritages and historical rare books whose components, such as prefaces, are described as a separated entry. To show effectivenesses of the proposed ontology, we applied it a metadata set for a real collection of historical rare books. The metadata set is eventually converted into Linked Data format for publishing in the Web. As a result, both researchers and editors are intuitionally able to retrieve and describe a historical rare book as a set of components in terminologies of bookbinding. Those components are also accessible by Unified Resource Identier on the Web.
The eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL for short) is an international standardized reporting language based on XML in financial affairs. In Japan, diverse dialects of XBRL is utilized as EDINET by Japanese Financial Services Agency, as TDnet by Tokyo Stock Exchange, etc. The infusion of Linked Data into XBRL enables us not only to promote the synergy among these data in respective XBRLs, but also to link such financial data to non-financial Linked Data, i.e, industrial statistics, energy statics, economic census, etc. However, EDINET and TDnet use their own company codes, which are different from each other. Therefore, we also made Linked Data of company codes in order to link respective data mutually, using the legal personality registration codes to Ministry of Justice so that a registration code mediates between a relevant EDINET code and a TDnet code. The Linked Data technology is available to unify diverse aspects of company activities.
For information on the Internet, by using concepts defined in the format that can be processed by machine, various researches have been made so that a computer understands the Web contents. This is called the Semantic Web, and its practical way has been promoted as Linked Open Data. When creating an application of interest dataset that was created as an LOD at other places, the URL of a concerned LOD is required to use. However, in order to obtain the URL of the LOD, some work like searching or collecting is required to the application author. Thus we propose to create a system to have or collect the relationship between classes, the class itself and its index into the LOD over all created LOD sites as many as possible. In this article, we present an approach of collecting and sharing the class information created in different places, and those information also is stored as another LOD dataset which can be retrieved by SPARQL.
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), which is the top conference for Linked Data and semantic web research is scheduled to be held in Kobe, October, 2016. For the sake of calling for cooperation from a wide range of research communities to make the conference be a success, this paper first introduces the recent technical development of semantic technology, presented at ISWC 2014 held in Italy, last November.