We propose a framework to build an integrated map using spatial information acquired by multiple mobile robots. In order to gather information from multiple robots effectively and to handle multiple coordinate reference systems dynamically, we adopt a common communication protocol, called MISP. And, we adopt a graph based SLAM method to optimize an integrated map. The proposed framework is tested with real rescue robots, in which our system shows effective integration of information acquired by multiple robots.
As an approach to deliberate public agenda or support decision-making by anticipating and analyzing societal impacts of technology, technology assessment (TA) has a potential to construct technology and society in a co-evolutionary way. Further, the recent approach to TA can develop technology, its institutionalization and these network-based intelligence. This implies that AI can be expected as not just a kind of technology to be addressed by TA but also a prospective technology for the intelligence.
In this paper, we use the urban maps as the urban road networks to illustrate the concept of navigability in networks and investigate how different network topologies influence the average amount of information that is needed to send a signal from one node to another node in the network. Putting our purpose, we analyze representative maps used by RCR simulation and consider the relations of the agent strategy and each maps effectiveness of the disaster management by analyzing relevance with the map information and agents.
本研究では、多数の利用者から収集した大規模なWeb 閲覧記録を用いて、Web 検索行動を調査・分析する。対象とするのは基本的な検索方法であるキーワードやブール検索式を用いた検索行動である。この調査の結果、ブール検索式を用いるユーザはごく少数であること、検索利用回数の多い利用者ほど複雑な検索式を多く使用するが検索結果の適合率が顕著に向上しているわけではないなどの結果が得られた。