The purpose of this study is to clarify the skill-acquisition process for controlling speech timing used by professional actors while rehearsing a play. We conducted recurrence quantification analysis (RQA) (Riley et al. 1999) of the captured 94 video-recorded trials for one scene as time series of data consisting of marks of turn-taking. RQA revealed a tendency for the learning process of utterance timing to become more irregular (lower %DET) but, at the same time, more coherent (lower ENTROPY).
[English] Analysis era begun from the middle of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century brought us enormous progress understanding humanities, both in the scientific and literature worlds. Previous methods of Humanities education of methods can be divided into two types. The first is the method of knowledge transfer, and the second is the one with only practice. By either type of education method we cannot know own possibility and mechanism of self-learning and self-recognition, which may be characteristic of human beings. This study shows new type of education system to "know thyself (gnothi seauton), which was introduced to 3000 first-year students of the University of Tokyo from the academic year of 2006. The program, which consists of five essential components to the understanding of our own body and existence, is as follows; we should know 1) the gaps of expectation and reality, 2) human standing and walking system, 3) running intensity to keep global homeostasis, 4) cell unity as an autonomous life system, and 5) resuscitation principle. In particular we focus on and discuss the importance of two new fields of recently developed life and brain sciences that had not been academically recognized in the physical education learning. Only human beings can learn and realize ourselves through scientific visualization of "own action" and representation of their own activities with words. This method is based on recent life and brain scientific knowledge of "activity (use-, output-)-dependent gene expression system", epigenetic mechanism, cell theory, and protein homeostasis. This new management of oneself through action with scientific visualization of our body-mind system can be regarded as "human sustainability" and constitute one part of the area of "Alliance for Global Sustainability".
筋力とは異なる、いわゆる「体全体を使って」より大きな力を発生させるメカニズムについてモデル化すると、 股関節の稼働域の大小によって発生させる力に大きな差が出てくることが予想される。運動においては、「運動 時の股関節の稼働域」を拡げる事ができれば、より強く投げる、打つ、走るといった動作を獲得・強化する事ができると考えられる。そのため具体的に「股関節の稼働域を拡げる」とはどういう事かについて考察し、その為に有効と思われる方法を提案するとともに、今後の課題および可能性について考察する。