This paper outlines the design philosophy, mechanism, and aerodynamic characteristics of the Mitsubishi 60cm Trisonic Wind Tunnel which has been in operation since September, 1968.
Main dimensions and functions of the wind tunnel are as follows:
Type: intermittent blow-down
Test section size: 0.6m square
Mach number range: 0.4-4
Reynolds number: more than 2×10
6 with reference length of 0.1m
Pumping time: 1 hour
Max. storage tank pressure: 15 atg
Calibration test of the wind tunnel includes the following items a part of which is given herein:
(1) Effects of the second throat, re-entry slot and re-entry flap in transonic speed range.
(2) Mach number distribution in a test section.
(3) Flow inclination in a test section.
(4) Surface pressure distribution of a conecylinder.
(5) Aerodynamic characteristics of AGARDB and-C calibration models.
(6) Surface pressure distribution of a two-dimensional wing profile NACA 64 A 010.