日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
30 巻, 1 号
  • 板垣 啓三郎, 坪倉 操
    1968 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 1-6_1
    発行日: 1968/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    AKIBA reported that Plasmodium isolated from fowls in Japan was identical withPlasmodium juxtanucleare recovered by VERSIANI and GOMES in Brazil, except that theformer was less virulent; i.e., the Brazilian strain (l4A) and tlte Mexican strain (l4B) arehighly virulent for chickens or adult chicks, while the Japanese strains are not so virulent.The authors observed that the strain of Plasmodium isolated from a chicken by theauthors was highly virulent for chickens, and that its exoerythrocytic forms were easilydetectable in various organs. Experiments were carried out on exoerythrocytic forms col-lected from organs of infected claickens one or two days old which had been inoculatedwith 0.2 to 0.5 ml of parasitized blood by the intracardial, intraperitoneal, and subcutane-ously route. The results obtained are as follows:l. Morphological observation.The size of schizonts and tlae number of merozoites of endoerythrocytic forms andexoerythrocytic forms are shown in Table 1. The endoerythrocytic form of this straincould not be distinguished fronn P. juxtanucleare morphologically. It was large in size andround, elliptc, or very long in form when it was in the brain and spinal cord. In the adrenal gland, ovary, and tlnymus, it was frequently obserxed that tent or more roundforms surrounded a ltost cell. The majority of tl?e cytoplasrn was stained faint blue andthe remaining portion deep blue or faint pink with Giemsa stain. There were poly-morphours nucleoides (merozoite) reddish violet in color.Exoerythrocytic-like forms were observed in 6 of the 108 chickents used in tltis experiment. They were present wltolly within blood cells. Tlaey were found in about 5 percent mature red cells, 55 per cent polychromerythrocytes, 18 per cent erythroblasts, and 22per cent juvenile leukocytes. Ill almost all the ltost cells, tlae ttucleus was oppressed bythese parasites. There was not difference in morphological claaracteristics between theseparasites and the exoerytlarocytic form.2. The period of appearartce of exoerytltrocytic forms.The Iengtla of the period of appearance was determined by examining 6 chickenswhich had been killed daily or laad died after inoculation. Tlte parasite appeared in thespleen first, that is, on tlae 5th day after inoculation, in tlue lung and kidney on tone 6tladay, in the liver and ovary on the 7th day, in the adrenal gland on tlne 8th day, in thebone marrow, myocard, and thymus on the 1 lth day, in the pancreas, spinal cord, medullaoblongata, and testicle out the 14th day, in the brain on tlae 16th day, and in the gizzardon the 17th day after inoculation.3. Organotropism of exoerythrocytic forms.The thymus was an organ in which exoerythrocytic forms ltad been found most Ire-quently. It was followed by the adrenal gland, spleen, liver, lunag, and bone marrow infrequence.4. Relationship of propagation between erndoerythrocytic and exoerytltrocytic forms.Endoerythrocytic forms showed the highest propagatiorn on tlte 10th da)r and a sud-den decrease in number in the 2nd week after inoculation. Thereafter, they showedirregular fluctuations in number for a long time. Exoerythrocytic forms began to in increase2 weeks after inoculation. While there was a decline in endoerytltrocytic f
  • 板倉 智敏
    1968 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 7-19_6
    発行日: 1968/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Histopathological investigation was carried out to clarify the pathogenesis of suchlesions of the fowl respiratory organs, especially the air sacs, as considered macroscopicallycharacteristic of chronic respiratory disease (CRD).The materials used for the present investigation had been collected from two groups, A and B. Group A consisted of 30 chickens from 12 to 328 days of age which had beenproved macroscopically to have caseous masses in the air sacs. Group B was composed of36 individuals, including unpipped embryos, pipped embryos, and day-old cull chicks, which had been demonstrated histopathologically to have Iesions in the air sacs. All thematerials were derived from naturally infected cases. At necropsy, as many samples aspossible were collectecl from various parts of the air sacs (cervical, interclaxzicular, anteriorthoracic, posterior thoracic, and abdominal air sacs) for histological examination.The results obtained are summarized as follows.I) In groups A and B, the lesions of the air sacs and such related respiratory organsas the lungs and the tracheas could be classified into the same category. Moreover, theselesions were very similar to those of what is commonly called "CRD".2) Qualitatively, the degeneration and substance defect (erosion) in the epithelialcell layer of the air sacs were considered as an initial Jesion of the disease. The degener-ation of the epithelial cells subsequently became coagulative necrosis. Sucla degenerativelesions had the appearance of large or small patches and were frequently accompanied bythe disappearance of epithelial cells (substance defect). These findings were the mostfrequent and typical lesions of the air sacs, especially in group B. Moreover, degenerativechanges of the respiratory epithelial cells could be pointed out in tlte lungs and thetrachea witlaout any difficulty.3) Exudative detritus masses whicla had stained with eosin were deposited at the siteof substance defect. Subsequenttly they induced dilatation to the lumina of the air sacsand the bronchi. findings as formation of granuloma. The present author, however, cannot agree withthem, because epithelial cells and their derivatives are mainly involved in this prolifer-ative change.As another type of activation of epithelial cells, the formation of ttubular architecturewas very interesting. It was observed mostly in the epithelial cell layer beneath the exuda-tive foreign bodies and characterized by the formation of a monolayer of hyperplastic epi-thelial cells.5) It may be considered that as initial Iesions, inflammatory changes occurred tothese air sacs as the result of degeneration and erosion of the epitltelial cell layer. Ofthese changes, especially the infiltration of small round cells was generally mild. Most ofthe previous workers regarded these changes as pathognostic lesions of Mycoplasma infec-tion, which they called "lymphatic follicular nodules" and other terms. The presentauthor understood that these changes were simple cellular reactions which included sub-acute and chronic inflammatory changes, and were accompanied by proliferation of sub-epithelial tissue.6) In regard to the degree and distribution of these Iesions, groups A and B showeda marked contrast to each other. In the air sacs, the high degree of Iesions was most Ire-quently observed in group A (57%) and the low degree in group B (56%). In the lungs, the medium degree of lesions was most frequently observed in group A (37%) and thenormal state without lesions in group B (72%).In respect to the distribution of lesions in the air sacs, the cases most frequently ob-served were those accompanied by lesions in all the five air sacs in group A (577) andthose accompanied by lesions in only one of the five air sacs in group B (337). [the rest omitted]
  • 大石 幸子
    1968 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 21-23
    発行日: 1968/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大石 幸子
    1968 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 25-28
    発行日: 1968/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大越 伸, 薄井 万平
    1968 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 29-38_1
    発行日: 1968/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    回虫卵の発育に関する従来の報告は,主としてAscarislulnbricoidesおよびToxocaracanisに関するものが多く,Toxascarisleoninaの発育に関するものは少ない.犬猫の T.leo一ninaは,世界各国に分布し,熱帯から寒帯に近い地域にまでも広くおよんでいる.従って本虫卵の温度に対する過応性は,他の回虫卵に比較して広いものと推定される.本編においては,この点を明らかにするため,T.leonina虫卵の発育におよぼす温度の影響について検討を行なった.またこれと比較するために,T.canis虫卵,およびまだ発育状態がほとんど明らかとなっていないT.cati虫卵についても,同様の実験を行なった.また著者らは,第111報において, T.leoninaの大系と猫系の間では,虫体と虫卵の形状に小差があることを述べた.本編においては,虫卯の発育についても,これら両系の比較を行なった.本実験は,自然に近い状態を保つため,雌虫の子宮内虫卵を用いず,濃厚感染した宿主の糞便内に自然排泄された虫卵を集卵し,これをホルマリン加寒天培地上で培養した.その結果は,おおむね次の通りである.1. T.leoninaの大系と猫系の両種虫卵については,37°C培養において差が認められ,前者は発育が抑制される傾向があったのに対して,後者は正常に発育した. 2. T.leonina虫卵の発育の上限は,37°C付近と推定された.発育の適温は,室温ないし30°Cであって,93%以上の虫卵が,5~10日で感染虫卵まで発育した.6~86C培養では,初期分裂が行なわれ,8~15゜C培養では,40日を要して完熟卵となった.未発育卵を-156Cに40日間保った後,適温で培養すれば,大略正常な発育をすることを認めた.また未発育虫卵と発育虫卵に日光を数日照射した結果,発育の停止と感染力の低下を認めた.3. T.canis虫卵は,37°C培養では発育完了せず,30°Cでは11日,25°Cでは14日で完熟卵となった.5~15°Cの冬季室内培養では,3カ月間観察を続けたが,発育はmorulastageにとどまっていた,4. T,cati虫卵も,37°C培養では発育せず,また308Cでは,11日で完熟卵となるものもあったが,変性卵の出現が多かった.25゜Cでは161B,室温では21日で完熱卵になった.5.3種回虫の完熱卵を408Cに保った場合には,いずれも3日以内に死滅した. また-15°Cに保った場合には,Toxocara属の虫卵は5日で死滅したが,T.leonina虫卵は40日後も生存していた.以上の成績を総括して,T.leoninaの虫卵の温度に対する適応性は, T.canisおよびT.catiに比較して,はるかに広いことが明らかになった.
  • 大越 伸, 長谷川 篤彦
    1968 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 39-42_1
    発行日: 1968/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    猫のクリプトコックス症は,これまで世界で少なくとも21例の報告がある.本邦においては,1957年山本ら,1964年佐伯ら,および1967年千葉らによる3例の記載がある.著者らは,東京大学農学部附属家畜病院患畜の猫に本症の1例を認め,これについて検討した.患畜は東京産,2才,雌のシャム猫で,頚部が次第に腫脹するに従い,元気消失,食欲減退を示し,ついに好転することなく,そのまま死の転帰をとった.頚部病変部から作成した墨汁標本の直接鏡検によって,莢膜を有するイースト様真菌を認めた.この菌をサブローぶどう糖培地に分離培養して検討した結果,本分離真菌は,37°Cで発育すること,マウスに病原性があること,炭素源および窒素源同化の点などから,CryPtococcusneoformansと同定した.剖検の結果,顎凹部から胸腔内にいたり,気管にそって,重量約250gのクリーム色の脂肪様を呈した菌塊を認めた.同様の小菌塊が,右腎臓にも付着浸潤しているのを認めた.また肺臓では,全葉にわたって,黄白色の粟粒大の結節が多数散在していた.組織学的検索の結果,肺臓,腎臓はもちろん,脳,気管および牌臓にも,本菌体を認めた.以上のように,全身各所に, c.neofor?nansよるものど考えられる病巣を認めた,猫の播種性クリプトコックス症の1例を示した.
  • 大越 伸, 村田 義彦
    1968 年 30 巻 1 号 p. 43-51_2
    発行日: 1968/02/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Ancylostomatubaeforme ?? A.caninum ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Viscerallarvamigration ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, 1. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, A.tubaeforme ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, O-2.1% ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, A.caninum ?? ?? ?? ?? 6080% ?? ?? ?? ?? .2. A.tubaeforme ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 々 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? · ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? .3. A.caninum ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? 50% ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? . ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? .