日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
23 巻, 3 号
  • 本橋 常正, 岸 茂, 田島 正典, 中村 〓治
    1961 年 23 巻 3 号 p. 133-144
    発行日: 1961/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Using field rnaterials collected from sporadic cases of canine distemper irm Tokyoand its vicinity, and frorn an epizootic outbreak of mimic distemper in Fl[okkaido, one orseveral transrnission series of the disease were carried out in experimental clogs, usingfour lines of three strains, and in experimental mirtks, using three lines of three strains.In all cases, except for the A line of the CL strain in clogs, infection was established withno difficulty and was diagnosed from the eollective results of clinical observations, pathological exa, minations, particularly detection of inc[ttsion bodies in cells, tests ofneutralizirrg artcibody against tlre J, eclerle (Ld) egg strain of canine distemper virus(CCV) in a pair of serurrzs tag<on before and after infection, and demonstration of virusin tissues by means of F.arnscer inoculation.2. Most infected clogs revealed cliphasic oocly temperature elevations accompanied byother symptoms. ?Fhe syrnptoms ooserved were roug!xJy identical vtitlt those clescribed inthe case of viral canine distemper. Tlte cli-rtical syxmptorns sFnown by the infected minksdid not, essentially, mr.cRx differ frorn Lh, ose shown l.>y the clogs.3. The serum antibocly, wlaich neutralized CDV of the Ld egg strain, NVOS demon-scrated mostlsz about two wee[cs afker tlre infection. In sotme eases, however, the develop-mernt oI? the an;ibody did not, apparently, serve for the improvement of health. 11 seemstlxat sorne proolerns still remain unsolved irn regard to tI?e relations between developmentof the antibody and suppression of the disease.4. Ilamsters had a good sttscepr.ibi1ity to mamrnalian strains of CDV, and easilyresponclecl to these strains witlz a distinct cleveloprneunt of the egg ad-aptecl virus neutraliz-ing ancioocly in the serum. This anirnal species may be effectively utilized for tlaedemonstration and titration of these strairzs.
  • 保田 幹男
    1961 年 23 巻 3 号 p. 145-155_6
    発行日: 1961/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    A summary of detailed studies on the nervous supply of the hind-limb in the fowl ispresented (Table 2, Figs. 2 -15).The nomenclature, and Japanese names of nerves used in the present paper, and theterminologies used by different authors, are shown in Table 1.Table 1.Nomenclature andJapanese NameKAUPP[3 75 (OKAMURA)van cler HORSTP 1. 1 u m ba l iscrural PI. anterior portion PI. cruralisPI. IumbalisW!&iD l? 7bKfD jL XkN. femoralis 1-*;ii 1N. femoralis 2.?lUitf 2N. femoralis 3* IIJ ftP 3N. obturatoriusobiurator nerveN. obturatorius-J- N.N. obTuratoriuspfi r fforaminis ovalishA 964D i 11 )N PJ 1 LFI lP I. sac ra l iscrural pi. posterior portion PI. ischiadicusP l. sa c ra l is4lH [1 4J" ? Bffl.? r+?.?N. ischiadicusischiadic trunkN. ischiadicusN. ischiadicusffilff il ALI4d" fl" ?N. peroneus superflcialis superflcialis peroneusN. peroneus superflcialis Nn. peronei superflcialesYX Ij) i" H Y"J 5R7? 113)Y, X?jY, 4* YQ This paper is dedicated to Professor J. SCHREIBER (When) on his 70th birthday anniversary.Nomenclature andJapanese NameN. peroneus profundus77TI)F l!" l"I IN. tibialis plantarist{IQ B4 II" irtr &N. tibialis medialisIM{11 BE It 4I fN. tibialis [ateraIis" F {11 Jll 4 tl IKAUPPperoneus profundusthird branch of ischiadicarued i a I po rtio nlateral portion fifth branchof ischiadica:J 7J (OKA, VURA)N. peroneus profundusfki fit; II) l" [1" il ffN. tibialis profundus2f tw new, m, th ta(A<-crl))Ux lJ Tl?N. tibialis superflcialis*1i1 Jiff: il tkvan der HORSTNn. peronei profundusN. fibialis medialisN. tibialis lateralisTable 2.No.Narne of MuscleNumber ofMuscleNerve SupplySO l" NO l l U Stensor fasclae lataebiceps femorissemitendinosussernimembranosussemimembranosus accessoriusgracilisgluteus superflcialis, gluteus superflcialis, gluteus mediusglutetts profundusrectus femorisvas ius Iateralisvasrus intermediusvastus medialispectineusquadratus femoriscaudo-fernoralispars anteriorpa rs posrerio r1 IOCUSobluratorius externusObtUl0tOIiUS inTernusgemellusadductor lorcgusadducior lT1C9TUSgasirocnemius, Caput lateralegastrocnemius, Capui iibialegastrocnemius, Caput medialetibialis anteriorperoneus Iongusperoneus brevisNA. extensor digiiorum longusM. fle>cor hallucis longusM. fle>cor perforaius cligiti secundiM. flexor perforans et perforaius digitisecundiM. flexor p(ll?lfOICltUS digiri t6ltiM. flexor porforans ei perforafus digiriiertiM?. flexor perforarus digiti quartiM. flexor perforons cligisorurn profunclusM. tiblalis posteriorM. po p l i feu SM. cdduclor cligiPi Sl3CUl1Ol?A. e>ctenscr digiii terTiM. adductor digiti quartiM. extensor hallucis brevisM. flexor ltallucis brevisMx. abductor cligiil secundiM. abducTor digiti quarti1 601611 521 631 54A164B1 .54Cl 651 661 67A1 57 BN. femoralis 1Nn. femorales 1, 2PI. ischiadicusPI. ischiadicusPI. ischiadicusN. ischiadicusPI. ischiadicusP l. l u m ha l isPI. ischiadicusPI. lumbalisPI. lumbalisN. femoralis 2N. femoralis 2, PI. ischiadicusN. ischiadicusN. femoralis 3N. femoralis 3PI. ischiaclicusPI. ischiadicusN. femoralis 3N. oloturatoriusN. obtur
  • 佐藤 卯三郎, 花木 琢磨, 西村 豊, 川島 秀雄, 渡辺 守松
    1961 年 23 巻 3 号 p. 157-166
    発行日: 1961/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been believed for a long time, in Japan, that the hog cholera virus is so highlyvirulennt, and the pigs so susceptible to it, that in those pigs affected it always takes anacute course, the animals dying from the disease at the rate of 100%. Therefore, it hasbeen very easy to diagnose the disease from the view points of epizootics and pathologicalfindings.In 1956, however, a less virulent strain of hog cholera virus appeared in Watari-machi, in the northern part of Japan. The epizootics were not so severe and the symptoms weremuch different from those of the usual cases, That is, altho some pigs died after showingmarked symptoms, others survived after showirng only slight febril reaction. Since therehad previously been no record of cases recovering after revealing the symptoms of hogcholera, in Japan, the authors at first thought that this disease might rnot be caused by thehog cholera virus. The authors, however, could demonstrate the virus recovered fromfour pigs affected irn the field, and identified it as hog cholera virus from the view pointsof hematological F-ndings, experimental infection of susceptible pigs, hisLopatIto1ogicalfindings, and immunization tests.The details of these data are reported in the following.1) Experimental infection and identification of the causal agent.As the inoculums for the trttnsrnission of this disease, spleen were removed fronn thediseased pigs, No. 1 and No. 5, and the livers from No. 3 and 1Jo, 4. Ten percent sus-pensions with saline were nxade from these organs, respectivc;ly, and each orte, after testingsterility, was inoculated stubcutaneously into each of the susceptiole pigs.Each pig iruoculated with the material of No. l, No. 4 or No. 5 survied after slxowirtgonly slight febril reaction, and all of them resisted strictly, against the challenge, withoutany symptoms, which was carried out 3 weeks later, wich 10, ODD MUD of the virulentstrain ALD of hog clnolera virus.A pig, however, inoculated with the material of No. 3 showed a high fever anddifficTherefore, it may be said that this pig might have survived if the simultaneous infectionof Pasteurella multocida had not occurred.The infection of M)?xovirus parainfluenzae 1, which causes slight reaction similar tothose of hog cholera, was discounted b)x mearns of the isolation of the virus and throughhaernagglutination irnhibition tests wich serum.From the results merttioned above, it can be said that the causal agent of this diseaseis a weak virulent strairn of hog cholera virus, and the authors narrned it strain "IVIiyagi".2) Serial passage of strairu " IVIiyagi".Strain "Miyagi" was passaged, serially, through susceptircle pigs, and some of themsurvived, but the otlners died of hog cholera. Some of the latter were infected simultan-eously with some other bacteria.3) Virus titer of strain " lV1iyagi".The virus Liter of strair? " Miyagi " was measured by using susceptible pigs of the 3rdand 7th ger?erations of serial passage mentioned above. Both Liters were of 10- and atleast by the 7tlx generation the increase of virulence was rtot observed, while two otherwealc virulent strains, obtained from insufficiemxtly inactivated crystal violet vaccine, recovered their virulemce at tI?e 2nd or 4th oeneration.54) Laternt infection by strain " lV[iyagi".Pigs inoculated with 1 1111 of TO dilution of strain " Miyagi " showed subclinicalinfection and this latent infection was checked by mean-ns of a later chatter-ge with virulentstrain AID.These are the first cases of Iatertt infection of hog cholera artificially produced, inJapan.5) Resistance of strain " IVtiyagi" to storage.Strairu "lVIiyagi" showed a strorug resistance to storage at -50C and preserved its acti-vmty for at least a year, while the other weak virulent strain" mentnonccl above, lost itsactivity withirn half a year. [the rest omitted]
  • 清水 亀平次
    1961 年 23 巻 3 号 p. 167-180
    発行日: 1961/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The complement fixation test is generally recognized as one of the most useful diag-nostic aids for the identification of toxoplasrnosis, especially for detection of the activestage of this disease. It is needless to say that the reliability of tone test depends chieflyupon the specificity of the antigen employed. Up to thc; present, earlier workers havereported many kinds of antigens such as those prepared from the rabbits or mice brains, chorioal[antoic membranes of the embryonated eggs, and the peritoneal exudate of miceor guinea-pigs, etc. Many criticisms have been made on the efficacy of these above notedantigens. From these observations, it is now suggested by many authors that the tissueculture may provide a more superior source of the C.F. antigen.In these circumstances, the present investigation was undertal<en to determine the use-fulness of the tissue culture supernatant antigen (TC-arrtigen), in comparison with the antigenfollowing WARREN and RUSS asmodified by SABIN (CAM-antigen). The materials andthe methods of making the tissue culture are quite similar to those described in theauthors preceding paper. The data obtained are briefly summarized as follows :l) In accordance with the multiplication of the organisms in tissue culture, C.F.antigen begins to appear in the tissue culture fluid and attains to the rnaxirrnum level.The days required for this coincides with, or may be l -2 days less than the elapsed tirnein which the maximunt multiplication of the organisms will occur (Fig. 1).2) The TC-antigen is only the supernatant of such tissue culture fluid, and is clearlyseparated from the organisms by centrifugation at 2, 000 r.p.m. for 20 minutes. Accordingly, compared with the other antigens, the TC-antigen is not very likely to contain any nonspecific components. It has a soluble nature and nonaruticomplementary activity and doesnot require further purifications.3) Rise of the antigenic Litre has intimate relationship with the multiplication of theorganisms. Wheru the multiplication stops within 2 - 3 x TO/ml, development of the anti-genie substaruce may cease in 8 units at the most, and require 4 -7 days for this. How-ever, it may rise to 16 -32 units in case more active multiplication should occur (Table 2).The yield of the antigenic substance rnay not have any intimate relation with the speciesof cells, - HeLa-, L- and dog lcidney cells, employed.4) The appearance of the antigenic substance may not be resulted from the destruc-Lion of the organisrn, but from the metabolie activities of the actively multiplied organisms(Tables 3, 4, 5 and 6).5) The TC-arntigen rnay not be inferior to the CAM-antigen irt many points of vievvsuch as the antigenic potenncy, specificity, and its usefulness in detecting the minor antibody(Taoles 11 and 12, and Fig. 3). Ultra centrifugation (100, ODD G for 120 minutes) and heattreatment do not reduce its
  • 宮尾 陟, 林 光昭
    1961 年 23 巻 3 号 p. 181-191
    発行日: 1961/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In this article are described the studies on the excretion, absorption, and strontium-calcitv-m discrimination in the goat and fowl to which had been administered, orally, various salts following oral doses of strontium-90 arnd calcium-45, aztd also in the fowlsubjected to whole-body Co-GO gamma irradtation following oral, or intravenous doses ofthe tracers. The results obtained are sumnmarized as follows :t. Through the adrruirtistration of sodium citrate it was fountd that the increase ofstrontium excretion was greater than that of the calcium excretioru, in the fowl, but inthe goat the effect of the citrate on calcium was greater than on stronti.um.2. In the fowl, to which sodium ethylenediamine tetra-acetate (Na-EDTA) had beenadministered, orally, the effects on the metabolism of strontium were greater than thoseon the metabolism of calcium. The metabolisms of calcixum and strontium were moreaffected by the administratiorn of Na-EDTA than by the adrninis, ration of sodiu-m ci, rate.3. When sodium tartrate was orally administered soon after the oral dose of strontium-90 and calcium-45, in the fowl, the retention of strontium and calcium showed slight de-creases, but the action of tartrate was rnuch wealcer than that of citrate.4. Through the oral administration of magnesium sulfate to the goat antd fowl, whichwere dosed, orally, with strontium-90 and calcium-45, an increase in the excretion ofstrontium-90 and calcium-45, a decrease in the bone retention of them, and the sliglnt fallof 0Rsone-aose values>were observed. In reuard to the actior? of maunesiumt the effect onstrontium was rather greater than the effect on calcium. Furthermore, the action ofmagnesium seemed to be very rapid and trautsitory.5. Through the oral administration of sodium phosphate to the fowl dosed, orally, with strontium-90 and calcium-45, the excretion and absorption of both stroratium-90 andcalcium-45 were affected, but the action on calcium seemed to be greater. It appearedthat the effects of phosphate on the urinary excretion, and endogenous fecal exeretion, were greater than those of magnesium.6. When strontium-90, and calcium-45, were administered, orally, to the fowl after ithad undergone whole-body Co-GO gammna-irradiation, the decrease in the retention ofstrontium-90 was greater than in the case of caleium-45, and the bone retention factor ofstrontium was lowered, but it was rather heightened in the case of an intravenous dose ofthe tracers.Thus the administration of various salts or Co-GO gamrrua-irradiation to the fowl andgoat caused a change in the excretion and absorption of strontium and ca
  • 飯塚 三喜, 杉浦 邦紀, 窪道 護夫, 吉田 信行
    1961 年 23 巻 3 号 p. 193-206
    発行日: 1961/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    By irtvestigating the milk components of alcohol positive milk brought about by liverdysfunction it was proved that some contents, not to speak of ionized calcium, changequalitatively and quantitatively. Therefore, it is thought that the occurrence of alcoholpositive milk may be due to a dysfunction of the mammary gland which performs milkproduction.In this paper, in order to clarify the mechanism of alcohol positive milk caused byliver dysfunction, the mammary glands of lactating goats in which there was a liver dys-fur?ction such as described in the previous paper No. 2, were examined biochemically, andhistologically. Moreover, 2 or 3 factors in relation to the liver and mammary gland func-tions, were studied.The results obtained from these experiments are as follows.l) TTC reduction ability, alkaline-phosphatase activity, and the components such asDNA, PNA, acid-soluble-P and lipid-P, in the tissues of the mammary glands, weredetermined. The activity of enzymes, and various other components, tended to be lowerin value in the experimental groups than in the control groups. During the histologicalexaminatuon of the mammary tissue, apocrination, hyperplasy and atrophy of alveoli, cellinfiltration and hypertroplxy of the interalveolar and interlobular tissue, were fotund.These changes were similar to those found in mastitis circumscripta. But, the degree ofinflammation in the mammary tissue was weaker in the case of alcohol positive milk thanin the case of mastitis. In the goat from the experimental groups producing alcohol negativemilk, there were found slight biochemical arnd histological changes in the mammary glands.These facts might show that cows and goats which have either natural or experimentallyproduced liver dysfunction do not always secrete alcolnol positive milk. These lactatinganimals may be considered to produce alcohol positive milk probably when their marnmaryglands have become functionally disordered.2) The various factors in the relationship between liver disorder and the function ofthe rnarnmary glands were studied. As one of these studies, the calcium balance wasexamined in the case of lactating goats producing alcohol positive milk, since the occurrenceof alcohol positive milk is presumed to have some relation to the metabolism of calcium.From tlne experiments, the decrease of the calcium in the blood of goats having liverdisorder vzas noted. On the contrary, inorganic phosphorus had a tendency to increase ingeneral. It is thought that these changes are probably due to hypoparathyroidism. Thealcohol positive milk of lactating goats was produced by the adrruinistration of a greatdeal of thyroid hormone. In these goats serum calcium decreased, and calcium in theurine irtcreased. These changes were thought to be a symptom of hypoparathyroidism.From these facts, one of the causes of alcohol positive milk which is brought about byliver disorder is thought to be the abnormality of the marnmary gland as a result ofhypoparatltyroidism.3) It has been mentioned- that the mammary gland is influenced by estrogen andprogesterone, and since inactivation of estrogen in the liver decreases when there is liverdysfunction, goats such as these beconre hyperestrogenism.It apjvears that
  • 小原 甚三, 中島 英男
    1961 年 23 巻 3 号 p. 207-210
    発行日: 1961/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー