日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
21 巻, 2 号
  • 大嶋 竹一, 氏家 冬深
    1959 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 61-69
    発行日: 1959/04/30
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    We investigated the ability of certain antibiotics to delay spoilage in beef. The wholebeef carcass was treated by a 30 minutes dip in a fresh solution containing 10 or 50 7/mlAureomycin, Terramycin, Tetracycline or Chloromycetin prior to holding it at roomtemperature (20-3OC) ttntil spoiled.I. The bacterial growth in beef was greatly inhibited and the spoilage was retardedabout I or 2 days by dipping in a solution containit?g 10 or 50 7/llll of Aureomycin.2. The bacterial growth in beef was considerably inhibited and the spoilage wasretarded about 1 day with 10 or 507/ml Terram)rcin solvation.3. The bacterial growth in beef was considerably inhibited and the spoilage wasretarded about I or 2 days with a solution containing [0 or 50 T/ml of Tetracycline.4. The bacterial growth irm beef was greatly inhibited and the spoilage was retardedabout 1-2 clays with 107/ml and 2-3 days with 507/ml Chloromycetin solution.5. The 30 minutes dip in a 50 1/ml Aureommycin solution would not seem to promotethe development of drug-resistant s..rains in the beef. In regard to the histopathological changes in the case of infectious anemia, in horses, at has been recognized that the active changes in the reticulo-endothelial system, thatis, the swelling, the proliferation and the hemosiderosis of the R.E.S. are observed togetherwith great destruction of the red corpuscles, especially in the liver and spleen etc..""It was found by means of our new complement fixation test" that the ferritin whichwas originally the storage iron in the reticulo-endothelial system, was contained in thesera of the jugular veins of horses having infectious anemia.It may be considered that such observation of the free ferritin in the sera meansthe degeneration and the collapse of the reticulo-endothelial system, mainly in the spleen, next in the liver and the bone marrow.In this report, from such a consideration, we made observations on the correlation.among the complement fixation tests on free ferritin in tlte sera, the histopathologicalchanges and the progress of the disease, mainly in the case of infectious anemia inhorses.lhe results are summarized as follows :I) Both, in the horses from the slaughter-house, having infectious anemia, and inthe artificially anemia-infected horses, it was found that the prosperity and decline ofthe free ferritin was very closely related to the histopathological changes in the reticulo-.endothelial system, especially in the liver and spleen, that is, the swelling and prolife-
  • 大木 与志雄, 藤田 潯吉
    1959 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 71-83_2
    発行日: 1959/04/30
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In regard to the histopathological changes in the case of infectious anemia, in horses, at has been recognized that the active changes in the reticulo-endothelial system, thatis, the swelling, the proliferation and the hemosiderosis of the R.E.S. are observed togetherwith great destruction of the red corpuscles, especially in the liver and spleen etc..""It was found by means of our new complement fixation test" that the ferritin whichwas originally the storage iron in the reticulo-endothelial system, was contained in thesera of the jugular veins of horses having infectious anemia.It may be considered that such observation of the free ferritin in the sera meansthe degeneration and the collapse of the reticulo-endothelial system, mainly in the spleen, next in the liver and the bone marrow.In this report, from such a consideration, we made observations on the correlation.among the complement fixation tests on free ferritin in tlte sera, the histopathologicalchanges and the progress of the disease, mainly in the case of infectious anemia inhorses.lhe results are summarized as follows :I) Both, in the horses from the slaughter-house, having infectious anemia, and inthe artificially anemia-infected horses, it was found that the prosperity and decline ofthe free ferritin was very closely related to the histopathological changes in the reticulo-.endothelial system, especially in the liver and spleen, that is, the swelling and prolife-ration of the R.E.S., the appearance of siderocytes and lymphoid cells, and the distensionof capillaries. Cf. Table I & Table 2.2) In the artificially anemia-infected horses, the complement fixation tests on thefree ferritin were negative during the incubation period after the inoculation of equineinfectious anerruia virus, but the complement fixation tests vvere changed into the positivereaction without exception as soon as the horses had an attack of fever due to theactivities of the virus and carrte to indicate rapidly higher" positive reactions with febrilerises of the temperatture. Theru, the reactiouts became weak with comparative rapiditywith the fall of the temperature, but indicated weak positive reactions continuously fora comparatively long period after the fall of the temperature.Furthermore, it was found that the prosperity and dec[ir?e of free ferritin in thecase of infectious anemia in horses followed the same tetrden?cies as the slightness andseriousness of the clinical changes in the diseased horses. Cf. Table 3, Fig. l, Fig. 2& Fig. 3.3) The free ferritin in the serum was observed and comfirmecl as the crystal bycentrifuga, tion at 40000 r.p.m. -105500 g for one hour and the addition of CdS0) for theC.F.T.-positive substance in the serurn of the jugular vein of the artificially anemia-infectedhorse in the dura.tion of the febrile attacks. Cf. Fir. 3 & Plate II.4) The complement fixation tests on the free ferritin were negative irr almost allthe healthy horses that were genera, fly normal histopathologically. Cf. Table 4.From the above experimenta.l results, it is considered that the cornplerrternt fixationtest 011 the free ferritirt may become a method for the supplementary diagnosis of asyndrome that is accomparried by the swelling, the proliferation, the degeneration andthe collaps xxith hemosiderosis of the reticuro-endothelial system, especially, in the liverand spleen, avtd also that tlte complement fixation test may become a sensitive means bywhich we may be able to presume, indirPlate IIFig. 9. The liver of artificially are-mia-infected horse in the fever paroxysm (by the liver puncture).-T.U. 1.Free Ferritin C.F.T. 1:240, H.E.stain. X200Fig. 10. The liver of artificially anemia-infected horse immediately after the fever paroxysm (by theliwer puncture). -T.U. 1.Free Ferritin-C.F.T. 1:3, I4.E.stain. X200Fig. [the rest omitted]
  • 藤岡 俊健
    1959 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 85-95_2
    発行日: 1959/04/30
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The origirr and insertion of the muscles of thoracie limb in the fowl are described andillustrated. They are shown in the following table and plates.MuscularNumber"6566676869A69BMuscular Name"M. expansor secundarium. frapezius. latissimus dorsim. rhomboideusm. serratus dorsalism. Ievator scapulaeO ri gi nBy a tendon from M. coracobrachi-alis internus"Proc. spinosi of V. C. Xlll -V. Th. VProc. spinosi of V. Th. 11 -VlProc. spinosi of V. C. XIV -V. Th. VlCostae vertebrales l -IllProc. costofransversi of V. C.Xll[-XIVInsertionProximal two or three secondaryfo1lic[es"ScapulaH u m er u sSCQPUTQScapulaSca pu la7OA M. serratus ventralis cranialisCostae vertebrales I -III and Proc. Scapulauncinatus of second rib7OB M. serratus ventralis caudalisCostae vertebrales IV -Vll and Proc. l Scapu[auncinati of 4 -6 ribs71727374M. pectoral?s superflcialism. pecloralis profundusm. coracobrachialis inTernusm. coracobrachia[is exfernusVentral border of Crista sterni, HumerusProc. lateralis caudalis internus eiexternus, Membrana sterni (be-fween metasternus and Proc. Iat.caud, int.), " costochondral junctionbetween vertebral and sternal ribs, Lig. sternoclaviculare" and Clavi-culaLaleral surface of Crista sterni, Metasternum, Membrarca coracoi-deoclavicularis", Membrana ste?noclavicularis" and ClaviculaHumerusCoracoideum, Sfernum and Mem- l Humerusbrana sternocoracoideoclavicularis(from the fascia of M. SUpfClcorocoideus)"Coracoideum, Proc. costarius and HumerusMembrana sfernocoracoideoc[avi-cu[aris"M. sternocoracoideusl Proc. costariusm. feres major et infraspinatus Scapulam. deltoideusCIaxzicu[a and Lig. coracoideoscapulare (between Scapula andCoracoideum)"FA. friceps brachiiScapula and Humerusm. biceps brachiiCoracoideum and HumerusCoracoideumH u m er u sHumerusUlnaUlna and RadiusrmuscularNumber"8081828384l 1 OOA1 COB1 O3l1 o+E1 051 06l O71 O8AMuscular Name"OriginInsertionm. tensor patagii longusm. tensor paTagii brevisClavicula and CoracoideurnClavicula and CoracoideumAbove Os carpi radiale, its tendontends to calcif)z and thereafter itinserts radiatireg towards Os carpiradiale and a process of Ossacarpomeracarpalia correspondingto Os rnefacarpale II (#Xc 11)"Onto the fascia of m. extensorcarpi radialis Iongus"m. tensor patagii accessoriusm. coracohumeralism. supracoracoideusBN/ TWO tendons 110171 M. pecforalis Together With tlle f6i1dOf1 Of M.superflcialis and M. biceps bracFtii fe?rsor patagii longus"Coracoideunti HumerusNlembrana sternocoracoideoclavicu- HUm6IUSIaris", Coracoicleum and Manu-brium sternim. scapulohumeralism. teres minorm. subscapularis#V1. brachia[ism. anconeusm. anconeus medialism. extensor carpi radialis longusm. extensor carpi radialis brevism. pronator brevism. pronator Iongusm. supinator medialism. supinator lateralism. abductor indicism. flexor carpi ulnarism. extensor digitorum communism. extensor digiti terti longusm. extensor digiti terti brevism. extensor carpi ulnarism. flexor carpi radialism. flexor digiforum profundusm. flexor digiforum superflcialisCoracoicleum and ScapulaScapulaScapulaHumerusHumerus (Epicondylus ulnaris), Ulnaand from a tendon of M. carpiulnaris"Humerus (Epicondylus uinaris)l-Iumerus (Epicondylus radialis)Ulna and RadiusHumerus (Epicondylus ulnaris)Humerus (Epicondylus ulnaris)Humerus (Epicondylus radialis)E{umerus (Epicondylus radialis)By two tendons from Ossa carpo-metacarpalia (Mc II and 7MC III)Humerus (Epicondylus ulnaris)Humerus (Epicondylus radialis)RadiusA portion of OSSCI carpometacar-palia correspondittg To Os meta-carpale Ill (Mc Ill)UlnaFlumerus (Epicondylus radialis)U l naiHumerus (Epicondylus ulnaris)HumerusHumerusHumerusU naProximal two or three secondaryfollicles"U I nam. IIM. [the rest omitted]
  • 劉栄標
    1959 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 97-102
    発行日: 1959/04/30
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 中野 恵二, 木塚 静雄, 猿田 南海雄
    1959 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 103-112
    発行日: 1959/04/30
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The measuring method for the free acidic suostance and the free basie substance inanimal meat, can be simply performed by appling the method of titration in non aqueoussolutions, and the method of chelate. Procedure and results of these measuring methodswere as follows :( I ) Tlre measuring rrnetlxod for the free acidic substancea. Benzen-alcohol solvents were added to a fixed quantity of tlxe rmaterial.b. After 3 -5 minutes, it was titrated witlt methanol KOI-I.c. The result of titration XV2[S indicated as acetic acid, just as in tlne case of general foodanalysis. The quantity of the acetic acid (S) can be calculated by the following formula.( 2 ) The measuring method for the free basic substancea. Glycol-alcohol solvents NVCFC added to a fixed quantity of the material.b. After 5 - 10 minutes, titration was performed by HCI0j.c. The result of" the titration was indicated as NU. in the following formula.Nll., ?? - ]-3401.X (A .....B)F X..1.00. .. (A. -B).1"34.0 lWW(3 ) The measuring method for the free fatty acida. 75% methanol was added to a fixed quantity of the material, after it was neutralizedwith a dilution of KOH, then it was boiled until it dried up.b. Calcium chloride Solution of known density was added, and then the rernainder ofthe calcium was titrated with 2 Na-E.D.T.A. solution.c. The result of the analysis was indicated as caproic acid in the following formula.C..., 7 .....0.-4O.OQ.X-(A-.-.......B)F X (10.0.)f.. (A B)F- 155.35 - -25.8 x WW
  • 村瀬 信雄, 鈴木 一雄, 中原 達夫, 荒海 弥, 橋本 和典
    1959 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 113-121
    発行日: 1959/04/30
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    豚丹毒の感染と免疫については,いまだ不明確な点が多く残されているが,その主な理由は,原因菌であるErysipelothrixrhusiopathiae(以下E.r.と略称する)の血清学的分類と病型との関係が明らかにされておらなかったことによると云える.近年,特に独乙を中心とした欧州の2・3の研究者によってこの菌の血清学的型別がおこなわれたが,それらも上述の基礎的な種々の間題を解決するためというよりは,実際応用の面すなわち死菌免疫元として有効な菌株の撰択に利用されるにとどままっていると云ってよい.著者らは,かねてから,この問題に深い関心をもち,広範囲な調査と実験を進めてきた.すなわち,由来履歴の確かな菌株を数多く集め凝集反応,沈降反応による血清学的分類を行い,その結果とそれらが由来した動物の病性との関係を整理考察してみた.本報告においては,健康)啄及び種々の病型の病豚に由来した菌株について行、った試験の結果について述べたが,以下に概略を記載する.1,129例の見掛け上健康な豚の扁桃腺を調べで,50例から各1株ずつの生物学的性状からE.r.と同定される菌株を得た(38.6ヲOが,これらのうちの任意の40株を血清学的に沈降反応で分類し,暫定的にGroupI(3株),GroupH(22株),GroupHI(3株),GroupIV(7株)及びGroupV(5株...反応上種々の態度のものを含み,今後更に多数の保1株について調査すれば新なGroupとして独立すべきものを含むと予想される)とした.2. 一方,病豚由来の菌株については,急性敗血症型例からの22株を同様の方法で分類したところ,そのすべてが.上記GroupIに)高三)べきも.のであることが知られ,また賭麻疹型例からの19株は,3株のGroupIと16株のGroupIIに分類された.ここにおいて,原則として急性敗血症型は血清学的にGroupIに属す菌株により,巷麻疹型はGroupHの菌によー,-〔発症することが知られた.しかして,この事実は諸外円から分与された菌株についてもほぼ同様であった.3.また,豚コレラワクチン注射後に発病[-7だ例,または豚コレラ病毒接種後に敗血症症状で斃死,した如き例から分離された菌株は,それらの動物が-見急性敗血症症状を呈しておりながらGroupIIである場合の多いことも知られた.4. 独乙のI)ED托らが行,うた分類との関係を知るため,彼よりGruppc-A,Gruppe-B及びN-Formenに属ずるもの各2,2,1株の送附を受け,それらから著者らの用いたBoivinのそれを少しく改変した方法で抗元を製し試験を行ったが,彼らがGruppe-Aとしで送ってきた2株は著者らのGroupI,Gruppe-Bと・
  • 五藤 精知
    1959 年 21 巻 2 号 p. 123-130_1
    発行日: 1959/04/30
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The author discussed several researches made Olll the so-called bovine influenza, thathad raged throughout the greater part of Japan, from 1949 to [952. As the result of thatdiscussion, two species of filtrable viruses were reported, aetiologically, at least. The firstvirus was isolated in Kyushu and concured with Miyagawanella. The other was isolatedin Honshu. These two species of viruses differ from the others. The first remarks wereof encephalitis non-purulenta and the intracellular elementary bodies, pathologically.The author studies pathologically, 37 naturally affected cases that had been collectedin the prefectures of Tottori, Hyogo, Gifu, Aichi, and Fukui. As the result of the studies, he recognized that the cases NVCIC of other disease, different from Miyagawanellosis, andthe Ephemeral fever occurring in Australia.The so-called pharyngo-laryngeal paralysis was observed as the remarkable symptomof this disease. The broncho-pneumonia catarraalis et gangraenosa was observed in thelurzgs, pathologic-anatomically. It XV21S recognized to be foreign bodies pneumonia bypharyngo-laryngeal paralysis as there were foreign bodies in the lesions. In somecases, rejceated ruminantial puncture affected peritonitis purulenta et gangraenosa, thechanges centred in the punctured wound, and there was neutrophilic wandering in allbodies. The regressive changes in the parenchymatous tissue were, necrotic foci in theliver, necrobiosis in the follicle of the spleen, and uratic tubules in the kidnies and, also, reaction of the reticulo-endothel and. lymphatic system in liver, spleen, Nymph gland, kidniesand other organs XV8S observed. These lesions were considered as the reaction from infectionby the viruses. But there was observed 110 elementary bodies, the remarks of Miyagawa-nellosis, anywhere. Fig. 1. (case 11) Callosity-formation in myocardium. X 100Fig. 2. (case 31) Perivascular infiltration of Iymphocytes, histiocytes and leucocytes in myocardiurrn.x 100Fig. 3. (case 6) Broncho-pneumonia. Bronchiolus contains neutrophiles, desquamative epithelial cellsandforeignbodies. XIOFig. 4. (case 28) Necrotic foci with cell infiltration in liveracini. X 100Fig. 5. (case 3) Small necrotic foci with karyorrhexis, R.E.S. reaction and neutrophilic infiltrationin liver-acini. XIOOFig. 6. (case 11) Intertubular gathering of round-cells and necrobiosis of uratic tubules in kidney. X 50