日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
32 巻, 5 号
  • 大木 与志雄, 三浦 克洋
    1970 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 217-226_1
    発行日: 1970/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the recent years, various red cell auto-antibodies have been determined in someanimal diseases, including autoimmune hemolytic anemia and systemic lupus erythe-matosus in dogs, ") Aleutian disease in minks, 8) and equine infectious anemia."?">In this report, the red cell auto-antibodies were examined for symptomatiCchanges, serological characteristics, and immunopathological roles in 20 horses infectedwith equine infectious anemia virus (Table l).Pathologic cold hemagglutiuain and warm hemagglutinin were identified in theplasma of artificially infected horses. The direct antiglobulin tests of red cells gavealso positive results, showing an intimate correlation with the appearance of warmhemagglutinin, in infected horses of febrile stage (Chart l and Table l). Red cellsin the portal veins of the liver tissue were always higher in titer in the antiglobulintests than those in the jugular veins. There was an intimate correlation between thistiter and the number of red cells in the jugular vein of the infected horses (Table 2).Both warm and cold hemagglutinins were macroglobulins (IglVI) which were inn-activated with 2-mercaptoethanol, and found in the first peak of the plasma proteinfractions obtained by get filtration using Sephadex G-200 (Chart 2). These auto-hemagglutinins reacted with horse red cells, but did not with red cells of any otheranimal species, such as sheep, rabbit, guinea pig, or chicken. In tl?e pattern ofreaction between warm hemagglutinin and horse red cells, prozones were formed byexcess antigen or antibody (Table 3) . The auto-antibodies, combined with the redcells of the infected horses and correlated with the antiglobulin test, were serologicallydetermined to be composed predominantly of IgM, like warm hemagglutinin, andprobably partially of IgG (Table 4 and Fig. l).Warm hemagglutinin among these red cell auto-antibodies exhibited 2L1l opsonicaction but no hemolytic action, and accelerated phagocytosis of horse red cells bymacrophages (Figs. 3, 4, and 5).It was considered that the presence
  • 坪倉 操, 板垣 啓三郎, 河村 和子
    1970 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 227-233
    発行日: 1970/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    欧州では,各種動物における仮性結核菌の感染が多い.人においても,いわゆるチフス型の症例は減少したが,それに代って,腸間膜リンパ節炎(虫垂炎型)が増加している.日本をはじめ欧州諸国以外の国では,本菌の感染については,あまり注目されていない.著者らは,日本における本菌の分布を,文献に従って調査するとともに,血清学的分類を行なった.成績を要約すれば,以下の通りである.1. これまでに公表されたものと,未公表の分離成績によれば,人1,サル5,ブタ3,ヤギ2,ウサギ23,およびモルモット14株,計48株が分離されている.これは欧州各国の分離成績より著しく少数である.一方,由来においても,欧州に多く見られる鳥類からの検出については,報告がない.2.40株について血清学的型別を行なった結果,I型9株(22.5%),11型1株(2.5%),I1型3株(7.5%),Iv型9株(22.5%),V型15株(37.5%)および型別不能3株(7.5%)に分類された.I,IIおよびIv型の亜型は,すべてB型であった.3. ウサギおよびモルモット由来菌は,それぞれ5および4菌型が検出された.IおよびIV型菌は,宿主間に広く分布している.4.越智らにより分類されている菌型と,既知の菌型との関係を明らかにしたくTable4).
  • 平棟 孝志, 村瀬 信雄, 梁川 良
    1970 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 235-242
    発行日: 1970/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    健康牛や病牛から分離されるCorynebacteriumγenaleの型や分布を明らかにすることは,本菌のccologyや腎孟腎炎の疫学を知る上に必要である.著者らは,北海道を中心に,青森,栃木,兵庫各県のホルスタイン牛(雌)の尿561例,腟垢600例を集めて,本菌の検出を行ない,得られた菌株と,わが国で病牛から分離され,保存されていた菌株とについて,型別を行なった.(1)健康牛からの本菌検出率を地域別にみると,北海道では,他の3県のいずれよりも,はるかに高かった.(2)健康牛からの本菌のタイプ別の検出率をみると,I型は病牛のあった牧場の牛からのみ検出され,尿から17.4%,腟から21.7%となっている.これに反し,工I型は,本病の発生があった牧場の牛からも,発生がなかった牧場の牛からも分離され,その率は尿から3.8~7.2%,腟からは0.7~4.9%であった.III型は,健康牛からは全く分離されなかった.(3)I型と工I型が混在している尿材料が,たまたま認められたので,病牛2例と健康牛1例の尿から得た多くのコロニーのうち,それぞれ10または20個について型別した.病牛2例の各10個のコロニーは,いずれもI型で,健康牛由来の20個のコロニーは,すべて11型であった.(4)健康牛の尿や腟から分離されるC.renaleの菌数は, 一般に多くはなく,尿0.lml中,ほとんど100個以下であった.(5)病牛からは,I,11およびI11型ともに分離されている.このうちI型に属する株が最も多く,III型がこれにつぎ,11型は最も少なかった.また11工型は,病牛のみから分離された.
  • 板倉 智敏, 山極 三郎
    1970 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 243-249
    発行日: 1970/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山極 三郎, 板倉 智敏
    1970 年 32 巻 5 号 p. 251-256_4
    発行日: 1970/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In 1932 and 1938, one of the authors, YAMAGIWA, studied the histopathologicalchanges in the brain autd spinal cords of chickens infected naturally with fowl plaguein Manchuria. Moreover, he and his associates published three papers on experimentalwork with fowl plague passage virus. This paper deals with neurohistopathologicalinvestigation of the brain and spinal cord carried out on experimental cases with thefowl plague passage virus mentioned above.The materials and methods used in this study had been described in the previousreport, part 111.9) The viruses used were the Hoten A (A) and European strains (D).The chickens used were White Leghorn adults. Chicken brain emulsion containingthe virus was used as inoculum for chickens by the intramuscular route. Microscopicalexamination was performed on a total of 13 chickens. The experimental history ofthese birds was shown in Tables 2, 4, and 6 in the previous report, part [119).The basic histological changes were confined consistently to the ectodermal tissue, and composed mainly of focal microglial proliferation, which was occasionally accom-panied by a few oligodendroglial cells. The glial lesions were divided roughly intotwo groups, nodular foci (Fig. 4) and minute foci (Figs. 3, 6, 7, and 8). The formerwas well-defined, spherical in shape, and generally larger than the latter though vari-able in size. The latter was very minute in size and irregular in shape. A large numberof proliferated glial cells were arranged compactly in the former, but a few proliferatedglial cells were presented sparsely in the latter. It was difficult to find out whethertlae nodular foci were related to nerve cells, blood vessels, or non. On the other hand, the minute foci were often closely connectd with blood vessels, chiefly capillaries.There was a relationship between the occurrence of lesions and the inculated doseor virulent materials (Table 1). In cases given 10-2, 10-3, NO-4, and 10-5 g of brainmaterials, the lessions were predominantly large in number, while they were very small noticed. Changes in the mesenchymal tissue were scarcely observed in chicken inocu-lated experimentally with fowl plague passage virus. Some discussion, thereupon, wasmade on histogenesis in microglial reactions to viral infections.