日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
40 巻, 5 号
  • 王 烱辰
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 515-523
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    An attempt was made to isolate phages from canine staphylococci, so that phage typing of these organisms might be done. Of 150 coagulase-positive strains, 42 (28%) were proved to be lysogenic. All of them, exctpt seven, were found to carry phages of different host ranges. Of the phages detected, a few propagated to a titer of 100 RTD, and considerably many disappeared during passages for propagation. Multi-lysogenicity was demonstrated in four strains which produced two or three different phages. Based on host ranges, 16 phages were selected for typing of canine staphylococci and called "canine phages". They were divided into 7 groups according to their host ranges. Of them, five phages belonged to group I, six to group II, and one each to groups III to VII. Group II was further divided into sub-groups IIa and IIb, to which belonged three phages each.
  • 石原 勝也, 北川 均, 尾島 雅之, 矢形 仁成, 菅沼 保治
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 525-537
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Pathological and etiological features were examined clinicopathologically in cases of canine dirofilarial hemoglobinuria. Dogs suffering from serious filariasis without hemoglobinuria, as well as normal healthy dogs, were used as controls. This disease is frequent in male dogs 3 years or more of age. Its incidence is high in February, March and April. Direct Coombs' test was negative in 5 cases of hemoglobinuria. Groups of serious filariasis and hemoglobinuria showed an increase in osmotic and mechanical fragility of erythrocytes, characteristic poikilocytes, and mean corpuscular constants, suggesting hemolytic anemia, liver dysfunction, increase in free cholesterol level of serum, decrease in lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase activity, and hemosiderinuria. The latency of chronic intravascular hemolysis was also confirmed in the group of serious filariasis. The hemoglobinuria group differed significantly from this group. It showed filarial embolism in the venae cavae, marked acute liver dysfunction, increase in blood glucose and BUN levels, and increase in the α/total -β ratio of serum lipoproteins. In discussing the development of pathological features of dirofilarial hemoglobinuria, attention was paid to severe liver disturbances subsequent to congestion in the liver caused by embolism of the venae cavae with worms. The increased free cholesterol content of the serum lipoproteins was presumed to be an extracorpuscular hemolytic factor, the accompanying disturbances of cholesterol exchange in the erythrocyte membrane and the possible destruction of erythrocytes in a physical collision with worms were suggested to be rather direct causes of hemolysis.
  • 稲田 七郎, 坂本 紘, 春田 耕一, 宮園 裕子, 佐々木 真敬, 山内 忠平, 井形 昭弘, 納 光弘, 福永 秀敏
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 539-547
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Three littermates, two males and one female, of the Pointer breed five months of age were affected with hereditary progressive neurogenic muscular atrophy and examined clinically. Atrophy was manifested in the muscles of the four limbs and the trunk, particularly in muscles of the shoulder region. Muscular atrophy and weakness were aggravated in the course of disease. The affected dogs became completely tetraplegic. Dysphonia was also manifested. Frequent fasciculation was observed in most of the superficial muscles. The patellar reflex was diminished markedly, but always present. No cutaneous sensation was involved. No bowel and urinary disturbances were manifested. Consciousness remained to be alert and bright throughout the course of disease. Electromyography revealed widespread fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves with polyphasic fasciculation potentials. Hematologic examination demonstrated nothing abnormal. One of the dogs died abou t 110 days after the owner noticed the initial sign of the disease, i.e., trembling in the hindliimbs during standing. The other two were subjected to necropsy.
  • 鈴木 義孝, 嵩 終三
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 549-558
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The ultrastructural morphology of the spheroids in the gracile nucleus and cauda equina was studied in 8 autopsied dogs 7 to 16 years of age. The spheroids were shown to originate in the myelinated, unmyelinated and terminal axons and they were tentatively classified into two types based upon the internal structures: The one consisted of intreased and combined, axoplasmic organellae, such as mitochondria, neurofilaments, microtubules and smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum (sER), and the other consisted mainly of sER. The former type of spheroids showed various alterations with advancing age in the interior structurre, axolemmal demarcation and occurrence of filamentous round bodies, as well as huge vacuolation and accumulation of electron-dense materials. The findings were similar to those described in axonal dystrophy of man and animals, Hallervorden-Spatz disease, infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy and experimental vitamin E-deficient rats.
  • 神山 恒夫, 勝部 泰次, 今泉 清
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 559-563
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Serum albumin in the saline extract of meat of cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, horses, dogs and cats was studied in order to use as an antigen for the serological identification of animal species of meat with anti-serum albumin antibody. Although the extract contained various components, it was proved by electrophdiesis that only serum albumin formed an immune precipitate with the antiserum. The serum albumin content in meat extract was estimated by a single radial diffusion method. It was the highest (approx. 1.95 mg/ml in mean value) in pig meat extract, the second highest (approx. 1.0-1.2 mg/ml in mean value) in cattle, goat and dog meat extracts, and the lowest (approx. 0.45-0.65 mg/ml in mean value) in sheep, horse and cat meat extracts. Although it was somewhat variable depending upon the extract examined, it was considered that every extract contained a sufficient amount of serum albumin for the serological identification with anti-serum albumin antibody.
  • 伊藤 隆夫, 藤田 紀弥
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 565-571,574
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Morphological studies on atherosclerotic lesions were carried out on 50 cases of slaughtered swine. Intimal elevations and fibrous plaques were notable in elastic vessels. Intimal elevations revealed hemispherical protuberance of the intima macroscopically, and a tendency to occur in young swine. Histologically, the elevations represented an increase of mesenchymal elements and occasionally hyperplasia of smooth muscle cells in the intima. Large grobular cells were also observed occasionally. The fibrous plaques were observed in old swine, and revealed roughened intimal thickening macroscopically. They were prominent in elastic hyperplastic thickening and extracellular lipid accumulation in the intima histologically. In the muscular vessels, fatty streaks and fibrous plaques were notable. Fatty streaks were recognizable in the intima of abdominal aorta in younger swine and also other main arteries of rather old one, and represented slight intimal thickening macroscopically. The lesions were composed of an increase of mesenchymal elements in the intima histologically. Fibrous plaques were noted in the intima of abdominal aorta and a few arteries of rather old swine. The lesions were irregularly thickened in the intima macroscopically. Elastic hyperplastic thickening, fat deposition and calcification were histologically noted.
  • 新山 雅美, 籠田 勝基, 岩瀬 俊雄, 波岡 茂郎
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 575-583
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    To investigate effect of a low protein diet on urea utilization, a tracer study was conducted with 15N-urea on pigs fed a low protein diet (DCP 5.7%) with 2% urea (group B), and on pigs fed an optimal protein diet (DCP 13.3%) with 2% urea (group A). 15N was incorporated into protein of liver, serum and muscle, which were obtained 8 days after the last administration of 15N-urea. The 15N incorporation rate into the tissue protein tended to be higher in group B than in group A. Approximately 70% of 15N, however, was excreted into urine within 48 hours in group B. A comparison was made on growth and urea level in blood and urine to evaluate efficacy of the administered urea on growth between group B pigs and pigs fed the same low protein diet without urea supplementation (group C). Since group B pigs always maintained a higher level of blood urea, they were considered to have had more ammonia nitrogen which was available for protein synthesis than group C animals. A similar amount of urea to ingested dose, however, was excessively eliminated in urine. The increased ammonia nitrogen by urea ingestion may be excreted in form of urinary urea in group B pigs. There was no difference in growth between group B and group C animals; therefore, poor efficacy of administered urea on growth may have resulted not only from its loss into urine in early stage after ingestion, but also to poor utility of ammonia for protein synthesis.
  • 高阪 精夫
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 585-590
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    絶食群と非絶食群におけるVFA濃度とpHの比較および赤痢発症の有無とVFA濃度との関係を検討し, 以下の成績を得た. 1) 24時間絶食群では, 糞便中のVFA総濃度の有意の減少が認められた(P=0.05). 一方, 非絶食群の24時間間隔で採取した糞便ではVFA総濃度に統計的に有意な変動は認められなかった. これらのサルに赤痢菌を経口投与した場合の発症率は, 非絶食群(2頭/17頭)より絶食群(8頭/11頭)の方が高く, しかも菌投与直前の発症群の糞便中のVFA総濃度は不発症群のそれにくらべて有意に低い値であった. しかし, 発症群と不発症群の菌投与直前のVFA組成比にはほとんど差異が認められなかった. 2) 48時間絶食群の胃, 小腸下部および盲腸内のVFA総濃度は非絶食群のそれらにくらべて約1/3~2/3の濃度であった(小腸下部ではP=0.01, 胃, 盲腸ではP=0.05). また, 絶食群の大腸内の平均pHは非絶食群のそれらにくらべて高い値を示した. 以上のように, 絶食したサルで, 赤痢菌の増殖と病変形成の場である大腸内のVFA濃度が低下し, かつそれらの部位のPHが高くなったということは, 赤痢菌の発育にとり有利な条件であると思われる. しかし, これらの2つの因子のみでは赤痢菌感染に対する抵抗性の低下を説明するのに不充分であり, さらに他の因子についての検討も必要である.
  • 菅野 康則
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 591-602
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    一定環境下(室温22±2℃)で飼育された11頭の妊娠母犬より得た雑種新生仔25頭(雄14, 雌11)を生後5日から300日まで, 5日ごとに, 1時間々隔で24時間にわたって直腸温を計測した. 体温変化の解析にはHalbergのcosinor法を適用し, 得られた数値より成長にともなうサーカディアン・リズム(circadian rhythm)形成の推移を調べ, 次の結果を得た. 雌雄ともに生後5日目で平均振幅0.1以上の日内リズムが出現した. このリズムの振幅は日齢にともなって変化し, その変化には減少(5~30日齢), 増大(雄は30~60日齢, 雌は30~55日齢), 安定(雄は60日齢以降, 雌は55日齢以降)の3期が区分できた. 位相も日齢にともなって変化し, 前進(雄は5~15日齢, 雌は5~20日齢), 後退(雄は20~30日齢, 雌は25~35日齢), 安定(55日齢以降)の3相におよそ区分できた. したがって雑種犬の体温リズムが位相の安定した明瞭な成大型のリズムヘ移行しはじめる時期はおよそ60日齢であることが明らかとなった. 日齢集団ごとに示された円形グラフ内の棄却楕円は日齢が進むにつれて, 雌雄ともに小さくなる傾向を示した. しかもその楕円の位置は日齢の増加につれて円形グラフの中央から上方に移行するようになり, いわゆる, 昼間高く, 夜間低いという体温のリズム現象がしだいに顕著となる. そして, 60日齢以降では, 各日齢集団を構成する大部分の個体がいわゆる成犬型の体温リズムを確立するようになった. ことに雌犬では, 生後9力月で棄却楕円が完全に円形グラフの上半部に移行した. すなわち, 集団を構成するすべての雌犬が成犬型の体温リズムを示すようになった. 一方, 雄犬では10力月齢になっても棄却楕円ほ完全には円形グラフの上半部に移行せず, 一部の犬は依然として成犬型のリズムを示さなかった. 以上の事実から,犬体温リズムの完成には性差のあることが明らかとなった. また犬の体温水準は雌雄ともに, 生後40日までは上昇し, その後は安定することを認めた.
  • 保永 茂, 小暮 一雄, 浜崎 英正, 多川 政弘, 黒川 和雄
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 603-614
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    犬糸状虫症の感染初期の変化を観察するために, Dirofilaria immitis未感染犬に成熟子虫を接種し, その後7力月にわたって経時的に臨床検査および病理学的検査を行なった. 犬糸状虫症の病態の中心をなす肺動脈病変は, 未成熟虫の寄生によりすでに起っていることがわかった. すなわち, その肺動脈病変は接種後5力月から動脈内膜炎として病埋組織学的に明らかになり, 6力月後には病理解剖学的にも内膜の粗造化および肥厚が明確に示された. また, この肺動脈病変が, 将来うつ血性心不全を招来する肺高血圧症をひきおこす大きな要因になると考える. また, 心臓大血管造影(ACG)により, 接撞後5力月に虫体の像が把握され, 6力月以降において, 肺動脈内膜の病変が末梢肺動脈領域の樹枝状構造の乱れ, 血流の停止, 屈曲など異常所見として確認された. このことは, 犬糸状虫症の感染初期における病的変化を早期に, 正確に把握するためにはACGが最も診断的意義の高いことを示唆している. 稿を終わるに臨み, 人工接種犬の病理組織学的検索に当って, 御指導頂いた本学の磯田政恵教授に謝意を表する. また, 本論文の大要は, 第83回日本獣医学会(1977年)において報告した.
  • 伊藤 豊志雄, 鍵山 直子, 岩井 浤, 岡田 修, 高階 信一, 後藤 仁
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 615-618
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 宮里 俊光, 新城 敏晴, 家後 紘子, 中村 憲雄
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 619-621
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 吉村 堅太郎, 合場 広子, 大家 裕
    1978 年 40 巻 5 号 p. 623-625,627
    発行日: 1978/10/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー