日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
34 巻, 6 号
  • 後藤 仁, 谷地田 俊介, 白幡 敏一, 清水 亀平次, 小野 威
    1972 年 34 巻 6 号 p. 291-296_1
    発行日: 1972/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山田 純三, 山下 忠幸, 鈴木 直義
    1972 年 34 巻 6 号 p. 297-301_4
    発行日: 1972/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 渡辺 徹
    1972 年 34 巻 6 号 p. 303-313_4
    発行日: 1972/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The gross anatomy of the course auad distribution of the N. intestiuaalis in the fowlis described and illustrated in detail on the basis of 17 complete dissections. Especially.tlae origin of the N. intestinalis, its distribution to the duodenum, cecum and cloaca, itsrelation to the Plexus celiacus and mesentericus cranialis, and its anastomosis with theN. N73gUS are discussed.The N. intestinalis arises from the three Ganglia coli near the distal end of theA. mesenterica caudalis, and runs rostralward along the intestine through the mesentery.These ganglia fuse with the Plexus mesentericus caudalis. Besides, they are directlyrelated to the sympathetic chain.By the site of appearance of ganglia in the N. intestinalis, this nerve can be dividedinto three parts; that is, the Pars rectocolica, ilei and jejunalis.In the caudal part of the Pars rectocolica, some branches arise from the Gangliacolt, run caudally and form other ganglia near the bursa of Fabricius. These gangliareceive anastomosing branches from the N. pelvinus and supply small branches to thedorsal wall of cloaca and bursa of Fabricius. There are about ten spindle-shaped gangliain the oral part of the Pars rectocolica. Receiving many anastomosing branches fronnthe Plexus mesentericus cranialis and the caudalis, each ganglion gives off, in its turn, about three fine branches to the large intestine.Tlaere are no ganglia in the Pars ilei, but the N. intestinalis becomes slender andsupplies about ten fine branches to the ileum.About thirty ganglia are present in the Pars jejunalis of the N. intestinalis. Theyare smaller than those in the Pars rectocolica, and are separated from one another atnarrow intervals. They receive some anastomosing branches from the Plexus mesenteri.cus cranialis, and supply some fine branches to the small intestine.Tlae cecum receives tlte nerve supply from the Plexus mesentericus cranialis. Thereis a fine branch taking a special course from the beginning of tlae Pars ilei. This branchIIIIIS tlarouglt the mesentery between duodenum and ileum, reaching the distal end ofthe A. ileocecalis cranialis, and anastomoses with the nerve fiber of the Plexus celiacusto enter the cecum. A ganglion larger in size than that located in the Pars jejunalis isfournd at the distal end of the duodenum. It receives many branches from the Plexusmeserttericus cranialis, and sends nerve fibers to the duodenal loop. Receiving still morebranches from this plexus, the N. intestinalis enters the duodenal loop up to the open-ings of the bite and pancreatic ducts.Since Marage regarded the N. intestinalis as a continuation of the N. vagus, hisdescription has been cited by many authors in their books. His, Szantroch and Hamilton, ltowever, have found out no direct anastomosis between these nerves. The author isnot able to find out such anastomosis either in the fowl. The nomenclatures of theN. intestinalis given in literature on the birds are discussed at full length. The resultsof comparison of nomenclature are shown in Tables l and 2.
  • 坪倉 操, 板垣 啓三郎, 森垣 忠啓
    1972 年 34 巻 6 号 p. 315-322_1
    発行日: 1972/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Nlaray studies laave been made on the cultivation of tlae exoerythrocytic form ofmntl;trial parasites. In most of them, however, cultivation was achieved merely by theint xitro transfer of tissues infected with this form by the plasma clot method or thetrypsizt digestion method. Only Mlll, YE, R22), utilizing the plasma clot method, has suc-ceecled in cultivating this form in cultured cells whiclt had been inoculated with bloodparasitized by Plasmodium gallinaceum.An attempt was made to cultivate the exoerythrocytic form in a monolayer cultureof chick embryo cells by inoculation with blood parasitized by P. juxtanucleare. Itwas reported previously that this parasite was easily transferred to an exoerythrocyticform from the erythrocytic form in vivo18). If a method was established for the in vitrocultivation of the exoerythrocytic form, it would be possible to make an attempt toclarify the mechanism of transfer of both forms in vivo.Parasitized blood was obtained from experimental chickens by heart puncture andwas anticoagulated by the addition of 5% citrate solution at the rate of 10:1. It wascentrifuged at 2, 500 rpm for 10 minutes. The sediment was resuspended in Eaglesmedium and recentrifuged at 2, 500 rpm for 10 minutes. The sedimented blood wasresuspended in Eagles medium at the rate of 0.25 per cent. Then 1.0 ml aliquots oftJae resulting suspension were inoculated into cell cultures and incubated in stationaryracks at 37C or 40C for 24 to 72 hours.1VIonolayer cultures were prepared in tubes (containing coverslips approximately6332 rnm) frorn chick embryo cells by the trypsin digestion method. The cell growthmedium employed was Eagles medium (with 10% bovine serum added).After inoculation 2 or more coverslips were removed daily, fixed with methanol, and stained with diluted Giemsas solution for 20 hours. The entire field of each cover-slip was examined for parasites of exoerythrocytic form. The following results wereobtained.l. Alany different types of the exoerythrocytic form were developed in cultures 4. The most suitable conditions for the in vitro cultivation of the exoerythrocyticform consisted of incubation at 40C, contact maintained between the cell culture andthe parasitized blood for 2 -3 days, and a blood concentration of O.25%.5. The addition of bovine or chicken serum did not affect the development of theparasite.6. There was no relationship between the number of inoculated parasites andgrowth of the exoerythrocytic form in cultures.7. When parasitized blood harvested from infected chickens had no detectable?exoerythrocytic form, it was impossible for this form to grow in a culture inoculatedwith it.
  • 村上 大蔵, 内藤 善久, 佐藤 勝郎
    1972 年 34 巻 6 号 p. 323-331
    発行日: 1972/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The first occurrence of grass tetany in grazing beef cattle in Japan was describedand studied clinicohematologically. It was observed in the Sotoyama pasture in IwatePrefecture during a period from May to June, 1971.The results obtained are as follows.l) Ten Japanese Short Horn cows (beef cattle) were affected. All of them, exceptOIIC which was 2 months old, were from 4 to 12 years of age, nursing calves 37 to 77days old.These animals manifested the clinical signs of grass tetany 4 to 18 days after thestart of grazing in the pasture. They were in poor conditions. Two of them diedapparently of grass tetany.The mean temperature was about 1OC over a period of occurrence of this disease.Orchard grass was growing predominantly in this pasture at that time.2) The characteristic clinical signs consisted of excitement, hyperesthesia, tremblingof muscle in various parts of the body, stillness and staggering in the gait, and finalconvtulsion and tetany. In addition, salivaiton, tachypnea and dyspnea, cyanosis of thevisible mucous membranes, diarrhea and frequent urination were recognized.Moreover, hypomagnesemia, sliglat decrease in calcium, high value in the ratio ofCa 7 lNIg, and increase in S-GOT activity were detected hematologically.3) The concentrations of rumen ammonia in cows No. 3, 4, and 5 with hypo-magnesemic tetany were 23.0, 47.S, and 54.3 rug per 100 ml, respectively.4) A subcutaneous injection with TOO to 200 ml of a 25 percent solution of magne-slum sulfate per adult cow was very efficient for hypomagnesemic tetany in cattle.5) Blood examination was carried out on 47 beef cows grazing on the pasturewlaere grass tetany had occurred. The serum magnesium level was higher than 1 .51 rugper [00 ml in 22 cows, between 1.01 and 1.50 rug in 16 cows, and below 1.0 mg in 9 cows.The cattle with hypomagnesemia showed slight hypocalcemia, hypoproteinemia, and an increase in S-GOT activity, but no significant changes in serum chloride, sodium, or potassium concentration.6) The soil of the area where grass tetany had occu
  • 大島 寛一, 三浦 定夫
    1972 年 34 巻 6 号 p. 333-339_2
    発行日: 1972/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    臨床的にFALLOT四徴を示し,かつ解剖学的に心奇形を確認した牛における,全身性散種性ヒストプラズマ病について,主として病理組織学的研究を行なった.本病において普通にみられる病巣が,牌,腎,.心,脳および舌粘膜に認められた.これらの病巣は,中心部は乾酪化物質および細胞性頽廃物をいれ,これをとり囲んで組織球性細胞の増殖がみら.れた.ここには,病巣によってはリンパ球,形質細胞,好中球などの細胞浸潤を伴い,毛細血管の新生像を示すものもあった.増殖した組織球胞体内には,病理組織学的観点からHistoPlasmacaPsulatumと考えられる菌体を多数認めた.これらはヘマトキシリンに淡染,PAS-強陽性,チオニンに異染性を示す直径1~5μ,大部分は2~4μの酵母相を示した.また,一部病巣の中心部頽廃物の裂隙には,同様の菌体を多数いれるものもみられた.肺においては,強い充出血と,肺胞壁における菌糸相,酵母相および移行期の菌体が多数認められた. 家畜における本病は,わが国では,この例以前に知られていたものはない.また,牛において病巣が確認されたものとしては,この例は世界で第4例と目され,極めてまれな症例と考えられる.これらのことから,検索例の病変論に併せて,本病の疫学,宿主条件などについても,若干の論議を行なった.
  • 山田 一彦
    1972 年 34 巻 6 号 p. 341-350_1
    発行日: 1972/12/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    As was reported prexziously30?31), the results of the dissociation of transaminases, wlticlt were rouglaly classified into forward (F)-aspartate aminotransferase (GOT), reverse(R)-GOT, F-alanine aminotransferae (GPT), and [-GPT"?", haxre led to the suggestionthat some of the globulin components in fowl blood plasma may play a significant rolein tlte vehicle function of all the transaminases mentioned above, except F-GPT. It isdifficult at present to verify this suggestion. It is of interest, however, to investigate thesuggested situation in more detail.Tlae author tried to fractionate components 4-b and c belonging to tlae beta-globulins") distinguishable by disc electrophoresis. Judging from the experimentalevidence30?") collected in recent years, both components seemed to be carriers of thereverse transaminases.Cltarts I-(A) and (B) slaow tI?e authors method for separating these components.In addition, the transaminase activity values were determined by the authorsmethod25?8). The results obtained are summarized as follows.l. Components 4-b and c coulcl be separated in fractions of IV-7(e) and IV-5(e), respectively.2. The relationslaip between the components separated and their transaminationreaciton led to the conclusion that both substrates of R-GOT and R-GPT were catalyzedby component 4-b. The activity value of R-GPT was much larger than that of R-GOT.This kind of transaminase was introduced already under the name of CRT-ase32).On the contrary, component 4-c catalyzed only R-GOT substrate. Neither corn-pontent had any actixze fragment closely related to F-GOT, F-GPT, R-GPT, reversibleGOT, or GPT.3. From the physicoclaemical properties of components 4-b and c, the conclusionsreaclaed can be expressed as follows.The involving fractions for botlt components showed much the same mode offractional precipitation as fractions IV-4, IV-5, and IV-7 indicated by C0HN5) andONCLEY15). It was pointed out by them5?15) that tlte following components of beta-globulins were involved in the fractions just described. Someisoelectric poiu?t were 5.4 auad 4.9 of pH, respectively.Besides, from the hexosamine content10?12), it is probable that both componentsnaay be of mucoprotein19?2=2). The asterisk placed after the term mucoprotein indi-cates that the components are beta-mucog1obu1ins21).4. Both components represented the same relative position as gamma.-globulinson cellulose acetate electrophoretic analysis"9).For a general understanding of immunizing process in living materia1s20), thisfinding that some of the gamma.-globulins in fowl blood plasma consist of componentswith a sedimentation constant within a range of 5.0 to 5.4 is of extreme importance.