日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
25 巻, 2 号
  • 越智 勇一, 鹿江 雅光, 尾形 学
    1963 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 57-65
    発行日: 1963/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    In the previous paper", the preserut authors reported on the classification of streptococciinto three groups, designated as Streptococcus, Lactococcus, and Enterococcus, according toheat and 40% bite resistances.The [, z, ctococcus group ha.s hitI?erto beerr co.mnmon]?)z clz, ssified itz accordance witta claeirb1OlOgi.Cll and Slll)I0[0giCll pI0pC1t1CS. These CIlSS1fiClti-O)IS, no?ever, XVCFC [iII1ltCd 0111} 10certairu speeific strains, and, for xxluich reasoun, they seldom coirreidecl with the recordeddescriptions of the past. In view of the existence of many kinds of strains, which areOf thC unter?eCliate OT uncIassi.fieC1 tyoe, It ?3/ be reasoic-ably S810- tIr.at these classificationsIlave IICVCI been aOec?.uate 2LYld satnsfactory.The purpose of the present word< is, therefore, to establish a mel;hod for the eJassifica-tion arrd characterizatiotr of the Laetoc?occus group i?tresjcect to its habitat and patluogeni-city in rtature.A total Of 902 St)"1IlS Of. faculta, tuve ana, erobuc Gra?-nosutvve catalase I1CQlt1VC. 9lS I0I=9r "- ).i /7rnation fro? gltueose 11(llhKltlVC) heat 1CSU-St1TlCU ]1C31tiVl-5 b1lC resu>Lance POSlt1VC) 3Y1A paured01? chainect COCCI 7X7C:.IC studued. Tl4S SL1?2111S ?CIC msolated fI0II1 the 1lddCfS 0 cattle thel! - ?, .-" ?>rumen of cattle and goats, the intestines of men, cattle, horscs, pigs, goats, rabbits, ferrets, rats, mice, tigers, panthers, blaclc panthers, cheetah, and chickens, from the mouths ofcattle, horses, pigs, dogs, rabbits, ferrets, hamsters, rats, from the vagina of cattle and rats, and frorrn dairy products. Of these 952 strains, 30 were stoclc cultures, while the other 922strains were those freshly isolated from various sources.T he results obtainxed are sunamarmzed as follows :l) The Lactococcus group was classified into six types, depending on their ability to splitsodium lxippurate, g1OXV at 45C and IOC, and ferment lactose and rafhr, ose. Thesetypes were A., A.., B., 131., B..1, and C.2) Strains of the type AT wxez"e found to be distributed in Late udders and vagina of cattle, and they were closely related to the mastitis of cattle. 3trains of the type Al. wereisolated from tlxe udders of cattle and dairy products. Strairns of the type Bz, vere con-stantI3z found in the rumen and intestinal tracts of rurr?inants. Strainas of the type BIDwere isolated mostly from the ir-testinal tracts of horses auad pigs, while strains of thetype Blll were cultured from [1:te intestinal tracts of men and anirna).s. Tda, ny of thetype C strains were isolated from the mouths of anirrtalc.3) Typung Of tlle LlCt0COCCLS gI011P bY n?eans Of P1CC1P1t3tiO11 test lN2LS I1Ot SIICC()ll?SfL1-
  • 友田 勇
    1963 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 67-91
    発行日: 1963/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    responses, including a significant decrease in albumin and a marked rise in gamma- andJoeta-globulins. The alpha globulins were reduced and the A/G ratio decreased moremarkeclly in these cases than in uninfected aninnals. The cconcentration of total proteinshowecl a tendency to decrease about 100 days after infection, although hyper-ga, rruma-globulinemia and hypoalbuminernia remain throughout the experimental period.In naturally ittfccted cattle, total protein and a[joha, globtv, lit showed no significan?tdifference in quantity, as compared with uninfected cattle. XV marked rise in gamma andbeta glooulins and a marked decrease in albumitt were ooservecl in the former. Espcsciallyin cattle iv?fected with Schistosoma japonicum and Fasciola /tepatica, marked hypo-albunninuemiaand hyper-gamma-globulinemia were observed.Antimony-treated dogs, rabbits, and cattle showed a tendeney that total proteitt anclgamrrta globulin decreased and that albumin ittcreased consiclera.bJy, about 20 to 30 daysafter the ertd of treatmenc, i, e., about the time when eggs were negative in the feces.Such changes in the serum protein fractions as mentioned were observed clearly in rabbits.Suc!m changes 5-n serum pr.ctein as noticed ina dogs, rabbits, and cattle at various pen-icdsof infect on with .S. japonicum proved to be characteristic not of any specific disease but ofthe hosts reacti-on to Schistosoma itnfection and injury whicFu had occurred as a result ofdama, ge induced in tJae intestinal and liver tissues Icy cIeposiLton arxd rruigration of eggs orx, vorms and probaoly by metabolites.Five dogs and 5 rabbits were treated with sodiunt antimony tartraLe at?d then chat-lenged with cercaria, e 100 days after the end of treatment (170 days after initial infectiout).It was connfirnned that no eggs were detected from the feccs at the tirrxe of elastl[cnge.The reirtfectecl dogs and rabbits revealed a more marked decr"ease in albumin arzd 21 moreincrease imn beca, - a, nd garrtm, t-gloouliru concentrations about 50 to 60
  • 西田 隆雄
    1963 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 93-106_6
    発行日: 1963/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The grces anatorrty of tI?e artetries of the hind-liml>of che fivwl was clescrihed andillu, stra, Lecl. The chief arteries of the hind-lirrnb were A. isehi-a, diea and A. iiiaca externawhich supjolted only the anterior jparC of the erural region.Sorrzc arteries were marred newly "lay the author, based can his OWII observation, andtb-e others vvere mainly irt accord, :nce witn the nornenclacures (given by KAUPP", GRZI.P.4EK", KOI, DA and K0lN4ARBK" 1116 I<A., TO".
  • 大越 伸, 鈴木 直義, 友田 勇
    1963 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 107-117
    発行日: 1963/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 板垣 啓三郎, 坪倉 操
    1963 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 119-125_1
    発行日: 1963/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Since JOHNSON ([927) reported on the imnmunity of chickens infected witlx coccidium, rnan-)z -workers have stud-iecl this sulcject, but 11=O prodv, uctioin of ancibody in tl?te serun? couldbe clarified as yet. In tlaeir previov, us investigation (1955), the authors demonstrated thatthe rrterozoite was an agglutir?ogen showing excellent agglu-tinability. In this study, theyexamined, making use of the antigenieity of the ooc, zst>whetlaer annLibody vxas producedin t1?e serum of rabbits immtunized with the oocyst or not.To prepare antigens, oocysts NVCIC collected from the ceeal contents eonta, icing nurrnerousoocysts. For rurification* thev were vx"ashecl man>times with clisti1.lecl water OY centri-fv, tgation and treated finally with ether-a!cohyl.Imvr.unized arttigens to rabbits were prepared by Bachmans metlaod. III tlais method, pqxxzciered oocysts c, were stuspended ixt O.85% sa, lirue solvation. Tlae resulting suspension wasboiied Yor 4 hours 111 1 [)Cl CUI1t. SUSpCIlS1011 Of d1SL11lCCL zNdtCT. AS 2 ICSU.[t, It XV2S dlVldCdjxato sec[iment anvc[ supernatant, 1, coLh of wlaich XX"CTC irtjectecl to rabbits.Feat antmgens XVC1C) prepared ill sucll Q 1I1&111lC)I 3-S SI10XXIll 111 Cllart 1. In OdditiO11, the?cowxdered oocysts were subjected to extraccion with Cocas sulutiorn.For precipitation reaction, clae ring tesim, place method (Oacltterlora-y rnetI*od), and aIQOdifiC1tl0Il Of Ouduns II1Cthoc1 were used.Tlue results obtauned 3TC SUiITl1I1lFiZCd 2S f0NI0XVS.1. All the 2I1t19C11S D1CDlICCl frorn DO?ClC1Cd 00CVStS arrct bOi=IClCI seCli.ntents 01 suoer-DtrJL/t.aLat?.tS had ability to produce precipitirx in the serum of rabbits. The powclered oocystsj)TOd11CCCl pFCC1p1tiIl 21g1iIlSt both pot"y.saecluarrCIe and p1l0tC7.11. ThC bO1lCC1 SCC1i1I1CThtS XVCTCchiefly agamnsc protemn llld the bO1l.CC1 SLlpCUIllt3I1tS Og2L].l1St polysacc11arv.Cle.2. All th! test lIlt15C11S) IIICII-1Cll11& Cucas S0lllti0ll CXtI1Utj 3ClUS0llS ()h{tl1Ct) 9Y1C3. PONY-saccllarrde 3P -d PI0tClIl fl<ICLIOIIS>S
  • 上田 貞善, 佐々木 論, 甲 充, 二野宮 渉
    1963 年 25 巻 2 号 p. 127-128
    発行日: 1963/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー