日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
37 巻, 2 号
  • 時田 尚志, 小西 信一郎
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 109-117,120
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Canine oral papilloma virus (COPV) has been known to possess strict host and tissue specificities. The present study was undertaken to ascertain the oncogenic potential of COPV in a variety of tissues and organs of dogs. Inoculation with a phosphate butfered saline suspension of experimentally produced oral papillomas into the conjunctival epithelium of the eyeball induced tumors at the site of inoculation in 8 of 17 dogs. These tumors began to develop after an incubation period from 45 to 60 days, and attained maximum growth in 2 weeks. The general histological characteristics of the eye tumor were similar to those of oral papilloma. The lesions recovered spontaneously. With the filtrate of eye tumor emulsion, oral papillomas were induced in the oral mucosa of young dogs. Papillomatous tumors were also induced experimentally in the eyelid and skin. When administered with chemical carcinogen (MNNG), papilloma-bearing dogs showed a prolonged course of papilloma. Discussion was made on the progress of virus-induced papillomas. In the course of the present experiment, a 5-year-old male mongrel dog was found to have spontaneous multiple growth of papillomatous tumors in the mucous membrane of the lips and right eyelid. Histologically, the tumors in these organs were papillomas and contained papilloma virus-like particles.
  • 清水 高正, 野坂 大, 中村 憲雄
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 121-131
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    T-mycoplasmas (Ureaplasma sp.) were isolated from 15 out of 22 pneumonic lungs of calves. Nine of 21 tracheas of the same calves also harbored the same organisms. Mycoplasma bovirhinis was usually isolated simultaneously from the same specimens in smaller numbers. The majority of these calves had been reared on a farm where sporadic enzootic calf pneumonia had been prevalent for years. Forty-three calves and beef cattle without pneumonia harbored no detectable number of T-mycoplasmas in the lung or trachea. Metabolism-inhibiting antibodies to both types of mycoplasmas were detected in sera from dead and affected calves, but not in sera from apparently healthy calves. High titers of antibodies to both bovine viral diarrhea virus and bovine adenovirus type 7 were proved similarly in affected and healthy calves. T-mycoplasmas were considered to play an important role in the occurrence of the lethal type of calf pneumonia.
  • 藤井 仙二, 稲田 七郎, 吉田 茂, 草[ナギ] 千代子, 美馬 恭佑, 夏野 義啓
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 133-139
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    クロルプロマジンおよびフェノバルビタールが, 馬の運動におよぼす影響を観察した. サラブレッド種乗馬3頭を用いて, 塩酸クロルプロマジン体重1kg当リ0.25mg, 0.5mgおよび1.0mg, フェノバルビタールナトリウム1頭当り1gおよび3gをそれぞれ皮下注射し,運動負荷時(投与1時間後に実施)に起こる lap time, 心電図波形, 心拍数, R-R 間隔, 歩数, 呼吸数の変化を観察し, 次の結果を得た. なお, 運動負荷実験に先立って, 両薬物について, 安静時における影響も同時に観察した. 1. 安静時, クロルプロマジンでは, 筋緊張の低下による外見上の変化が顕著に現われ, 同時に drowsiness が増強した. なお,個体によっては, 激しい restlessness を間歇的に示した. フェノバルビタールでも類同の鎮静的ないし抑制的な変化が現われたが, クロルプロマジンの場合に比べて, その程度は低く, また持続時間も短かった. 2. クロルプロマジンは, 馬の運動能力を著明に低下させたが, フェノバルビタールでは, 能力の低下は軽微であった. 3. クロルプロマジンは, 運動時, 特に速歩, 駈歩時に心拍数を増加させ, また, 心拍数の回復を遅らせる場合があった. これに対して, フェノバルビタールでは, 常歩, 速歩時に心拍数が減少した. 4. クロルプロマジン, フェノバルビタールとも, 運動直後の呼吸数を減少させた. 5. 両薬物とも, 心電図波形, R-R 間隔時系列の変動経過, 歩数には, 特定の影響をおよぼさなかった. 以上の結果について, doping の立場から考察した. 特に, クロルプロマジンによる doping は, たとえ少量の投与であっても, 運動器における重度の障害を引き起こす危険性が大きいと考察した.
  • 小谷 猛夫, 冨村 保, 小倉 基裕, 望月 宏, 堀江 牧夫
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 141-149,154
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    臨床的に原因不明の神経症状を発現して死亡した2頭の犬と, 生存中なんら神経症状を示さなかった1頭の犬について, 病理学的および寄生虫学的検索を行い, 以下の結果を得た. 1. 神経症状を示した2頭の犬のうち, 1頭は左大脳脚, 他の1頭は左シルビウス外回髄質内に虫洞を形成し, 内部に糸状虫(各1隻)を認めた. 中枢神経系の病理学的所見は, 虫体の穿通に基づく脳組織の破懐と多発性出血性軟化巣の形成, および軸索・髄鞘の変性・崩壊などの統発性病変であった. 神経症状を示さなかった犬では, 脳摘出の際, 切断された右背大脳静脈内に糸状虫が栓塞し, 同静脈断端から虫体の一部が突出しているのを認めた. 虫体に近接する右大脳梨状葉に, 血鉄症を伴う小豆大の破壊軟化巣を認めた. 2. 脳内および背大脳静脈内検出虫体は寄生虫学的検索により, いずれも犬糸状虫 Dirofilaria immitis (Leidy, 1856) の未成熟成虫 (第1例: 雌, 第2例と第3例: 雄) と同定された. 3. D.i. の頭蓋内侵入経路について考察した. 4. 本症は通常のD.i. 症と病理発生を全く異にする. したがって本症に「脳犬糸状虫症 Cerebral dirofilariasis」の病名を提唱する. 本論文の要旨は, 第67回日本獣医学会 (l969年, 東京) において発表した. 稿を終るに臨み, 虫体の同定に際し, 御助言いただいた家畜内科学教室 野田亮二教授, ならびに貴重な材料を提供していただいた是枝哲世獣医師に深謝する.
  • 佐藤 博
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 155-164
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    1. The bilateral parotid ducts were ligated in five goats to study the influence of parotid salivation on phosphorus, sodium and potassium homeostasis and acid-base balance. The compositions of urine, feces, blood and rumen fluid were determined during the control period and for four weeks after ligation. 2. The parotid duct ligation caused an increase in urinary phosphorus excretion and plasma inorganic phosphorus level. Fecal phosphorus output decreased, but total phosphorus output in urine and feces changed little. It seems likely that the increase in plasma and urinary phosphorus level and the decrease in fecal phosphorus output may have been caused by the decrease in phosphorus recycling via parotid salivation. Urine pH became acidic and urinary titratable acid excretion increased after ligation. 3. Urinary sodium and chloride excretion decreased transiently by ligation and then returned to the initial level. Urinary potassium excretion did not change after ligation, except for a few days. Fecal sodium and potassium output was not affected. 4. Sodium and inorganic phosphorus levels of rumen fluid decreased rapidly by ligation and then tended to return. to the initial levels. Duct ligation caused a small increase in potassium level and little change in pH of rumen fluid. 5. Plasma bicarbonate, sodium, potassium and chloride levels and blood pH scarcely changed. 6. In ruminants, phosphorus homeostasis seemed to have a close correlation to the parotid function, since a decrease in parotid salivation caused a change in phosphorus homeostasis. It was assumed, however, that sodium and potassium homeostasis might not be influenced so much by the ligation of the parotid duct.
  • 日越 博信, 浜田 輔一, 土井 誠
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 165-177
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    著者らは, 生乳由来20株, 新鮮豚肉由来10株, 冷凍犢肉由来20株, 計50株の低温性 Pseudomonas および3株の異種の中温細菌について, -8℃から40℃にわたる12段階の温度での静置培養法と, 0℃から45℃までの間をほぼ1.5℃の間隔で30段階に分けた温度での振盪温度勾配培養法とを用いて, 発育温度域および至適発育温度を, 主としてoptical density (OD) 値によって検討し, 次のような成績を得た. 1. Pseudomonas 50株中42株が-8℃, 7~15週で, また47株が-5℃, 3~4週で発育した. なお冷凍犢肉由来の全供試株は, -8℃で発育した. -5℃, 10週で発育しなかった3株のうち, 1株は-2℃で, 他の2株は1.5℃で発育した. 中温細菌3株の最低発育温度は4.5~7.5℃の範囲にあった. 2. 供試した Pseudomonas の最高発育温度は, 30~40.5℃の範囲にあった. 生乳および新鮮豚肉由来株の大多数は34.5℃以上に, 冷凍犢肉由来の過半数の株は34.5℃以下にあった. 一方, 中温細菌3株は45℃でよく発育した. 3. 温度勾配培養の9時間で最高 OD 値の得られた温度を至適発育温度としたとき, Preudomonas 50株のそれらは, 25.5~34.5℃の範囲にあった. このうち37株は, 30℃以下に至適発育温度をもっていた. これに対して中温細菌の至適発育温度は, 36~40.5℃の範囲にあった. 4. 本実験で使用した Pseudomonas のうち, 0℃で発育できない菌株が2株認められた. これらを含む50株すべては, 5℃以下, 10日以内に発育し, 至適発育温度はすべて25℃以上にあった. 従って, これらの菌株の名称には, Eddy [6] の提案した Psychrotrophs を採用し, 和名は"低温細菌"としたい. なお対照の中温細菌3株は5℃,15日の静置培養で発育しなかった. 本論文の要旨は第76回日本獣医学会(1973年10月)で報告した.
  • 村上 敏明, 加藤 久弥, 大森 伸男
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 179-186
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Changes induced in primary dog kidney cell cultures by reovirus infection were investigated sequentially by virus and antigen estimations, conventional staining and direct fluorescent antibody techniques. Specific fluorescence was first detected 8-10 hours after infection and extended finally all over the cytoplasm. Fluorescence and cytoplasmic inclusion bodies were found to appear in five sequential stages distinguished by shape and location in the cell. These stages were in parallel to virus infectivity and hemagglutinating and complement-fixing antigenicity. Cytoplasmic immunofluorescence was also detectable in the throat smear of pups experimentally exposed to reovirus aerosols. The fluorescent antibody technique seemed to be a useful means for the rapid diagnosis of reovirus infection when applied to field cases.
  • 牧村 進, 友田 勇, 臼井 和哉
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 187-198
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    Normal adult horse serum was analyzed by electrophoretic and immunoelectrophoretic methods. Seven different protein bands were found by cellulose acetate electrophoresis, 20 fractions by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and a total of 20 antigenic components by immunoelectrophoresis developed with antiserum to normal adult horse whole serum. Changes in the serum proteins, especially the immunoglobulins, IgG, IgG(T), and IgM, and fransferrin, with the advance in age were determined by electrophoretic analyses and a quantitative immunodiffusion method. Precolostral foal serum was almost entirely deficient of immunoglobulins. Very soon after the first ingestion of colostrum, the levels of IgG(T) and IgM of the foal reached a maximal level, which was lower than the mean adult level, while the IgG level of the foal generally exceeded the adult level. Transferrin level was within the adult range in the precolostral serum. It showed no significant changes with the advance in age. On the other hand, all the three immunoglobulin classes and transferrin were high in level in the colostrum collected immediately after parturition, but decreased in level rapidly with the lapse of time after parturition.
  • 上嶋 俊彦, 塩沢 道雄, 上原 正人
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 199-208
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    The migration layer (Migr.) developed from the neural epithelium of the fowl cerebellum was investigated on the basis of Rudeberg's findings [22] in various vertebrates. Migr. A, the first migration layer originated from the neural epithelium, appeared in stage HH 19-20 (ca. 3-day-old embryo). Migr. B was formed in stage HH 27 (ca. 5-day-old embryo) when Migr. A was divided into a dorsal cell mass, A2, and a ventral one, A1. In this stage A2B was also formed between A2 and B. As in mammals, B2 in stage HH 30 (ca. 6.5-day-old embryo) and B3 in stage HH 31 (ca. 7-day-old embryo) differentiated from Migr. B. These results obtained from birds agreed with those reported in mammals, except that any portion corresponding to B4 in mammals was not found in chick embryos examined. The external granular layer differentiated from A2 in stage HH 29 (ca. 6-day-old embryo). The superficial portions of B, B2 and B3 condensed into dense areas, which served the primordium of the ganglion cell layer. The borders among them were clear at the interruption, but became gradually indistinct after stage HH 38 (ca. 12-day-old embryo). Then the cerebellar cortex showed such uniform pattern of histological structure as seen in adult animals.
  • 前出 吉光, 其田 三夫
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 209-211
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 坪倉 操, 福田 輝俊, 大槻 公一, 久保田 道雄, 板垣 啓三郎, 棚町 直
    1975 年 37 巻 2 号 p. 213-215
    発行日: 1975/04/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー