日本獸醫學雜誌(The Japanese Journal of Veterinary Science)
Online ISSN : 1881-1442
Print ISSN : 0021-5295
ISSN-L : 0021-5295
27 巻, 3 号
  • 大賀 晧, 太田 義夫, 中里 幸和
    1965 年 27 巻 3 号 p. 151-160_4
    発行日: 1965/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 大越 伸, 鈴木 直義
    1965 年 27 巻 3 号 p. 161-169_2
    発行日: 1965/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
  • 山田 進二
    1965 年 27 巻 3 号 p. 171-177
    発行日: 1965/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    All six virus which had beern isolated from the feces of apparently healthy cattle weretested for properties after serial passages. Then growth curves were drawn for them, includingtwo prototype viruses, in cells of bovine kidney, chick embryo, HeLa, PS (cell line isolatedfrom swine kidney), and TC (cell line isolated from chick embryo).I) All strains proliferated xxziLh cytopathogenic effect irr cultures of bovine kidney andPS cells. They were divided ixnto txxzo groups in cultures of HeLa cells. One group, including the K62 and K90 strains, grew with cytopathogenic effect and the other groupshovved neitlner virus multiplication nor cytopathogenic effect in HeLa cells. The K62, K88, K90, and K130 strains exhibited virus growth in TC cells, where the K136 and K145strains did not proliferate.2) 1-Iernagglutinating activity was changed in the serial passages in the cells used withbovine enteroviruses. Fluids of tissue cultures of the K62 and K90 strains in HeLa cellsand the K130 strain in TC cells failed to produce hernaggltatinating activities with two orthree passages. The K136 strain in PS cells and the K145 strain irn chick embryo cells, however, produced hemagglutinating activities with two or three passages. The K130 strainproduced no clear-cut hemagglutination by successive passages in chick embryo cells. Theother strains failed to change the hemagglutinating activity with serial passages itn TC cells.The pltenornenon has been recognized not only with human enteroviruses but also withbovine enteroviruses. It has been manifested not only by the virus which passed in malignantcells but also by the viruses which passed in normal heteroTogous cells.3) The progeny of the viruses began to be produced in bovine kidney cells 6 to 8hours after infection. Thereafter infective titers increased frc>rn 18 to 24 hours and reachedthe highest values at 24 to 36 hours. Virus growth occurred in PS and HeLa cells withinthe same time as in bovine kidney cells and earlier than it? chiclc embryo cells, in whichthe highest L
  • 坪倉 操
    1965 年 27 巻 3 号 p. 179-188_1
    発行日: 1965/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    チフス菌を始め,他のサルモネラ,ブドウ球菌その他の細菌で,ファージによる型別,疫学的な追究,遺伝形質の変換などに関する研究が行なわれている,著者は,ひな白痢菌においても,上記の問題についてファージが利用し得るか否かを試験した.本報告では,ひな白痢菌の亜聖に特異的なファージを得るために,S,V,1型菌および鶏チフス菌を指示菌として分離を試み,得られたファージを分類し,若干の性状を調べた.成績は次の通りである.1.鶏糞より,S型菌で増強される3株,V型菌で増強される1株,計4株のファージを分離した.ひな白痢でへい死したひな4例中3例の肝臓より,I型菌を対応菌としてそれぞれ1株づつと,S型菌によって1株,計4株を得た.紫外線誘発法により,ひな白痢菌137株中127株から,138株のファージを分離したが,その際9株の変異型が得られた.ひな白痢菌由来ファージは,S,V聖菌および鶏チフス菌を指示菌として検出されたが,特にV型菌が指示菌として最も適当である.2.合計155株の77-ジを分離由来別によって I~IV群に大別した.さらにこれらを,なひ白痢菌に対する溶菌域とブラックの性状によって,10型に細分した.すなわち,鶏糞由来をI群として,Ia型(.2株),Ib型(1株),IC型(1株)の3型に分け,ひな白痢菌由来をIIおよびI1I群として,IT群を1Ia型(59株),IIb型(63株)に区別し,変異ファ-ジをIIV?型(1株)とIIV2型(8株)にした.I11群(16株)は細分し得ない.ひなの肝臓由来のIV群を,IVa型(3株)とIVb型(1株)の2つに分けた.3.代表のファージについて,中和試験,耐性菌交叉試験,熱抵抗性,紫外線抵抗性および他種細菌に対する溶菌性などの諸性状を検討した.その結果,前記の分類が妥当であることを確認した.4.ひな白痢菌由来ファージは3種に分類され,IIa型とIIb型は諸性状が類似していたが,III群は前2者と明らかに異なっていた.11菌株からは2種の7アージが分離されたが,これらはIIb型とIII群であった.5.II群とIII群ファージは,ひな白痢菌と鶏チフス菌を特異的に溶菌し,I群と1V群ファージは,サルモネラBおよびD群の少数菌株を溶菌したが,いずれもひな白痢菌に特異性が強い.本論文は,北海道大学審査学位論文で,規定に基づき公表する.
  • 竹野 一, 西尾 晃, 柳谷 岩雄
    1965 年 27 巻 3 号 p. 189-195
    発行日: 1965/06/25
    公開日: 2008/02/13
    ジャーナル フリー
    It has been well known that most of the acetyl choline (ACh) in the brain tissue is ininactive bound form, while a considerable amount of ACh is actually found in free form.It seems that some free ACh is released artificially from bound ACh during estimation.Recently it has been reported that most part of the bound ACh in the brain was distributedin the particulate fraction. It still remains obscure, however, whether ACh is incorporatedsimply in particles or bound chemically with them. It seems to be an effective aproachto these problems to develop an inproved estimating method with less artificial effect tostudy ACh release from particles in vitro. This paper deals with a method for estimationof free and bound ACh. It also describes the effects of some inorganic ions on the rateof ACh release from the brain particulate fraction in vitro. The results obtained aresummarized as follows. The rate of ACh release was lower in a O.32N1 sucrose solutioncontaining 5xlO M eserine salicyte at OC than in any other solution tested, i.e., acidalcohol or frog Ringers solution. The free ACh in the rabbit whole brain was assayeddirectly with the homogenate of the brain, using the rectus abdominis muscle. As a resttlt, it was about 30% of total ACh. A hypertonic sucrose solution had only a small effect onthe rate of ACh release, as well as an isotonic sucrose solution, while a hypotonic sucrosesolution had an increasing effect on it. A Nail solution showed the same effect oftonicity on the rate of ACh release as the sucrose solution. Within a range of 0.32 to 0.62in tonicity, potassium ion in a high concentration had an increasing effect on the rate of AChrelease, while calciurn and magnesium tons ltad a small or no and sodium Ton no effect on it. Allthese tons, even potassium ion, had no effect in Ringers type concentratiorn. From theseresults, it might be assumed that ACh was not simply incorporated in particles but was bound to them, and that it was released from them by dilution and the presence ofpotassium ion.