1. Problem
The present paper is a report of factorials study of social attitudes. It's purpose has been to throw some light on the organization, i. e, interrelations of social attitudes. The purpose of the experiment has been to ascertain the existence and nature of the two primary social attitudes i. e, , conservatism and radicalism And the hypothesis has been that one's attitudes in the realm of politics, religion, and social questions might be organized and stratified upon these primary attitudes (factors).
2. Previous Research
The main researches, as far as the author has been able to ascertain, have been those of Thurstone, Carlson, Ferguson, Johnson, Eyesenck, and Sanai. Mrs. Thurstone called the first factor conservatism-radicalism and the second nationalism-antinationalism. Using Thurstone's technique of analysis, Carlson extracts three factors. Ferguson calls his first factor “Humanism”. Johnson found bipolar factor of radicalism -conservatism the most important. Eyesenck presented very convincingly the important problem of methodology ; he insisted that unrotated factors were not less but more meaningful than those obtained after rotation of the reference axes. And he obtained there unrotated factors, the first of which he called radicalism-conservatism. His second factor was called rational-scientific vs. sentimental-emotion, and his third factor was called “freedom from interference vs. fondness of coercion.” Sanai analyzed the results by Burt's general factor method by simple summation. The general factor was called a factor of progressivism vs. conservatism. The second factor was bipolar and named a factor of socialism-atheism vs. “Social”progressivism. The third factor was bipolar also and called a factor of socialism vs. atheism.
3. Procedure
The selected attitudes were attitudes to word (1) Americans, (2) Russians, (3) Chinese, (4) Koreans, (5) War, (6) Criminal punishment, (7) Capital punishment, (8) Friendly relations between man and-woman, (9) Prohibition, (10) Sports, (11) Movie, (12) Marxim, (13) Christianity. 305 subjects (157 males and 148 females) were selected randomly from 781 students in fourteen universities and high school. The results were factor-analysed by Thurstone's centroid method.
Our viewpoint does not agree with Thurtone and Guilford that centroid the methods before rotation are always devoid of meaning. Factoring the correlation matrix, we extracted two important factors. We called the first factor conservatism-progressivism, and the second nationalism-antinationalism. The variables heavily loaded with progressivism were favorable attitude toward Russians, Chinese, KOreans, Friendly relations between mas and woman, Marxism, Movie. In the opposite direction were found attitudes favorale toward War, Sports, Christianity. The variables heavily loaded with anitinationalism were favorable attitudes toward Russians, Chinese, Koreans, Sports, Marxism, Christianity. In the opposite direction were found attitudes favorable toward Americans, War, Capital punishment, Criminal punishment, Movie, Friendly relations between man and woman.