Usually, people would not choose contradictory alternative in a set of personality test. For example, if one is active, then he can't be passive. However, those apparent contradiction may co-exist in him, which may be called “two-sidedness” in personality traits (or structure). In order to reveal the “two-sidedness”, a personality test (two-sided personality scale, TSPS) based on 30 pairs of antonym scales, was constructed. Subjects, 243 students, were asked to rate both sides of antonym independently. For example, one may check both fairly active and fairly passive at the same time. The difference between two ratings on a paired antonym was summed through 30 scales, and the resulting figure was regarded as a measure of his “two-sidedness”. The analysis of two-sidedness score showed reasonable discriminability among the subjects, and the two-sided subjects seemed to be more stable emotionally.