This paper focuses on emblematic gesture and manipulation of body movements. Subjects viewed from the dorsal perspective the body movements displayed by two actors/actresses. These movements depicted the ten emotions of affection, joy, surprise, fear, sadness, disgust, anticipation, anger, contempt and acceptance. Three-mode factor analyses were applied to the data. Three factors were found in the emotion-mode, three in the scene-mode, and two factors in the subjects-mode. The emotion-mode and scene-mode factors were found to correspond to a high degree. Factor I was interpreted as an acceptance dimension, including affection, joy, anticipation and acceptance. The typical emblematic gestures were displayed with a standing posture and advanced movement, Factor II was interpreted as an avoidance dimension, including surprise, fear and sadness. The typical emblematic gestures were divided into two movements; regressive and “shrinking down”. In addition, self-attached manipulations were typical expressions of sadness. Factor III was interpreted as a rejection dimension, including disgust, anger and contempt. Considerable body manipulation was used to express these emotional categories. Core-matrix and subjects' factor scores were correlated with a response tendency in terms of subjects' evaluations rather than their accuracy of judgment.