The present study was designed to measure quantitatively the change of size of colored after-image with the passing of time and also, to confirm the relationship between the change of size and the positive-negative phase alternation of after-image.
The results obtained were as follows:
1) When, in a dark room a red rectangle patch placed vertically (A-form patch) was thrown on a dark screen for thirty seconds and then it was removed, the same color after-image-positive after-image- of enlarged size appeared in about two seconds, and afterwards it got by degrees smaller to agree strictly with the stimulus size in about six seconds. The shrinking of the after-image continued to reach a maximum point in about thirteen seconds, then after returning to neutral state- the same size as the stimulus-, the after-image shifted to expansion (enlargement) phase. Afterwards it kept on enlarging for a while, until the image disappeared. Thus the oscillation of waxing and waning in size of after-image was quantitatively confirmed. (Exp. 1).
2) In the inspection of red B-form patches (two rectangles fixated vertically) under the same condition as in Exp. 1 the result showed a similar one as in Exp. 1, with the exception that the amount of shrinking was less. (Exp. 2).
The effect of the distance between the two stimulus-rectangles. When red B-form stimuli with the distance between the two rectangles of 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12mm were Presenteb darkroom, it was found that the curves of oscillation for each distance displayed a similar feature. In regard to the effect of the distance between the two rectangles, the following was confirmed: the larger the distance was, the larger were the amplitude and the period of oscillation in the curve of after-image (Exp. 3).
The effect of the stimulus color. When the stimulus-colors of four kinds, red, yellow, green, and blue, were used, almost the same results were obtained excepting that the period of first appearance of after-images for the green and the red stimuli were a little earlier than the rest, and at that time the amount of expansion of after-image for the green and the yellow stimuli was slightly greater than the others. (Exp. 4).
5) Concerning the relationship between the size oscillation of after-image and its positive-negative alternation, it was indicated that the positive phase of each after-image corresponds to the period of the enlargement and the negative phase to the shrinking one. This leads us to conclude the existence of close relationship between the size dimension of after-image and its sensory property. (Exp. 4).
6) The adequate theory of the optical illusion as well as the figural after-effect requires that the above mentioned facts are explained together with them.