The purpose of the present study was to examine the relationship between time perspective and self-images of the present and future. A questionnaire was administered to 240 university students; it consisted of Self-Differential Scale (Nagashima, Fujiwara, Harano, Saito, & Hori, 1967) for three images of present, ideal, and predicted self; Identity Confusion Questionnaire (Sunada, 1979); and items about attitude toward personal past, present, and future. The main findings were as follows: (1) The discrepancy between images of present and ideal self was correlated significantly with attitude toward personal present. (2) The discrepancy between images of predicted and ideal self was correlated significantly with attitude toward personal future. (3) In the high identity-confusion high group, the discrepancy between images of present and ideal self was correlated significantly with attitude toward personal present. But in the low group, the correlation was not significant.