2 experiments were performed using Norman's procedure to examine his hypothesis on the 5 major dimensions of personality perception (Norman, 1963; Passini & Norman, 1966). (a) A factor analysis was run on peer nomination rating data for male and female college students using Norman's original scales. 5 factors were extracted generally similar to those of Norman (1963): Extroversion (sociability), agreeableness, conscientiousness (responsibility), emotional stability (toughness), and culture (cultural sophistication). (b) From the data of peer nomination ratings using behavior descriptions derived from scales of Nagashima et al. (1967) only 3 factors, toughness (volition), likableness, and extroversion were found. Thus, there was a discrepancy among 2 results in the number and structure of the factors. Further discussion was made with reference to the dimensions of meaning of Osgood et al. (1957).