In this study, the attempt was made to set up the 19 theoretical hypothesis which construct the mechanisms of one's feelings toward others and of the perception of others' feelings toward the self, and to inspect experimentally a part of these hypothesis.
There are two basic intentions in this study. The first: for the use of the concept of feeling, the investigators have emphasised upon the kinds and the strength of its experiences, and have scarcely considered about why certain stimuli brings pleasure or displeasure into person. And the writter's purpose was to explore the mechanism of occurrences of the pleasure or displeasure feeling toward persons and things, and of the perception of the feeling which was directed by others. The second: at the experimental situation of small group, the stimulus value of feeling which the speaker oriented toward others will be inferred from the communicator's overt behavior and the pro-and-con of the communicattee. However, the emotional stimuli depends upon the conditions of listener, and therefore, in the above method one can not sufficiently understand and control it. And this brings about a difficulty to observe what one perceives other's feeling to change through discussion. While the writer tried to grope for the possibility that control and operate the stimulus value of feeling, and set up the hypothesis according this purpose.
Leading contents of hypothesis were following. (The constitutional or phsiological factors in the personality were laid out of the cosideration in these hypothesis.)
A) One has each ideal state of feeling which one is fond of experiencing, that is so-called preference.
B) Through the past experiences, one perceives the feeling value of objects, and the feeling value of many objects make up the feeling tone of ones own psychological circumstance. This is thought as the feeling tone of personality.
C) One has the positive or negative feeling of self-image, and this feeling tone controls one's ideal of feeling which one persues.
D) If one's feeling tone of self-image were positive one would have the same feeling tone of preference as that of one's personality, and if the feeling tone of selfimage were negative, one would have the ideal of feeling which opposed to the feeling tone of one's personality.
E) When the feeling value of the object agrees with the ideal of feeling, one has positive feeling toward it's object. And when these are not in accordance with each other, one has negative feeling toward it's object.
F) When other persons manifest nothing without their preference to the object, one perceives their feeling tone of personality with this cue. He perceives that others have the same interrelation of the ideal of feeling and the feeling value of the object as he himself has.
G) After one succeeds to perceive the feeling tone of other's personality, he has positive or negative feeling toward the other on the basis of the mechanism which was described above.
H) When one succeeds to perceive the feeling tone of preference of others and he tells them his preferences, he can guess the feeling which is directed toward him by others.
I) One identifies the other who is perceived having the same ideal of feeling as his, and for example, there are three pesons A, B, C in the same face-to-face situation, A guesses that B's positive or negative feeling toward C who was directed of the positive or negative feeling by A is the same as A's.
A part of basic theme that is described above is confirmed experimentally. The result proved to be reliable sattistically and supported these hypothesis.