This study aimed to develop the Japanese version of the Achievement Emotions Questionnaire in a test situation and to examine its reliability and validity. In a test situation, undergraduate students (
N = 369) completed a questionnaire including the Achievement Emotions Scale (AES) that contains 8 sub-scales: enjoyment, hope, pride, relief, angry, anxiety, shame, and hopelessness. The validity of AES was evaluated using academic control, self-efficacy, task-value, the Japanese version of Positive and Negative Affect Schedule scale, motivational style, learning strategies, and test scores (
n = 191). The component structures of AES were tested among three models for each of the 8 sub-scales through Structural Equation Modeling. Results suggest that for most scales, hierarchical models were superior for fit indexes, and reliability was confirmed. Further, positive achievement emotions were positively related to academic control, self-efficacy, positive affect, intrinsic regulation, metacognitive strategies, and deep-processing strategies, while negative achievement emotions were positively related to negative affect, introjected regulation, and external regulation. These results were confirmed to be consistent with previous studies, and indicated new research directions.