The number of people changing jobs either once or multiple times has been increasing recently. Based on previous reality shock (RS) research, this study hypothesized that RS during a job-change would reduce work engagement (WE) and increase turnover intentions. This study also focused on self-concept clarity (SCC) which has been suggested to have a reducing and moderating effect on negative responses to stressful events. Four hundred and twelve job changers were asked to answer a web-based survey measuring the RS, WE, turnover intentions, and SCC from the three aspects of Extremity, Certainty, and Temporal Stability. The results showed that RS during a job-change reduced WE and increased turnover intentions. Analysis focusing on the effect of SCC indicated that WE was increased by high Extremity and Certainty, and turnover intentions were decreased by high Certainty as well as Temporal Stability. Moderated mediation analysis showed that although high Temporal Stability moderated the negative effect of RS, RS increased turnover intentions by reducing WE in those who have high Certainty.
The Iowa Gambling Task (IGT) is a widely used neuropsychological test to assess decision-making function in the frontal lobe. Previous studies have shown different results regarding the trajectory of Net Scores (the number of selected advantageous decks – the number of selected disadvantageous decks) across 5 Blocks for normal/healthy people. Some studies found that they increased from Block 1 to Block 5. Other studies, however, pointed out that they do not always increase from Block 1 to Block 5. This study examined the Net Scores of 89 Japanese college students using the growth mixture model and latent class growth analysis. The participants were classified into four groups: two groups where the Net Score increased (the early-increase group (17 %) and the late-increase group (4 %)) and two groups where the Net Score was relatively unchanged (the moderate-horizontal group (64 %) and the low-horizontal group (15 %)). These results were discussed in regard to the difference in the number of trials for each group before a stable, long-term advantageous choice could be made.
Based on the protection motivation theory and previous studies that discussed the effects of risk perception, perceived response effectiveness, and self-efficacy on behavioral intentions and changes in behavior, this study conducted an experiment to examine the effects of the Metropolitan Police Department's crime deterrence task force’s official Twitter account on crime prevention behavior. Information on the threat of communications fraud, the effectiveness of preventive behavior, and self-efficacy was presented via Twitter, and changes in behavioral intention, behavior, fear, effectiveness, and self-efficacy were checked over time. Participants in their 20s to 50s were assigned to a Metropolitan Police Department group presented with tweets about scams or to a control group presented with other tweets. The results of the analysis of the 60 participants in the police department group and the 49 participants in the control group showed that the presentation of information increased behavioral intention, but it did not necessarily lead to changes in behavior. Therefore, it was suggested that there may be other factors that increase behavioral intention and changes in behavior.
Despite the widespread use of Likert scales for psychological assessments, problems of response biases —such as response style and social desirability biases —have been associated with this format. Questionnaires employing the forced-choice format, of which paired comparison is one of the most popular methods, have been drawing researchers’ attention as an alternative that is resistant to response biases. In the current study, we compared the assessments of the paired comparison and Likert formats in terms of their reliability, validity, and ease in answering questions using two psychological questionnaires. The results revealed that the Likert format was superior in terms of reliability and ease in answering, while the paired-comparison format exhibited better factorial validity. The questionnaire that contained a few reverse items underperformed in the paired-comparison, which requires due attention during scale development.
Mixed emotions are defined as the co-occurrence of positive and negative emotions. In recent years, research has often focused on individual differences in the experience of mixed emotions. In this study, we conducted two studies to develop the Japanese version of the Trait Mixed Emotions Scale (TMES) which can assess the tendency to experience mixed emotions in daily life. Study 1 revealed that the Japanese version of TMES has certain level of internal consistency and that the pattern of correlational relationships of the Japanese version of TMES with explicit variables are consistent with previous studies and theoretical assumptions. Furthermore, Study 1 suggested that the TMES can be interpreted with three subscales. Study 2 revealed that the Japanese version of TMES has acceptable test-retest reliability and that the factor structure of TMES in Study 1 was replicated. Finally, some issues and prospects for future research on mixed emotions were discussed.
This study aimed to develop a psychoeducational practice to maintain and promote support exchanges with family and friends for college students. We developed four sessions, based on previous studies, and they were conducted once weekly as part of a psychology class at a women’s university in Tokyo. Through the psychoeducational practice, psycho-behavioral indicators regarding social support exchanges—self-efficacy regarding support exchanges, perceived and provision of social support from family and friends, and social skills—were measured thrice (pre- and post-psychoeducation, and at the 1-month follow-up). The intervention group (n = 33) received psychoeducational sessions and the contrast group (n = 35) included students who did not take this class. To describe the measurement changes over three points in each group, a latent curve model was tested. The results showed that some indicators in the intervention group were more likely to improve after attending the sessions when compared to the contrast group. Concerning perceived social support from friends, a temporary improvement was only observed post-psychoeducation. As such, further examinations with additional data are suggested.
The purpose of this study is to understand the unique contributions of trait empathy and cognitive distortion to relational aggression in 393 20- to 49- year old adults (183 females and 208 males, M = 35.22 years, SD = 8.35 years). This study examined how empathic concern and perspective taking affect relational aggression through three types of cognitive distortions: self-centered bias, blaming others, and perceived persecution. As predicted by the theoretical model, relational aggression was positively associated with two types of self-serving cognitive distortions (self-centered bias and perceived persecution). Self-centered bias mediated the link between empathic concern and relational aggression. The findings suggest the interplay of personality and cognition in relational aggression.
The present study investigates the relationship between acceptance and rejection experiences and affiliation motives of junior high school students using a longitudinal survey over a one-year period. A total of 399 junior high school students (193 boys and 206 girls) participated in this study. A cross-lagged model was used in a simultaneous multi-population analysis taking gender into account. Results showed that both genders had a positive path from Time 1 “Approval as a Classmate” and a negative path from “Infringed and Maladjustment” compared to the Time 2 affinity tendency. Furthermore, the results for Time 2 “Sensitivity to Rejection” suggested differences in the results by gender. It was suggested that the experience of acceptance by others are associated with the affinity motive in both genders, although there were differences by gender. These results suggested some points to keep in mind when implementing educational practices for the purpose of forming good friendships in junior high school.
This study examined whether perceived partner responsiveness in romantic relationships would moderate the association between communal orientation and subjective well-being. An online survey was conducted among 516 Japanese adults involved in romantic relationships. Participants first completed the Communal Orientation Scale and answered questions about their perceived partner responsiveness. Participants were then asked to recollect their experiences when they provided benefits to their partner in the past month and to indicate their feelings about these experiences. Finally, participants completed scales measuring subjective well-being (Life Satisfaction Scale and the PANAS). The results revealed a positive association between communal orientation and subjective well-being, observed only among those who perceived high partner responsiveness. Contrary to the hypotheses, moderated mediation effects of participants’ felt authenticity and regret in providing benefits to their romantic partner were not found. These results suggest that communal orientation is more likely to be associated with one’s well-being when individuals feel secure about their partner’s responsiveness.
When we recognize self, it is necessary to integrate sensory information from the environment with information from inside the body. However, it is unclear whether all individuals have the same susceptibility to exteroception and interoception. The present study investigated relationships between sensory-processing sensitivity and interoceptive awareness through self-reporting measures. Two hundred and one healthy people (21–60 years old) completed the highly sensitive person (HSP) scale and the multidimensional assessment of interoceptive awareness (MAIA). Consistent with previous findings, a bifactor model provided a better fit to the HSP scale data. Latent profile analysis showed the existence of high and low HSP groups. Factor analysis revealed that two factors, “Environmental Sensitivity” and “Bodily Sensitivity,” were extracted from the HSP scale and MAIA. This suggests that sensitivity to exteroception is functionally separable from that of interoception within each individual.