The purpose of the present study was to examine the characteristic relationship between recognition and reconstruction in the visualmotor function of cerebral palsied children. Three experiments were conducted, in which their performance in a block design test was observed. The block design test consisted of seven designs which where devised according to the stability of the frame (square, diamond, and cross) and the symmetricity of the figure.
Exp. I Subjects were a group of cerebral palsied children and a control group of normal children. Performance of
Ss in the tasks which required recongnition of block designs and these which required the ability to reconstruct block designs was compared between two groups.
Exp. II Performance in the block design test of cerebral palsied children and of normal children was examined to find how the back-ground condition affected their construction.
Exp. III Individual performance and its relation to the conditions of the tests which were administered after
Ss completed the block design tests, were evaluated.
The results obtained in the experiments were as follows:
(1) There was no difference in the ability to compare and recognize similar block designs between the cerebral palsied children and the normal children, but the ability to reconstruct block designs by the cerebral palsied children was significantly inferior to that of the normal children. (
(2) There was no inter-relationship between the function of recognition and the degree of motor handicap. The ability to reconstruct block design patterns was influenced by the degree of the severity of their handicap.
(3) The designs of the square in which the designs (colored parts and white parts) were symmetrical were difficult for cerebral palsied children to reconstruct. But, the design of the cross was comparatively easy for cerebral palsied children to reconstruct.
(4) The designs which were unstable and asymmetrical were not easy for cerebral palsied children to recognize.
(5) The cerebral palsied children, in their reconstruction of global patterns, responded only to the colored parts of the designs. In the translative pattern they tried to transfer the model to the conductive one.
(6) Cerebral palsied children were disturbed by the background condition and could not make constructive use of it when they reconstructed the designs.
(7) The background condition which consisted of color and lines or of only color made the reconstruction easy for cerebral palsied children.
(8) The tests which were divided vertically into two parts, the tests which had 2/4 clue of the design, and the tests which had 1/4 clue having many blockings were difficult to reconstruct for cerebral palsied children.
To summerize, in discussing the visualmotor function of cerebral palsied children, a distinction should be drawn between their performance on the tests which reveal their difficuly of recognition, and their performance on the tests which reveal their difficulty of reconstruction.