In order to observe oculomotor responses to moving objects in infants and the profoundly retarded, a control system of moving objects was developed. The system consists of two parts, the one is to control movement, while the other is to display stimuli. The movement control part is made of a microcomputer, a pulse motor, and a rail, which guides a stimulus carrier with slight friction. The pulse motor rotates 1.8°, according to the input of one pulse. Therefore, the microcomputer can control the velocity of movement of a heavy object exactly. The microcomputer detects the position of a stimulus carrier, counting the number of pulses and receiving signals from switches attached to the rail. The stimuli displaying part controls lighting with respect to the position of a stimulus carrier. Applying this system to a profoundly retarded subject, whose DA was three months, smooth pursuit oculomotor responses at the same velocity as the stimulus were observed in EOG recordings. Measurement of duration of those responses was achieved.