As one of the problems connected with the questionnaire-method in a broad sense, the present writter takes up the item-analysis on an introversion-extroversion test.
The introversion-extroversion test arrange many question-items, and count the reponses to each of itms in many cases yes-or-no responses so as to judge the subject to be introversive or extroversive, and if possible, in what degree he is introversive or extroversive. No attempt has get been made to analyse each item and see show how effective each item is to measure introversion or extroversion. The selection of the items is made through the experiences, knowledge and insights of the experts, and these items may be sufficiently significant.
But their function comes into play, only when they are printed on paper and shown to the subject, and we cannot be sure whether the purpose intended by the experts can actually be realized. The present writer tries to analyse each item to see what extent it has, in itself, the discriminative power for the judgement of introversion or extroversion.
As the procedure of this analysis, it is proposed to pick up among those to whom some introversion-extroversion test, has been administered two groups: Group I considered as “very introversive” and Grop E as “very extroversive” and, then proceed to see how each then of the two groups has reacted upon of the items.
According to the intention of test-maker each item is expected to have its special function, but it hsa not yet been proved. If the introversive response shown by Groups I to a certain item is named I
i, the extroversive response by the same group I
e, the introversive response by Group E to the same item E
i, and the extroversive response by the same group E
e, it must be ascertained whether
i” and “E
have significant differences, and agree with the test-maker's intention.
The writer has undertaken this analysis of the introversion-extroversion test by the Educational-psychological Laboratory of Tohoku University and the introversion-extroversion test of Dr. Awazi. Such items as have significant differences between Group I and Group E, and agree with the test maker's intension are, it has been found, only 13 out of 40 items in the former case and 4 out of 50 in the latter.
This study shows that there is some limitation to be considered when questionnaires for the introversion-extroversion test are made, and also that test-items, in general, often lack such a function as is intended by the test-maker. To make the items effective for the purpose they are intended for special devices, like special devices in verbal expressions, must be made in making the test items.