In our former report, we showed that the ways in which one judged the number of objects instantaneously varied with his age. Only a normal adult can select and use one of those ways spontaneously according to situations.
Our studies here reported were designed to compare time values required for the instantaneous judging of the number of objects, when each one of various ways was forced on adults by instructions.
Stimulus objects: Sixty-two kinds of cards were used. Each white card contained vertical black lines (of 1cm in length and of 0.5mm in width) which varied in numbers (one to ten) and in amounts of interval (two or three kinds). They were arranged either equidistantly (Exp. I) or articulated into some subgroups, each of which contained three or less lines (Exp. II).
Subjects and Procedures: Four or five adults were given three or four kinds of instructions, that is, i) to count lines one by one, ii) by twos, iii) by threes and iv) in one's best way, whose usual features appeared in dividing lines into some subgroups spontaneously and utilizing some arithmetical operations on them.
In addition, the subjects were instructed to judge as correctly and speedily as possible. We measured each time value required for the instantaneous judging of the number of lines contained on each card.
Results and Conclusions: The time value varied according to instructions. The maximum was for judging under instruction i), the next under ii) or iii) and the minimum under iv). That order in which the time values diminish is supposed to correspond to the genetic order which was revealed in the ways used by children on the same work. But such differences of time values seem to depend upon the number of lines or that of subgroups. That is, the difference between the time value in the first way in the genetic order and that in the last way was not significant, when, the number of lines was one to three. Similarily the difference between the time value in the second way and that in the last way was not significant, when the number of subgroups was one to three.
The amount of interval between lines had no effect on counting lines one by one, but some on counting work in such a way as to divide them into subgroups spontaneously.
From these results we could conclude that, regardless of the differences in the forced instructions, the common operations for the judging of the number of objects were adopted by adult subjects, who the number of objects or that of subgroups was within “three” that is, the so-called first range of attention (cf. Fujii, 1966).
But the different operations functioned according to the inspective forced instructions, when the number of objects or that of subgroups was over such a range.