The theoretical hypotheses have been made to set up as one of the attempt on investigation to the mechanisms of one's feelings toward others and of the perception of other's feelings toward the self, and the experimental inspection of a part of hipotheses cras described in previous report.
But, in the previons report, treated subjects were the persons who had the positive feelfng of self-image, and the persons who had the negative feeling of self-image were omitted as subjects.
Whereas in the preent report, the attempt was made to treat both of persons who had positive or negative feeling of self-image, and to set up the 4 working hypotheses which construct the interrelation of “feeling tone of preference” “feeling tone of psychological circumstances” “feeling tone of personality” ane “positive or negative feeling of self-image”, and to inspect experimentally the working hypotheses with two sort of persons who were described above.
The working hypothoses were as follows.
a) If one's feeling tone of self-image is positive, one will have the same feeling tone of prefence as that of one's personality, and if one's feeling of self-image is negative, one will have the feeling tone of prefence which opposed to the feeling tone of one's personality.
b) when one perceives other's feeling tone of personality with the cue in the form of manifestation of objects which the other person prefer to, whatever one has postive or negative feeling of self-image, one guesses the other's feeling of self-image as positiveand perceives the same feeling tone of other's personality as that of other's preference.
c) when one considers that other's manifestation of the feeling tone on the mojority of objects presented is one-sided, one guesses the feeling tone of other's own psychological circumstances and perceives the feeling tone of other's personality.
And, when one perceives that ohrer's manifested feeling tone of preference and that of psychological circumsances are opposed to each other, one who has the negative feeling of self-image merely can guess other's feeling of seif-image as negative ane can perceive the feeling tone of other's personality. But one who has the positive feeling of self-image cannot guess other's feeling of self-image as negative and cannot perceive the feeling tone of other's personality under the occasion described above.
d) The feeling of self-image influences the relations between one's feeling tone of preference and that of personality and between the guess of relations of other's feelting tone of preference and the perception of the feeling tone of other's personality. But it does not influence the mechanism of occurence of positive or negative feeling to other person which was described in the preceding report.
These working hypotheses were confirmed experimentally. The results proved to be reliable statistically and supported these working hypotheses.