Projective tests are considered to uncover unconscious emotions while avoiding psychological resistance. However, the results of projective tests may be affected by conscious emotions. This study investigates whether self disclosure, which is a conscious factor, affected the results of a sentence completion test (SCT), which is a projective test. Eighty-five university students completed a questionnaire about their degree of self disclosure, and a SCT. The results showed that low disclosers gave more negative responses on the SCT (such as denial responses, physiologically related responses, short responses, and short emotional responses) than high disclosers. High disclosers expressed more emotions, thoughts and feelings (i. e., opinions, positive emotions, wishes, directive disclosure responses, and positive self-images) than low disclosers. Although projective tests are assumed to minimize psychological resistance, the low disclosers gave more defensive responses on the SCT, and the high disclosers exhibited more emotional responses. In summary, self-disclosure, which is a conscious factor, affected SCT responses.