While we were testing many persons by C.S.T., we found the following fact : Each subject has his particular response colors which concentrate upon specific colors. We called such colors “Predominant Response Colors” (P.R.C.).
We tested chiefly abnormal groups (the neurotic, the schizophrenic, the delinquent boys) and contrasted the frequency of appearance for each P.R.C. in abnormal groups with that in normal groups (pupils of junior and senior high schools and college students.)
By this procedure, we tried to find out the P.R.C. peculiar to abnormal presonality. The results were as follows :
(1) Fig. 1. is the graphic presentation of the frequency of the P.R.C. in both normal and abnormal groups. It shows that P.R.C. 9. (red), 1. (white) and 3. (black) were predominant among the abnormal group, while P.R.C. 2, 11, 14, 12, (the group of pink, orange, yellow, light yellow green) 16, 10, 5 (the group of green, light blue green, blue) and 13, 8, 7 (the group of blue violet, purple, red violet) were predominant among the normal group.
These differences were statistically significant, with the exception of P.R.C. 2, 11, 14, 12. (Table 6)
(2) After the analysis of the appearance of the P.R.C. in each abnormal group (show in Fig. 2), it was found that P.R.C. 9 of each abnormal group was more predominant than that of any normal group.
Consequently, P.R.C. 9 is considered to be the fundamental key to determine whether a given personality is normal or abnormal.
It was found, moreover, that P.R.C. shown in Fig. 3. were peculiar to each abnormal group. Fig. 3 show that those who have P.R.C. 13, 8, 7, 15, in addition to P.R.C. 9, are the schizophrenic personality.
(3) By measuring the relationship between subjects' P.R.C.'s and their color preference, it was found that the P.R.C. was not determined by the subjects' color preference.
(4) P.R.C. 9, and 1, were predominant among the persons evaluated as abnormal by C.S.T. abnormality mark, while P.R.C. 2, 11, 14, 12, and 16, 10, 5, were predominant among the persons evaluated as normal by the same norm.
Therefore, the evaluation by. C.S.T. abnormality mark nearly agrees with the evaluation by the P.R.C.
(5) We contrasted the frequency of the P.R.C. in the male group with that in the female group, but no sex difference was found.
The degree of Masculinity and Feminity therefore cannot be diagnosed by this method.
From the above mentioned results, we may conclude that the P.R.C. can be utilised as the simplified diagnostic method of personality.