This paper presents a university system of education and research that is specifically focussed on ergonomics. It is in contrast to many university departments throughout the world that include ergonomics as an ‘add on’ or complement to established programmes in medicine, physiology, anthropology, psychology, engineering or design. The Department of Ergonomics and Cybernetics, now the Department of Human Sciences at Loughborough University, in the United Kingdom, was established in 1960 and provides an example ofa university department that pursues Ergonomics as its
raison d'etre. The undergraduate, masters and PhD programmes in ergonomics are described. They produce over fifty qualified ergonomists per year, nurtured in a fertile academic environment that teaches and researches in the component disciplines of ergonomics (including human biology and psychology) as well as in ergonomics itself. The establishment, organisation and the development of the department are presented with the present position and a discussion of future direction.