ITE Technical Report
Online ISSN : 2424-1970
Print ISSN : 1342-6893
ISSN-L : 1342-6893
Displaying 1-14 of 14 articles from this issue
  • Article type: Cover
    Pages Cover1-
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
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  • Article type: Index
    Pages Toc1-
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
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  • Kiyoshi Maiya, Yukari Kinoshita
    Article type: Article
    Pages 1-8
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    Nowadays, distant inter-personal communication media are various from "old meia"(letter, telephone) to "new media" (e-mail, movile phone). When do youths use each media? If they prefer some media, does the preference influence upon their media selection? In order to examine these, questionnaire was conducted for 79 Jounior college girl students. As a result or media use, they were grouped into three types ; synchronous media (telephone, face-to-face) type, character media type, and movile media type. There were significant differences among the types in evaluation of appropriateness for some media in several situations of inter-personal communication. It was suggested that both the old media and the new media live together now and then.
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  • Masami CHOUI, Hiroshi TAMURA, Yu SHIBUYA
    Article type: Article
    Pages 9-16
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    In spite of many studies, most of the CSCW studies are dealing the task oriented communication, in which people are apt to communicate what are necessary. They are necessary for the daily exchange of routine data, but are not imaginative nor creative. In the more natural human communication, people are exchanging messages to find out the problems, or to catch the situations, or to catch the timing to communicate. These communication are necessary for the situation awareness of the network participants. In this paper some experiments on network communication and the participants behaviors are explained. The metaphor of "Forest of Ideas" is developed to explain the behaviors, and to lead the creative communication among network participants. It is found that the free talking is important to facilitate network conferencing.
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  • Takashi Miyatake, Katsunori Shimohara
    Article type: Article
    Pages 17-21
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    It is very important that multimedia truely take root in society because of its great potential to create affluence and improve the quality of peoples' lives. For this to happen, we believe we need approach of not only the rational side of human behavior but also of the emotional side, from which springs our desire for, for instance, self-expression. Concretely speaking, we want to make a system (called the "Autonomous Graphics Generation System") for generating CG using an individual's biotic information for self-expression by the interaction between a man and a computer. In this paper, we propose the concept of this system and introduce a prototype system for generating CG using brain waves.
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    Article type: Article
    Pages 23-29
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    This paper describes a method of extracting sound components in films and evaluating their impressions. There are many researches that recognize the contents of video by image processing, but not much about the research on multimedia data processing using sound data progressively. This paper describes a methods of extracting music and sound effects that were added on films while they were produced and evaluating their impressions. We tested the method with the sound data sampled from films and others. Whether the method works well or not for extracting sound effects depended on conditions, but well for extracting music.
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  • Tomokazu NUMADA, Atsuo YOSHITAKA, Masahito HIRAKAWA, Tadao ICHIKAWA
    Article type: Article
    Pages 31-38
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    This paper describes handwriting input with a tablet in immersive virtual environments. There already exist systems for text input with some kinds of keyboard and/or voice input. Users, however, need not only to input text but also to draw figures or symbols. In this case, handwriting input with a tablet allows them to input what they want to record in the manner they desire. This paper also describes the experiments to find out when and how users feel awkwardness, and condition to do handwriting input without awkwardness. This system is designed so as to be integrated with other existing immersive virtual environments applications without lots of modification works.
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  • Takuya NISHIMOTO, Yasuhisa NIIMI
    Article type: Article
    Pages 39-46
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    The advantage of asynchronous voice messaging system, or voice mail systems, is that a user need not restrict the other user's time to send the message, and the message contains paralinguistic features such as intonation and emotion, which text data can not contain. To communicate efficiently with voice, however, we must take into an account the ill-formness and incrementality of the spontaneous speech. On the other hand, speech data is not visible in comparison with text or image data. In this paper we propose an asynchronous voice messaging system, which records the listener's responses which overlap the original voice to make the conversation smoothly. It also visualizes the voice message using speech recognition. We investigated on the protocols and the user interfaces for detail.
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  • Yoko ASANO, Tetsuo OKAZAKI, Yoshinobu TONOMURA
    Article type: Article
    Pages 47-52
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    Customer oriented telecommunications management has been in demand as more advanced and integrated telecommunication services have been developed. A network map, which represents network structure and the individual attributes by nodes and links, is important for network operations and management in integrated large-scale networks because it enables various data and operations to be integrated. This paper describes the hierarchical network representation methods for telecommunications management. A new representation method is proposed based on the problems of conventional methods. Then, an experiment is conducted with the several representation methods to clarify effects of the representation characteristics on the telecommunications management tasks.
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  • Tatsuaki Kanbe, Hitoshi Aida, Tadao Saito
    Article type: Article
    Pages 53-59
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    This paper studies a scheduling algorithm for packet network tnat supports both guaranteed QoS and link-sharing service which are essential to the intergrated service. We extend the Service Curve proposed by Cruz and propose a Latency Peak Average(LPA) shaped service curve. By simulation, we show that compared to the Sariowan's SCED algorithm, LPA-based algorithm will achieve the following goals : small delay bounds, flexible and efficient allocation of bandwidth, work-conservation operation.
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  • Shinya Miyazaki, Shunsuke Yoshida, Takami Yasuda, Shigeki Yokoi
    Article type: Article
    Pages 61-66
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    In the mass-and-spring model, stress works to keep distances between mass points linked by springs. It is not suitable for maintaining the shape of the whole of the object because it is the same as for the shape of each polyhedron constructing the object. It causes even unstable states in elastic oscillation when the degree of deformation is especially comparatively large. Therefore, this paper proposes an elastic object model which is based on the ordinal mass-and-spring model and which defines stress not in a spring but in a polyhedron. It generates suitable stress even if the object deforms extremely. Stable states of shapes are obtained in the polyhedron unit to decide stress concretely.
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  • Keisuke Kishi, Futoshi Saegusa, Shigeo Morisima
    Article type: Article
    Pages 67-74
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    A trial generate the object in the natural world by computer graphics is actively done. Normally, to generate hair style is very diffficult because human's hairs are so many and so complicated. There are methods which are regarding hair as one object. But they can't generate movement. Then we draw up hair by space curve, not by texture mapping. In this paper, we propose a hair style designing system by modeling tuft partially gathering of hair, show a method of modeling tuft and a rendering method and illustrate images by using this system.
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  • Tatsuo Yotsukura, Eishi Fujii, Tomonori Kobayashi, Shigeo Morishima
    Article type: Article
    Pages 75-82
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
    Recently computer can make cyberspace to walk through by an interactive virtual reality technique. An avatar in cyberspace can bring us a virtual face-to-face communication environment. In this paper, we realize an avatar whichhas a real face in cyberspace and construct a multi-user communication system by voice transmission through network. Voice from microphone is analyzed and transmitted, then mouth shape and facial expression of avatar are synchronously estimated and synthesized on real time.
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  • Article type: Appendix
    Pages App1-
    Published: February 20, 1998
    Released on J-STAGE: June 23, 2017
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